@vzn It's not just your writing style that puts people off (although you do have many writing habits that I find outright annoying). The problem is that your input in the form of questions and answers exhibits the same carelessness as your writing. Many of your answers are either only tangentially related to the question, or the result of an easy Google search, or both, and in any case are not useful.
Your questions have a similar quality of being based on superficial associations rather than formal mathematical statements.
Even though sometimes there is some usefulness to what you write, the style, which makes your writing difficult to parse, the lack of any rigor, and the general handwaviness make your writing similar in quality to typical crank material, and this imo puts people off.
I think your meta question was good and I upvoted it, btw. And while I agree with Dilworth's answer, I do not think it's an answer to the question asked.
2 hours later…
WARNING, it is possible to answer this question WRONG based on strict standards of scientific communication/discourse, the old canard that "there are no wrong answers" DOES NOT APPLY HERE — vzn 3 mins ago
2 hours later…
I'm glad you chimed in @Shog9. As for the remark that "only one mod is doing all the closing", that's a reflection on the rest of us, not on Kaveh. It's a stretch to interpret my inaction as his overreach. There are probably one or two instances over the course of the last two years when I've had even mild disagreement with what Kaveh has done, and even then it was only a matter of degree, not the basic assessment of whether something should be done. — Suresh Venkat yesterday
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