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Functional is a very purple word, but functional programming itself is more of a brown
oh yeah my brother had a question about synesthesia (forget why we were talking about it) so figured i'd ask you if you don't mind: if i misspell a word, like "kut" for "cut", what happens?
@RedwolfPrograms oh so multiple words that have a meaning grouped up will all color together?
@hyper-neutrino That's actually really interesting
'cut' is a different color from 'kut'
@RedwolfPrograms what about "concentric" itself?
@RedwolfPrograms Are any two different words exactly the same colour?
@Wezl Doesn't have much of a color. I'd say green if anything, but not the green in that picture.
@Adám I think some programming keywords are the same color of purple, because I'm so used to seeing them in that color
:D my green is special, with extra yellow (#350/#85A)
@RedwolfPrograms How did you find out you had synesthesia?
@RedwolfPrograms Oh. If you don't mind, how about variant spellings? color/colour, grey/gray (btw, do colour words have the right colour?)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not sure, I'd heard about it before but I guess one day I just realized I had it :p
@Adám There's sort of a difference between the color of the word's spelling and the idea behind the word, if that makes sense. Red as a word is a mix of red, yellow, and brown I think, but red (the idea) is definitely red.
@RedwolfPrograms Ooh, so maybe you're better equipped at that challenge where you have to read a bunch of colour words written in mismatching colour:
@Adám I think not being a native English speaker also helps a lot ^^
@Adám Is it supposed to be hard to read them? The differing colors don't distract me at all.
are you reading the words or the colors of the words
@RedwolfPrograms That's what I suspected.
@hyper-neutrino Like for the first one, I see the color white, but I think the color green.
wait was the challenge to read the words or recite the colors ignoring the letters
i feel like it's the latter
Both are challenges. Just tested my wife (who is not a native English speaker) and it was much easier for her to recite the words than the colours.
@hyper-neutrino And there I was, finally convinced that I was a genius :(
I find it much easier to read the words, and I am a native speaker
Saying the colors out loud is a challenge
I can do both without too much trouble, reading them is a bit easier though.
i find reading the words pretty easy. reciting the colors is significantly harder and takes me a while per word
though switching over to saying them out loud in mandarin seems to make me a bit faster
Huh, trying it in German, it's easier than in english
never mind, it's not too noticeable of a difference
I don't think the synesthesia has too much of an effect, actually
close to 20s for each, so too much error to say which is easier, and by now i probably have memorized chunks of the pattern
Oh, 20s?
Maybe it does make a big difference then, I was still stuttering a bit on most of them but it was never more than a second or two
i mean 20s total for each language
Oh uh...oops
20s for each would be... considerably different
I'm reader? (looks around quickly)
how long total does it take you
Seems like about 20s yeah
Easier to recite the colours now?
This becomes a whole lot easier if you just blur your eyes :P
@Adám yeah, that goes down to about 13.5s for me lmao
cuz i no longer have to actively think about what the color is said as, i can just look at the color and immediately think of what to say
I messed up about as often lol, maybe I'm just not very good at colors
I feel like there's a sales pitch here for APL, where you don't have to go via words to connect what you see to the meaning.
@Adám there's always a sales pitch for APL ;)
@RedwolfPrograms Hi I'm hyper-neutrino's brother and I have a "few" questions about synesthesia I was hoping i could ask you
Mostly about language but I might think of other ones
Sure, go ahead
@hyper-neutrino You can see what it does. No need to engage the linguistic part of the brain.
well, you'd have to know that ⌽ is reverse
@RedwolfPrograms first question is do you speak any other languages, and if so, how do you see the words in that situation
@hyper-neutrino whereas in Jq.... :)
lambda x:x[::-1]==[-y for y in x] in python
like let's say in french, would a word with the same meaning as in english have the same color
@hyper-neutrino Yes, but once you've been told, you can't forget, especially if you also learn that is transpose and is flip upside down.
@Xoniterfos I do know a little bit of Spanish, and the words look mostly the same, since for me their colors are mostly based off the letters in them
@Adám oh that makes a lot of sense. okay yeah now i'm not forgetting that. :)
The same as in the spelling, not the meaning
@RedwolfPrograms what about if you see a character in (let's say) chinese and you don't know what it means
would it have a color
@Wezl What does - mean?
@Xoniterfos Probably not, although if I saw it a lot I might start to associate it with one
@RedwolfPrograms Ah, that's really interesting.
So the colour association is somehow tied to there being a significance to the shape.
@Adám the same thing it means in APL :), except for the . on one side makes it explicitly infix
@RedwolfPrograms ok so let's say you see this character 五 (hopefully you don't know what it means) i'll assume it doesn't have a color
Nope, no color
ok so then if i tell you that it means five (which it does) what happens in that case
@RedwolfPrograms Not to bombard you with questions, but do letters have color when by themselves?
