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4:30 AM
@CowperKettle I'm talking about a history of people being driven out of their homeland, and you're shouting "terrorists! terrorists!". I think, instead of engaging with the points put forth by the other party, you're inventing or regurgitating arguments in your head and answering to them. I never said "total blockade". Why did you put that in quotes? I don't think the discussion can go forward like this.
Whenever you see an entire population held hostage because of this or that terrorist group, you need to dig deeper and see where power lies and how narratives are produced. Scratch the labels and look underneeth.
@Cerberus I vaguely remember he was for the invasion of Iraq by Bush. I had subconsciously generalized based on that.
@Cerberus Yeah that seems to have been the case in Europe. If only that transparency existed in America as well.
@Færd Ah, I see.
@Færd I don't really know about America.
But none of us lives there.
5:24 AM
It's crucial for Israel that the American media's discussion about it is a straightforward "us against the terrorists". As soon as a large group of people start to question Israel and US-Israeli relations, US law can come into play and block or restrict the massive aid that the US sends to Israel every year. Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of US foreign assistance since WWII. But what if its illegal possession of nuclear bombs is brought to light and people agitate about that?
The Symington Amendment is legislation introduced by Stuart Symington, a Democratic senator from Missouri, authored to strengthen the US position on nuclear non-proliferation. == Background == The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 was amended by the Symington Amendment (Section 669 of the FAA) in 1976. It banned U.S. economic, and military assistance, and export credits to countries that deliver or receive, acquire or transfer nuclear enrichment technology when they do not comply with IAEA regulations and inspections. == Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 § 669 == NUCLEAR TRANSFERS SEC. 305. Chapter 3...
Israel holds hundreds or thousands of nuclear bombs and rockets and refuses every supervision or surveillance from internationally recognized agencies, especially the IAEA. It would be devastating for them to have that brought to light in America and discussed for what it is, because then US law would question the annual aids to them and they may lose their most important supporter.
Correction: brought to light in the American public. Because of course the US government knows about the Israeli nuclear projects.

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