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8:55 AM
Anyone aware of Tom Cruise space movie with SpaceX? Is it real?
9:47 AM
You are not going to tell me that Musk is now a Scientologist as well.
It would be very fitting, though.
@Vincent 😯
11 to go
10:12 AM
@joojaa Don't forget us when you move up in rank. πŸ₯Ί
@Vincent He believes in himself.
@Vikas Haven't heard, but I've heard years ago that Cruise really wants to go into space. I think I heard something about him buying the first ticket for Virgin's space tourism, but that seems to be progressing slow since that accident they had.
@Wolff Oh. If it's real could be exciting.
@Vikas Because you know him?
@Wolff I don't know him personally. But I like his movies.
@Vikas The first tourist trip in space (no matter which company comes first) is going to be nerve wrecking. Probably going to be streamed and all. But I doubt they are able to make any guarantees for the passengers' safety.
@Wolff I'd even say that he has the megalomaniac, overconfident and privileged personality that... fits.
Space flight comes with huge risks. Any passenger will have to sign away most of their responsibilities.
10:27 AM
@Vincent Imagine a blow to space tourism it will be if the first tourist flight goes "poof" with the whole world watching. 😬
I just read about Scientology. And found Tom Cruise is Scientologist. Is it a bad thing?
@Wolff Would that be a bad thing, honestly?
@Vincent 😈 πŸ™„
@Vikas I do my best to behave with respect to other peoples' religions. If that religion is Scientology, I find doing so... hard, to say the least.
@Vikas Long story. I'm no expert. But after watching multiple documentaries about how they work as a sect, take control over the members' lives, deciding where they can be and who they can marry, harassing people who talks bad about them or leaves the sect, make big money on people buying their way to enlightenment, dreaming of becoming superhumans etc. I must admit, it doesn't look too good. πŸ™„
10:32 AM
^^ *sect
And combined with Musk's superhuman aspirations it all starts to look a little evil to me.
@Vincent Fixed. Lol, "sekt" is champagne.
@Wolff Is this a reason Tom Cruise has so many haters?
I never knew about this topic.
It is one of the reasons, yes
@Vikas yes and the fact that he beats wimen
joojaa. ever the diplomat.
10:35 AM
@Vincent whaat, what o we gain if we go around the bush
@Vikas Probably yes. He is top rank in the organisation. OT-8 which is the highest achievable level while still having a physical body. Something like a deity to the members.
@Vikas But I have enjoyed many of his movies. He is a good actor. But think about when he plays a manipulative power person and imagine how he uses the same force irl.
@Wolff not to mention because of his status is one making the actual guidelines and ules others follow
So the bad vibes of the cult is in part directly his fault
@joojaa What? His wife?
IMHO it is not really any different form the church of flying spagettimosnter excelpt offcourse the later has a less sinsiter goal
@Vikas Maybe Scientology isn't big in India? Here you will meet them once in a while in the street. They will offer you a "psychological test" to find out what your mental strengths ands weaknesses are. Then they will tell you how weak you are and try to break your confidence down. But at the same time promise you how you can become a strong person if you start coming to meetings.
10:40 AM
@Wolff I have already made 2 pencil drawings of Tom Cruise so far, was thinking to make 3rd πŸ€”πŸ˜’
@Wolff I don't know. First time I heard this word scientology is only minutes ago from Vincent 🀣
@joojaa Scientology has actually a really colorful fantasy universe with aliens and parallel dimensions etc.
@Wolff offcourse its been founded by a scifi writer
@Wolff :P
@Vikas And then you start paying for insights. It's ordered in levels, like a game. Cruise has reached the top level. To advance further he would have to leave his body and transcend into a higher level of consciousness. (and here my knowledge about Scientology ends)
Pretty weird thing
11:28 AM
@Wolff I just ordered new pillow 🀣
12:03 PM
@Vikas Nice and flat I hope?
@Wolff Too flat I think
@Wolff India is covid epicentre now.
@Vikas I'm sorry for you πŸ™ We just opened up more yesterday. Restaurants and bars. But with restrictions. Like a corona passport where you must show you have been tested within 72 hours or are vaccinated.
@Wolff And everyone 18+ will be eligible to get vaccinated from May 1.
12:29 PM
@Wolff which movie you were saying taking helmets off was illogical after landing on alien planet?
Covenant or Prometheus?
@Vikas Haha, both!
@Vikas Also sitting down to have a smoke is a moment where you think "Don't!".