@Wezl wait so would mapping by - be ambiguous since it could be the infix or prefix negative
@Wezl But you wouldn't know if you didn't learn the meaning of the symbol. It doesn't really allude to subtraction in any way (it is actually a stylised m → ~ → -)
@Xoniterfos I still don't see the character as five's color, but when I see it I think "five" so I think of that color
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yep, more strongly than words. For a lot of words the color is just like an average of the letters' colors.
is A red? for no reason in particular
@RedwolfPrograms You should arrange an "I have synesthesia AMA"!
@RedwolfPrograms what about if you see a mess of letters? would you see the letters individually as their colors or would the entire "word" be assigned a color
okay. just trying to decode the information i'm getting from the hivemind
@Adám that's because it's an inferior language. It'll be negate in (one of the) one(s) I'm making :)
@RedwolfPrograms The "Scream very loudly" challenge has an extra meaning then :P
(jokes aside i heard from someone with the same class of synesthesia that A=red is very common apparently)
@Xoniterfos Sort of both, if that makes sense. Like afdafadaffda is reddish because of all of the as, but the ds are still the color of d if I focus on them.
@Wezl I think you'll find that words are actually detrimental to the ability to reason about code.
personally I disagree
I for one find that inferring where arguments go and how values move around the code can be very confusing
@RedwolfPrograms do you actually see the letter itself in red? or is it something more abstract?
as such, Funciton is clearly the best language
@Wezl "two times three to the power of five" vs 2×3⁵?
@RedwolfPrograms do letters' individual colors have any discernible influence on words? like would the word "at" be the combination of red and whatever color you see t as
@ngn It's more like the idea of the letter is red, if that makes sense. Like when you think about red, you sort of see it in your mind (I think), it's like that
@Adám 2*3^5
@rak1507 2×3*5
both equally fine
@Xoniterfos Yes, for most words the colors of the letters basically determine the word's overall color for me
Some of them like function have their own distinct colors though
@RedwolfPrograms Do punctuation symbols have colours too?
@Adám lot's of useless things there: "to the" "of". I'm not arguing for English in any way :P
@Adám Not really, no. Question marks are sort of purple though I think.
@RedwolfPrograms Wait, that means you can can do fairly heavy computations instantly!
@RedwolfPrograms what about like a really similar word in a different language such as "fonction" (in french)
@Xoniterfos Different color, although if I knew it meant the same thing I might start to associate it with that same color.
It changes a bit over time
CMC: golf a sequence of characters that redwolf sees as a rainbow
@RedwolfPrograms what about this work of art: ‽
@Xoniterfos Still purple I think
It's not a super strong association like a and red though
@RedwolfPrograms also i know you said "not really" about punctuation but if you see periods with a certain color, would you see . and "period" as the same color
@Xoniterfos No, probably not.
second last question: do words have to be in one piece to have a color associated, or if i say " f u n c t i on" will it still have the same color
(to previous question) I think if I did associate . with a color it'd be something like black or gray, whereas "period" or "dot" are a bit more colorful
and final question: does the "on" in "function" have its own color if you focus on just seeing the word "on", or is it interrupted by the rest of the word "function" being there
@Xoniterfos Since it's less about me seeing the word and more about me subconciously associating it with the color, it still has that color
If I focus on the "on" it is a bluish color though
ah ok that kind of answers my last question too then
@RedwolfPrograms do members of your hivemind also see colors in words, or do they have to query the Redwolf API, or is this not a public-facing method?
I'm not sure why @Xoniterfos is asking all this, as part of the hivemind he should just know :P
@hyper-neutrino Have you explained the hivemind to your brother?
not at all :D
@hyper-neutrino They can query the Redwolf API, although it uses a custom protocol that involves SE chat :p
Even better :P
he wouldn't need to explain it to me if i was part of the hivemind
oh yeah what would you say is the ugliest color you've seen @RedwolfPrograms (though i guess this can also apply to the rest of y'all unless you're fully colorblind)
ugliest color i've seen is your eye color
@hyper-neutrino Umbridge pink
@RedwolfPrograms Do you also get a colour association if you imagine a word? How about if you imagine a thing (not the word for it)?
also do words like walk and walking look similar
@hyper-neutrino e, which is a sort of murky yellow
the most common letter being the ugliest? wow that's unfortunate
@Adám First one yes, but not second
@hyper-neutrino I know, it's awful
If you look at stuff I write, you can actually see very conscious effort to avoid e :p
from now on i will call you r*dwolf programs /s
@RedwolfPrograms Are uppercase letters coloured like their lowercase equivalents?
