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4:19 PM
As a little tribute, I handlettered some Benguiat for my weekly planning. It's a fun typeface.
@Vincent It looks nice in the examples in that link. But I seem to remember getting a "comic sans" feeling seeing it. Overly used, I mean. Was it perhaps available digitally already in the 90s?
Oh yes, it was @Wolff
Also gives me a D&D vibe ... was it used in some old rule book perhaps?
I think it got the Book Antiqua treatment as 'Bangle'
Ooh, that could very well be. For me it has a 70s vibe very strongly
Sure. And it looks nice in the Stranger Things-logo, which also have that mid 80s rpg vibe.
4:30 PM
Don't forget it was starring as the opening credits for Stranger Things
Funny how things from the 70s can have a 90s vibe to me because they for some reason were publicly available then.
'Bangle' is the free rip-off version and I remember using this for quite a few amateur projects
@Vincent Is it completely like the original?
I don't remember the name, which is strange because I spent so much time playing with the few fonts we had back then.
@Vincent I remember everybody used the all-caps "Balloon" for everything school related. Often in 18-24 pt. I could sense that it was wrong and stayed with the safer 12 pt. Times New Roman.
3 hours later…
7:36 PM
Trying to find this font is dredging up all kinds of things I had forgotten. Such as where we used to get clip art from, and that before you could "google" a font and download it, fonts came in collections that you actually had to pay for. Ugh!!
also on that note, my boss found an ancient letter press that he bought to put in our lobby as a decoration piece, and in the drawer was a whole box of about 6pt movable type. sooo tiny!
7:50 PM
@Alith7 6 pt. used to be called "Nonpareille".
8:37 PM
@Wolff I thought that was a sprinkle covered chocolate drop?
@Alith7 Haha, I think it's the same word originally. It's also capers: s.yimg.com/aah/mex-grocer/…
@Alith7 But back in the 90s I was just a kid playing around with my computer and to me fonts seemed to come from floppies and CDs with the word "fOnTs" written with a marker. (I'm not endorsing piracy - it was just a very different time)
9:20 PM
@Wolff i endorse privacy
@joojaa There is a difference between wishing for a change in copyright laws and endorsing piracy
@joojaa If we for example end up in a situation where a) There is no flow TV and it's not possible to buy movies, only subscribe or rent online. b) The online providers have a monopoly and choose to censor/remove a range of titles because of politics/profit. Then piracy could end up being the only way of getting access to some titles and they could perhaps morally be regarded as "abandonware" since nobody would be making any profit from them anyway.
2 hours later…
11:21 PM
@Wolff piracy would have to be fon7z :D

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