@Wolff I am watching Covenant and yes, same problem here too. One explanation director could give is that their instruments are so advanced that they can detect all kinds of viruses or even unknown threats.
12:47 PM
@Vikas Perhaps, but to me it just makes the story a little less realistic. And it isn't really especially realistic already. It doesn't bother me.
@Wolff Yes right.
More strange with the way their spaceships can just fly into the atmosphere like a plane.
@Wolff even without wings?
@Vikas Yeah, I don't mean glide, but in Covenant there is something strange about the way they approach the planet. But I accept it as "wild new technology".
@Wolff Yeah, still acceptable :D
12:50 PM
I don't see the movies like they are trying to make it realistic. It's more of an adventure.
And I think newer movies are inspired by old space movies. Especially space ships
@Vikas I mean irl spaceships don't fly into atmosphere. They rather fall like a rock at a certain angle.
@Vikas Yes, there is some retro feeling to it.
1:41 PM
@Wolff One funny thing in horror/alien movies is, if anybody need or have to do something, they would love to go alone!
@Vikas Yes haha. That's supposed to make you get worried.
@Vikas A strange sound from the basement? Let's split up. We stay here and you go down alone to check it.
@Wolff yes
@Wolff And no matter how much rich you are, how much luxurious house you have, the doors will always make a noise from joints πŸ˜€
And I've also heard ghosts in movies are pretty good at operating electricity appliances.
1 hour later…
3:13 PM
PieBie done with Covenant. Actually last 2 movies have kind of predictable things, like copied from original Alien movies. Like one alien will reach their ship and haunt them. I think that's why people didn't give much value to them
@Vikas The old movies revolutionized the genre. The new ones are more nostalgia for old people like me who remember the old ones.
@Wolff Will there be any new sequel?
@Vikas Yes I think so
@Wolff I think this concept is exhausted now
That never stopped any studio from making a new movie
commercialism is a hungry beast :)
3:25 PM
3:50 PM
It's always been like that in some ways, but I think concepts are getting milked to the last drop these days. As a kid I remember thinking "why don't they just make more X movies?". Like Star Wars or Indiana Jones or Aliens or whatever. Today it's in fashion to actually make all those movies.
I think it's also because filmmakers these days were kids back then
And Marvel movies. I like superhero movies, but why not make half the number and maybe make them better? Just an idea.
@Vincent Very true. But it makes me feel less unique. Lots of the things I wanted as a kid are coming now.
do also understand that you were much more impressionable as a kid, and that the sheer volume of media is bigger these days, possibly by an entire order of magnitude
A series like Stranger Things seem to hit all the buttons for people my age. And when it matches too well it feels a little claustrophobic.
you feel seen? ^^
3:58 PM
@Vincent Yeah. At first I thought "Wow! All the cool things in one show: Ctulhu, D&D, retro computers, 80s clothes"
But then it became too obvious how they were targeting me.
Well, the creators are geeks our age.
so that checks out
And furthermore, it seems to attract everyone my age. Also the ones who mocked people like me for being nerds. Now all of a sudden they talk like they've always had a connection to these "subcultures" even though they actually just played handball and listened to eurodance.
I wanna like something other people don't like! 😀
If you are upset about that, this song and its clip may be for you.
@Wolff Marvel movies are still different from each other, I mean different stories, so not that bad. Last 2 Alien movies had kind of similar horror elements and scenes in my opinion.
I want to go out on a limb and state that Marvel movies (at least, most that I have seen, which is a lot) are extremely formulaic
but then again, I am jaded :)
4:03 PM
I quite don't like Marvel movies much (maybe because I like DC more). Also I feel DC has more human element than Marvel
Do you also feel Metacritic reviews are sometimes biased? I mean they depend on who is the hero or director of the movie? I feel so.
I really like MCU movies when they break the mold, like the first Guardians of the Galaxy, or Black Panther. I can't wait to see the Black Widow movie. An MCU movie with a female lead, GASP!
@Vikas I only read metacritic for game reviews
(but it also really helps that I'm quite the fan of both Nat and Scarlett herself)
@Vincent They are. A bit like a TV series with long time between episodes. But I don't mind. It's also comforting in a way. I just wish they were a tiny bit better.
I have to admit that they have started feeling like an old lounge chair that you think you should get out of the house because it's old and ragged, but it's just so... comfy.
@Vincent I haven't seen Black Panther. It's good? Is it "darker" than normally or the usual tongue in cheek?