@RedwolfPrograms Have you ever read Gadsby?
what color do you see the word "wolf" as, and would it happen to be red
@Adám I think so yes
@RedwolfPrograms How about ə ? Is it murky yellow too?
no it's upside down yellow
@Xoniterfos Not really much of a color actually
wolf, not ə
ə is still yellow
@RedwolfPrograms What colour is "p"?
I'm actually good at talking without using that word thing (fifth word thing, you know what I'm talking about)
my 9 year old self has wanted to ask this for years
@RedwolfPrograms Do you know the subreddit about that? :P
what is your favorite color of the alphabet
@Adám One of the less colored letters, maybe blue or brown?
@RedwolfPrograms What colour is "d"?
@Xoniterfos yooo finally a case where this makes sense. poggers
@Xoniterfos f or w, purple :p (not my favorite color-color, but my favorite alphabet-color :p)
@Adám Context dependent, purple or brown
@RedwolfPrograms that sounds difficult, I don't think my vocabulary is apt for writing long strings of words without that particular symbol
ok actual last question now; what color do you see words that don't have an actual definition but have a meaning (such as poggers)
it might be easier for redwolf to just write out the colors of each of the letters / ascii characters, lmao.
@RedwolfPrograms How do you know it wasn't an upside down "p"?
@hyper-neutrino no i think we need to ask him each one in an arbitrary order
i just noticed adam had a specific reason for those two letters though :P
@Adám I read it as a "d", so I thought of "d"'s colors.
also what effects do diacritics have
Not really any, ~ on its own is green though :p
I'd guess they are rather colour-less like punctuation.
Yay, called it.
Yeah, I think we simply need you to write up that ASCII→colour table.
what colour is
 k[j]←-(k[r[j]]=0)∨0@({⊃⌽⍵}⌸p[j])⊢(t[j]=1)∨(t[j]=2)∧k[j]=4 ⋄ t[j]←2
Oh me. That's some seriously pornographic APL right there.
@Adám co-dfns
@RedwolfPrograms Challenge idea: given a printable ascii string, output it but each letter is colored (ANSI escapes, whatever) according to your synesthesia
@RedwolfPrograms sick thanks
gotta go now. thank you for answering my questions r*dwolf :P
No problem, just wait 'til you hear how I see music :p
@RedwolfPrograms Does the color of a word mostly depend on its first letter?
Quite often yes, actually
wait your synesthesia also affects hearing? oh boy. maybe it's about time we make an AMA room for your synesthesia lmao
this whole conversation is so off-topic but it's too late to move it now. if i try SE chat might just crash
Do it
We can make a room I guess
apparently yellow is the most common color for that letter
I was just considering doing that :P
i mean, if you're interested in answering even more questions. lmao
@Xoniterfos You just us*d that l*tt*r @RedwolfPrograms what colour is this
according to this aesthetically horrible website
@Xoniterfos Oh god, that background
Apparently my colors for O and U are uncommon (blue and golden brown)
143 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
only 143? that is not as many as i thought
@RedwolfPrograms What colour is Jvppv?
First of all, I just want to thank whoever used American English to name this room
@Adám Four dimensional
54 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
I have no idea lol, but I did think of a hypercube. Probably unrelated.
@hyper-neutrino I hav obligd myslf
@RedwolfPrograms Can you actually spot a 4D form in your mind?
Only rectanglular prisms :p
A musician from country of croissants also had this condition. Do colours show in his music for you? @RedwolfPrograms
Writing without fifth symbol is hard.
> youtub*
@rak1507 But so worth it.
@Adám It is
@user ^ You forgot to avoid that which must not ... be typed. Gah, I give up
The colors of consonants for me are quite unique it seems
@user must not show up in writing.
Ah, thanks!
Seeing those letters listed beside other colors (like yellow for Q or S) feels so wrong lol
@RedwolfPrograms Art thou a masochist?
@user I don't know how to spell Synesthesia, I've just been copy-pasting it from whenever someone else says it :P
@rak1507 Nope, nothing particularly synesthesia-like about that music imo
What colour is "sassy"?
@user Thou hast nam'd that which must not show up in this room
This constraint is tough, practically most words in our vocabulary contain it, practicing avoiding it is stimulating my brain.
@Adám Weird mix of red and green
@RedwolfPrograms huh, fascinating
I see music more as shapes rather than colors
@RedwolfPrograms I thought it'd have fun colour.
@RedwolfPrograms 1D, 2D or 3D forms?
@rak1507 Additionally, an RO who is not caird is using that glyph
@user Typically 2d, with lots of lines
Very complex or with swirls often
Sometimes sharper turns
21:56 @RedwolfPrograms how about this (you don't mind lack of consonant sound, right?)
Hm, how should I ping RP?
