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@DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ you on GitHub? Can you send me your profile on any of my social channels mentioned in my profile?
1 hour later…
Q: High pass photoshop filters skips the edges of the histogram?

Samuel Flores SanchezIn this Natalia Taffarel presentation, she explains that photoshop high-pass filter "skips the edges" of the histogram and that for creating an accurate high-pass filter we have to apply -50 contrast legacy on the image before applying the H-P filter. I made two copies of the image and apply 10 ...

4 hours later…
@Emilie lol. The Paperback version is only $60 though
4 hours later…
@PieBie I saw that but why is it ugly? :/
@Emilie so you'd buy the version that's ten times the price?
2 hours later…
woah really surprised how many upvotes I got on the "understand logo question" I thought it would be controversial and even downvoted
of course comments are starting to get controversial so maybe ill get downvotes yet :\
@PieBie No...maybe I could buy the paperback and reproduce the hardcover and wrap them over lol
@Ryan Not surprised, it's on the HNQ
But I think it's a problematic Q, the title is sort of broad but then the example makes the discussion specific
"I'm just supplying the idea, this question is just about the concept of the logo"
but the title reads as logos in general
So really, it's more of a critique Q
eh I didnt really see that but now that you mention it I guess I could
there's only one question though and thats the subject
no other questions appear in the text at all
@Ryan Yep, it's a mess that could have been a fun question... Now very hard to fix because of all the votes and answers. Oh well :)
well im leaving comments now on some of the other answers that solely took it as a critique question
Trade association just emailed me their updated media planner... "FOR BEST RESULTS AND MAXIMUM READABILITY, THIS BROCHURE SHOULD BE VIEWED DIGITALLY OR PRINTED ON 11X17 PAPER."
its also oriented landscape
they should fire their designer and then shoot them in the face
Designer spider(s) be like...
Which ones the designer?
@Ryan The left one, I hope :)
I guess it would depend what they're trying to catch!
2 hours later…
I think this question without the example is very ambiguous and subjective, admits any kind of answer from yes to no to whatever. I would not have answered without the logo.
@Danielillo "Do my potential customers need to understand the “meaning” of a logo, or just recognize it?"
Does anybody know the meaning of Nike symbol without the explanation? Is there any doubt the Twitter icon refers to the animal that produces the sound?
how is that ambiguous? could delete everything but that and it would still be a great question
I'm not talking about the question quality, just the ambiguity and kind of broad
that makes no sense. How are you not talking about the question but talking about the "ambiguity" the ambiguity of what then?
I mean the ambiguity in the possible answers, yes, no, it may be, all are valid
thats acceptable on SE. Upvote ones you think justified their position
if someone wants to answer for all 3 positions even its fine as long as they explain it
why you say you need a logo to answer it is beyond me but whatever works for you
Keeping questions "objective" seems to be the mission of Stack Exchange in general. It's a good ideal to strive for, but I think we must accept that it's not always possible to achieve.
I think you misunderstand me, in any case I said the question should not be accepted, to me it's very broad since it admits diversity of criteria, in fact I don't share your answer 100% or that of @Lucian. The logo makes it somewhat more concrete since it exemplifies the problem.
We need to keep pushing "objectivity" while accepting that it's a non-achievable ideal. If we remove all the ambiguous questions, we miss a big part of what graphic design is about. Don't we need a splash of discussion here and there to keep the site alive?
@Wolff It's what I'm trying, that's why I put this post in the chat :-)))
@Danielillo :) of course, but this is a "meta-discussion" about the site. The answers of that question shows a discussion about graphic design.
@Wolff I see. Well, I think many things can be done to improve the site ;-)
@Wolff It's not so much about keeping to solely objective stuff but really about keeping to stuff that can be useful to others. We're not supposed to close Qs as "opinion-based" when they can be answered through experience, educated guesses, etc.
But the close reasons themselves are subject to subjectivity...so we're chasing our tails :P
You can say something is too broad, but someone else might think it's fine if they're able to synthesize an answer in a few key points
I can't see any other way than trying to keep a balance through voting (like we do). It could be cool with a 100% strict graphic design "encyclopedia", but I don't think that should be the aim of this site.
or you may claim something is opinion-based if you have no previous experience/knowledge of it
or that it's unclear if you don't know some components of the question, or there's a language barrier, or the Qs requires some extent of mind reading...
Yes I get your point.
I don't have solutions, just observations ¯_(ツ)_/¯
The problem with voting (of any kind) is that it's a bit too easy IMO
Very true
I still think there is a percentage of the questions on GD which can be generally accepted as objective and then there's all the rest. But if we remove those, we loose all the knowledge that comes from dealing with more subjective matters.
From wikipedia: "Objectivity is a philosophical concept of being true independently from individual subjectivity caused by perception, emotions, or imagination."
Then we could remove the "design" in graphic design and have Graphics.SE :)
but even then...
If you get lost in some of our old content, you'll find a lot of useful more subjective stuff
2 hours later…
@Wolff The immediate operation when a question appears is to upvote, downvote, vote to close it or answer. I think the best formula to keep an uncertain question open is answering. I have answered several questions with many votes to be closed and even closed questions. Particularly this one was closed (with the typical arguments) and opened after the answer, although for this I had to put a post in Meta :-/
1 hour later…
Robert Cartaino on September 29, 2010

Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers. We’ve been crystal clear about this for as long as I can remember, even back to the earliest, pre-beta days of Stack Overflow. It’s right there in the standard Stack Exchange FAQ:

What kind of questions should I not ask here?

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!

Thus, questions that are not answerable — discussions, debates, opinions — should be closed as subjective. It seems simple enough: Fact good; opinion and discussion bad. But why? …

Scroll down to Guidelines for Great Subjective Questions
1. Explain why and/or how
2. Tend to have longer answers
3. Constructive and impartial tones
4. Invite sharing experiences
5. Back up opinions with references
6. Not be mindless, social fun
@Emilie @Danielillo @Wolff ^

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