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No, I'm saying that things without consciousness don't have consciousness.
My chair doesn't have consciousness.
A dead body doesn't have consciousness - that's the difference between it and a living body.
That there is something called prakṛti which is insentient matter is simple and obvious to understand. When your entire philosophy is predicated on an untenable assumption (viz, that something that is obviously non-conscious is in fact, conscious), you really need to re-examine your underlying assumptions more carefully.
This is what a Sri Vaishnava was commenting in a Hindu group and attacking Advaitha sir @GIRIBLR
Originally post started like this
Why do some people think that Brahman has no form and no attributes
As someone who has a science degree and studies Vedānta, I find this claim very peculiar.
For something to be "true," it must be based on principles of science, which means using the scientific method to make a hypothesis and then testing that hypothesis by gathering data.
In Vedānta terms, the scientific method is nothing more than the formal application of pratyakṣa and anumān - sense perception and logical deduction.

Formless Brahman runs into a major problem - you cannot know Brahman through pratyakṣa and anumān. Brahm
Sir another post was
The impersonalists say that Brahman is not the Supreme Person nor a Supreme Being, but rather is a thing that has no attributes and no form and no personality.
Question: What is the difference between this concept of Brahman and ATHEISM?
1 hour later…
A dead body doesn't have consciousness. Yes, it does not have individual consciousness but how does this deny universal consciousness. You have a broken radio that does not receive radio waves. That does not mean radio waves are not there.
You see a chair in the dream. Is the chair lifeless? Of course, it is. Where does the chair appear? In your consciousness.
Science student attacking vedanta and claiming vishnu. Does science teach vishnu? Laughable. Please do not bring those arguments. Vedanta is based on shabda pramana in addition to perception and anumana.
If you think Brahman represents atheism or even anatma, then you have a poor understanding of all philosophies. If you say the Supreme being is only Vishu or Shiva or Devi, and I will not get rebirth unless I worship your God, how is it better than Abhramic religions or how this is related to science?
By the statement Brahman is everything, you have to say a dead body, a living person and Ishvara (God) all are Brahman
How is it possible? Though Brahman is everything, it has to project through a medium (upadhi)
Take the case of TV airwaves. They are there. Now take three cases: a broken TV, a TV that can receive only Doordarshan, a good TV. These are respectively non-living being, a living being and God.
TV airwaves are everywhere but the broken TV does not have the chit to receive these airwaves. So there is only existence
I am repeating myself. Maybe you are not understanding or maybe I am a poor teacher. But it does not matter. Anyone who says he has studied science and therefore knows better than a jivanmukta like Adi Shankara is a fool.
@GIRIBLR Yes sir
@GIRIBLR Wonderful! He denies all Puranas except vaishanava ones!!
Read Mandukya upanishad. Everything object in your dream, whenever sentinent or insentient, is merely appearing in your consciousness. Thus, you can not say an insentient object appearing in your dream is devoid of consciousness. Similarly, any insentient object appearing in your waking state may be devoid of your individual consciousness but appears in the universal consciousness.
@GIRIBLR Yes sir
No sir you teach wonderfully!
Yes sir and few people use Padma Purana verse to insult Shankaracharya
@GIRIBLR Yes sir I read it many times. Will read Karika and listen Sarwapriyananda Swami as you suggested
How does it matter if a few people insult a jivanmukta? He does not care. But there is karma. If you insult a jivanmukta, then you will get part of the bad karma
True sir
I also believe in Advaitha but have lot of doubts. These people actually broke my faith
I have to study a lot and do lot of sadhana and hear from acharyas as you said
I hope I can do so :(
Further, we should have the highest respect for acharyas. Even if you dont agree with their philosophies, they have renounced material wealth and worship God. Something we are unable to do
Arguing among ourselves is like a fifth standard student asking whether the string theory or quantum loop gravity theory is correct. First, he should get a graduate degree in physics
True !
Thanks a lot for your patience for helping me always sir!
If we study advaita, understand it well and practice it daily, it is sufficient. It is not required to preach or convince others. It is not our job. If sincere people come and ask questions, you can help them based on your knowledge. Otherwise, just keep quiet. If they are convinced of their faith, then let them follow it. It will always lead them to moksha. Advaita says all paths lead to moksha eventually
Madhusudhana saraswati repeatedly says this. So does appayya dikshitar.
We never say, worship Shiva, otherwise you will go to hell. Worship Vishnu, otherwise you to go to hell. In fact, in Sringeri math, all functions are celebrated. We may have an ishta devata but we never ever condemn any devata.
Thanks a loot sir!!
Got all the points!
Otherwise, Adi shankara would not have written stotras on all Gods.
First stop confusing between individual consciousness and universal consciousness
Yes sir
But I reall cant understand whats and how can universal consciousness exist
Suppose you are dreaming. You have created a whole world in your individual consciousness. Similarly, think of this world having been created by the universal consciousness
Here people wrongly interpret the word nirguNa (attributeless) as sunya (zero) or void or blank. Brahman is not a negative state. brahman is beyond guNa-s (गुणातीत). Brahman is one without second, it is supreme, peaceful and Sat-Chit-Anand (सत्-चित्-आनन्द). Brahman is said to be inexpressible, meaning that words cannot describe it, 5 senses cannot experience it. So one has to go beyond the realm of senses, mind and mAyA to experience oneness with Brahman.
Atheism means non-belief in vedas according to hinduism or non-belief in God according to westerners.
Advaita followers believe in vedas and we also believe in Ishvara. We worship Shiva, Devi, Vishnu etc. That itself shows we are not atheists.
@GIRIBLR Yes sir
@GIRIBLR I am copying this
THanks a lot for your time and patience!

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