@RedwolfPrograms 1D forms wouldn't fascinate much
@rak1507 avoid talking and it's not hard
@Adám good point
@Wezl This is an optimal approach
@Adám Arrow at right of a chat
@RP Is "Bob" of strong bluish colour?
Yes, although the o is much stronger of a blue than the rest
@rak1507 Looks sort of like foothills before a mountain, without the mountain. Quite boring.
room topic changed to Words and colors: Chat should not contain that fifth glyph (no tags)
Do colors vary by situation?
@RedwolfPrograms boring?! it is a good part! :(
@user If you mean the letters nearby, yes
@user hmmm, why didst this ping Wzl ... twic?
@rak1507 Boring 2d-shape-wise
@RedwolfPrograms fascinating
@RedwolfPrograms So chars do not assist other chars of similar colour?
kicks U, RP, CC, HN, D
@Wezl idk (also, why "didst"?)
@Wezl simply omitting a char is particularly boring
@rak1507 I couldn't find a substitution for twic
@Adám It's kind of complicated. I think vowels have a much stronger impact on the color than the rest, though.
@rak1507 I'm not as good as omitting that monstrous glyph from my vocabulary as thou art, h*nc* th* c*nsoring
@RedwolfPrograms Yup, I saw that only consonants have doubts.
@Wezl on two occasions
@user cuz
@RedwolfPrograms I meant if a keyword in a programming language differs from that same word being used in Shakespeare, or something like that
I'm slowly warming to the thought of no fifth-char.
I am also.
@user Potentially, not sure
Soon, you'll stop using all glyphs
@user ⍥
@rak1507 cuz my nick didst not load again so far
Communication will be vocal, not through chat
Tough as it is to US and UK writing.
@RedwolfPrograms Like if 'y' is green when it's an axis on a graph but blue otherwise
@RP Is it good for you that this room avoids fifth-chars? Soothing in a way?
No, it reminds me more of the letter being avoided :p
Oh no.
it's fun though
@RedwolfPrograms So omission is bad? Inclusion of a fifth char in words is good?
If you can do it in a good way so that nobody knows at all, that's most fun :p
We could stop using all but one letter by just using something like Unary
@RedwolfPrograms It is hard!
Not that bad, though
funny how chromium highlights it in (about) #ff0 so I can run a RW simulater
@rak1507 My brain is spinning with such a finding
You just want to know good things to say
@RedwolfPrograms Not for an individual who was practicing!
That's that spirit!
Fairly good, not all idioms will work
That "had" word is so annoying as a past word
@RedwolfPrograms oh, RW is joining us ("that")
@Wezl As civilians of a world past would say, "lol that's curs'd"
It hurts the brain trying to find words, but good fun.
@W I did it for a bit prior, you just caught on?
Lol I'm just using DDG
@user Manual adaptation is optimal.
@Wezl RP now knows that it is a good way
I just had to work on this for most of a day or so
Now I'm good at it
@rak1507 Manual adaptation has crappy fruits such as this
@rak1507 you can BF words if it assists
A good trick is to swap the thing you want to say not how you want to say it
I am adapting, but not fully fluid.
I am liquid
Adapt a big part, not a small part
@Wezl pain is still in it though
That is smart
If a small part works that's okay obviously
@RedwolfPrograms I will put this away in my mind
But you must think past habits from normal talking
You can do this naturally! Wow
I must do work, but I might join you all again in an hour or two
I would think that this room would dizzy a guy stumbling upon it
If you put this in your brain too hard it can stick
Watch out
Lol no danger of that here
it is a fun activity, until topic is null
I must go too, maths tomorrow.
Good night all
I too must finish my work
I must go to doze but must do stuff first.
>:O doz
mod can trash it :P
@Adám nap?
I should go back to do work, actually, but I don't particularly want to
Yup, nap.
I don't know why I'm putting off making focaccia, as I can munch it at finish
I don't know why I'm putting off waking my kids up to go to toilet.
>:O toil
Why cook if you can buy from a shop?
cuz it's fun, and tasty, and not coronavirus
And good for your body.
What I cook is hardly good for my body :P
But it is right that you could contract covid by buying focaccia from a shop
count of fifth glyph has shrunk! (though it grows by 1 if U talks)
sigh not this fifth glyph avoiding stuff again
why not?
Discord talk of this is too much and now this
Bad char avoiding is kinda ov'rrat'd imo
this is for darkpinkwolf programs' words and colors condition; said human finds said glpyh's color bad
I got a fix for this
eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee
e e e e e
eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee
e e e e e
eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee
eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee
e e e e e
eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee
e e e e e
eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee
eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee
e e e e e
eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee
That's my opinion on fifth glyph avoiding

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