@Wolff Metascore is pretty impressive!
4:12 PM
BP is more serious in tone. That said, both T'Challa and his sister Shuri have a rather shrewd kind of humour
I guess they did not want the movie's impression to be goofy, to avoid 'funny black man' tropes
Lots of black people, rightfully, took a lot of pride in this flick
The only recent big-franchise superhero movie that I found bearable was Deadpool. Everything else I saw seemed to have been written by a ten-year old. Mind that I did not watch many of them on account of giving up on the genre.
@Wrzlprmft Do I need to see some other movies to understand Deadpool? Or is it independent?
@Wrzlprmft 'recent'!?
@Wrzlprmft I was about to mention Deadpool. It also has that "Marvel humor". Even more than other movies, breaking the fourth wall and all. But it's so perverted and violent that it also has a dark edge to it.
@Vikas It's independent
@Wolff Time to watch it now.
I was looking for some movie and Wrzlprmft suggested it.
4:17 PM
@Vincent recent = since the genre was revived fifteen-ish years ago.
@Vincent 2016 isn't recent?
5 years ago is not recent in my book, no ^^'
@Vincent You start to sound like @Vikas. Anything older than 1 year is old and any IMDB score below 8 is low.
@Wolff Deadpool has 8.0 :D
4:21 PM
anything before 2010 is ancient and if something was created in the 20th century, it might as well be dust
@Vikas Dump it
You are two modern men with exquisite taste.
@Wolff For me, if I haven't watched a movie and it's released before maybe 1990, it's old.
Provided, it has good ratings too :D otherwise a 1999 movie can also be old for me :P
@Vikas I guess 1990 is old since it's 30 years ago. But I also watch movies from the 1950s. What are they then?
@Wolff I have started watching it already.
@Vikas Enjoy!
4:24 PM
@Wolff Old. But there are exceptions!
@Wolff Definitely! Because it has 8 ratings!
@Vikas So if movies are good they are less old? πŸ˜€
@Wolff Yeah sometimes. Like I said I watched The Great Escape and Dr. No because I like that kind of movies.
@Vikas So they are "forever young" because they are good? Perhaps. Bad movies grow old fast, that's true.
@Wolff You know, new old is all relative.
@Wolff Maybe.
It's not that simple :D
@Vikas In that perspective all movies are brand new.
4:27 PM
@Wolff Yes. Star Wars is still brand new for me.
@Wolff lol Deadpool starts with an Indian song in background πŸ˜€
@Vikas So 8.0 is perhaps too low score?
Oh. Actually the car driver is Indian.
@Vikas gets better and better
@Wolff No. The song is sung by legendary Indian singer.
@Vikas Perhaps his shirt was designed in Denmark or something
@Vikas I meant in your book the score rises
4:34 PM
I think in future Hollywood movies, more and more Indian elements will be involved. To earn more money.
@Wolff 'timeless classics' stifles a puke
@Wolff But then some allegedly good movies grow old too. For example, I found Gone with the Wind utterly boring (and let’s not even start with the blatant racism and stuff). And that’s the highest grossing movie of all time (adjusted for inflation).
4:54 PM
@Vikas Perhaps. But you think a lot about if there are Indian stuff in movies. I'm from a small country so I'm used to not seeing Danish stuff in a movie. Not something that is much used to sell movies to Danes I guess.
@Wrzlprmft noticing that you are subtly equalising 'high-grossing' with 'good' here ;)
@Wolff I think because I feel Hollywood is so much advanced still Indian elements/actors find place in them. Tiny but they exist. That's why it surprises me a bit.
@Vincent Might not automatically make it good, but it is some kind of indicator that many people wanted to watch it.
Okay bye. I can't concentrate much on movie. The English he's speaking is already too fast.
@Vikas See you!
@Wrzlprmft Yeah, it is quite boring. Some movies gain fame because they address the right topic at the right time. Later we don't feel the same and have a hard time seeing the value.
But a movie like Spartacus is still good imo. Slower and maybe more "boring" than movies today. But when you get used to that, it's good.
2 hours later…
6:54 PM
@Wolff done with Deadpool. It looked fine. I think language and humor is difficult to understand. So I didn't enjoy much except actions. But now I remember, few of my colleagues were saying it's a nice movie but watch it in Hindi. I understand why they said it. I think in Hindi I would relate and enjoy more. I think they have changed many dialogues of English to Hindi jokes/humor.

So I think I'll watch it again in Hindi.

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