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Sir then how do I clear my problem please tell. Please @GIRIBLR
4 hours later…
I think you are confusing many things.
Take the simplest statement: Brahman is everything. There is nothing other than Brahman.
Brahman svarupa lakshana is existence, consciousness, limitless and bliss
Now, by the statement Brahman is everything, you have to say a dead body, a living person and Ishvara (God) all are Brahman
How is it possible? Though Brahman is everything, it has to project through a medium (upadhi)
Take the case of TV airwaves. They are there. Now take three cases: a broken TV, a TV that can receive only Doordarshan, a good TV. These are respectively non-living being, a living being and God.
TV airwaves are everywhere but the broken TV does not have the chit to receive these airwaves. So there is only existence
the TV with one channel can receive only that station. This is the jiva. So consciousness is reflected in this living being. This is chid bhasa (reflected consciousness). Thus BRahman manifests itself here as existence and consciousness.
Finally, Ishavara. Here due to pure manas, Brahman is available fully. As existence, consciousness and anantha (limitless). Thus Ishvara is limitless.
on the death of the body, only the reflection of the consciousness is gone. Thus a living being who was reflecting consciousness is dead and now it is just exists. It can no longer being conscious being the reflected consciousness is gone. The TV is broken. This TV can not now receive airwaves but still exists. So Brahman is here as existence but not has chid bhasa.
The famous example in advaita literature is water in a pot. The sun is reflected in the water in the pot. On death, water is transferred to a different pot. The original pot remains but there is no reflection of the sun. So now you see the empty pot and can not claim sun is not there. It just means that the reflection of the sun is not there because water has gone to a different pot.
@SethuSrivatsaKoduru I hope this is slightly better. @zero may be you can clarify better? @zero @MrGreenGold Maybe you can add to my answers?
@GIRIBLR Thanks a lot sir. Yes sir its better. Thanks a lot for the response. I got to read and know more. Will keep posting doubts in this forum related to this qn if you dont mind.
@SethuSrivatsaKoduru If possible, listen to the lectures from Swami Sarvapriyananda. The only problem is that the lectures on Mandukya upanishad is over 100 hours by him. But that is the kind of time one needs to devote.
1 hour later…
@GIRIBLR Okay sir sure! Its really difficult to allocate but I will try daily little little
4 hours later…
@SethuSrivatsaKoduru Of course, you can post any questions or ask here. I will try to explain my best.
2 hours later…
Thanks a lot sir @GIRIBLR
8 hours later…
@GIRIBLR I am not sure I understand what his doubts are.

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