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To everybody... "We need to make the community more engaging" Ok, we can start right now, I invite you all to be a bit more pleasant and to thank everyone who came forward to this election, in fact I have not read any thanks to @Mr.Online for trying to give a fresh view to this site. Thanks @Mr.Online for your interest, your energy, and your fresh vision of a site, which according to my personal opinion, is in full decline. AcActually From 17% to 7%.
2 hours later…
@Wolff it seems like that may also be transferable to 3d printing eventually
@Danielillo focusing on thanking Mr.Online instead of complaining about everybody else (who likely haven't had the time to formulate a proper message) would be a great start
@Wolff so what would be the objective of your publication? To explore why artists or consumers choose what they choose?
Buying a print of an original painting printed on a canvas is a common thing but strangely fake and sort of meta
It must be interesting seeing those with your eyes
I'm sure so many little details come into play for the production process
I think if you stick to general concepts, you can avoid discussing specific software.
One great example that comes to mind is a YouTube channel created by another institution here where they touch on things like resolution, paragraph styles and more without naming or showing the software at all
The main advantage being they don't need to update the video for a long long time, so they could put more money in it
@Danielillo sorry I am unsure where this is coming from
@Wolff And there's something interesting about discussing the subject matter without looking at the software. I think people are better able to focus on what's being discussed in conceptual terms rather than focusing on remembering which buttons to push
Maybe making your stuff software agnostic would reach less people practically but it could be more likely to be applied to varied contexts, that seems to be where it starts bridging into theory/best practices
2 hours later…
@Emilie Thanks for your thoughts. My objective is simply to share my knowledge as a craftsman with artists. I see a big hole in artists skills when it comes to reproducing their art and it hurts to see really cool art end up as mediocre prints because of lack of awareness.
@Monkey Simply not to centralize everything only in the winner, according to how the last messages have been in this chat, and also to congratulate those who did not win and who also put their effort into participating. And this is something that should not arise from a simple user like me. As I read, nobody had time to do it yet ... For me it is a somewhat painful situation.
5 hours later…
@Wolff I'm not sure my ramblings were helpful but here's something
@Wolff in Google scholar you can check who has cited it and maybe find some more recent stuff
Hey @Pie, looking really slick and shiny there with that diamond on your head. :D
Congrats man!
@WELZ thanks so much, still getting used to it :)
@Danielillo or perhaps you need to stop assuming we're all terrible people and become a positive member yourself?
in 2019 Graphic Design Moderator Election Chat, yesterday, by Ryan
@PieBie @Mr.Online best of luck to you both. I thank you both for even considering running and offering to help out around here.
in 2019 Graphic Design Moderator Election Chat, 9 hours ago, by Emilie
For what it's worth, you were facing quite the opponent. Who knows when we'll be running a new election, I hope you will renew the experience!
in 2019 Graphic Design Moderator Election Chat, 6 hours ago, by PieBie
@Mr.Online Thank you. Also, thank you for running. Keep contributing to the site, check Meta often and don't be afraid to participate there. A mod seat will become available again, and it might be yours then if you still want it.
so easy to criticize instead of be part of the solution aint it
@Ryan I read your comment in 2019 Graphic Design Moderator Election Chat before putting my comment on this chat, regarding the other two, they were written after my comment.
@Danielillo so you knowingly claimed nobody thanked him despite reading me thank him? glad its only me that you make false statements about, thats a lot better
at least before i thought you didnt see the other chat room
@Ryan As I have already put in a previous comment, I try to participate as little as possible because, this is public, I don't share many things regarding the politic followed on the site. For this reason, don't think that my limited participation are vain comments. Yesterday in this chat there was a celebration party for only one of the participants of the election and no comment about the second, which I insist, I felt quite painful.
@Ryan And about "false statements", I am talking about the comments after the election results, your thanks, which I thought was very correct is previous
That's a weird discussion. Why are you feeling pain for other people? Have you talked to Mr.Online before assuming he/she was feeling any unfairness happened? Why not just take the higher road, be the example to the rest of us just give your compliments and move on? Instead of calling people out for not being a bit more pleasant. I bet a lot of people didn't even see that election results were out - me included.
And since congratulations are due, congrats to both @PieBie and @Mr.Online for the efforts to improve the community!
Thank you Luciano, appreciated
@PieBie Gefeliciteerd! Or do you say 'Proficiat' in your area? 😉
@Vincent morning Vincent!
or you know whatever time it is for you
G'day @Ryan
And it's 15.00 here. Or 3 PM if you prefer that 😜
Just popping my head in to see the election results--lots and lots of work to do before I do the big holiday thing in a week.
So you peeps might have to do with my ugly mug in here for about a month...
you have a full month holiday?
how do I get this?
Being self-employed and having your best yearly result ever? 😇
How is your business coming along @Ryan
bought the domain I'll be using and have an article written (not up yet) and an elevator pitch
still debating on sticking with a free theme for now or buying Elementor which I hear is really good
@Vincent Thanks. We mostly say 'Proficiat', though 'Gefeliciteerd' is used to.
Q: How do I present a case study?

Brown_GuyI studied in Visual Effects but i've worked as a Motion Graphic Designer after graduating and thus I do not have the basics as a Graphic Design graduate would have. But , I do my studies , I read a lot and using tips and advice I can come up with decent outcomes. But recently I wanted to try CAS...

I don't understand why this question got closed as too broad. I assumed it was due to the length and format but after my edit it still got a 5th close vote
@Luciano since you're in here and voted to close it, with my edit do you still find it to broad?
@PieBie @Vincent @WELZ @Mᴏɴᴋᴇʏ @Emilie any others lurking or that enter. Just had an idea and going to do it but not sure if it belongs on the main site or should be moved to meta
going to post it on the main site but if you think Meta is the better place let me know and ill migrate it over there
@PieBie welcome to the dark side, bwhahahaa
Q: Post your Work In Progress (FKA: The Looking Glass)

RyanThis is a community wiki where you can post things you're working on and others can comment. Because it is a community wiki there is no expectation of rep or answers. Please only post your own work here. For specific critique questions users are still welcomed and encouraged to create them as s...

feedback over format and location (Q&A or Meta) appreciated
@Mᴏɴᴋᴇʏ thanks DarthV... aah Monkey
@Ryan I actually like that idea. But I think it should be Meta
@WELZ thanks, any second, third, or fourth opinions?
ahh, hard question. My first thought would be to do it on Meta. But, if you did it to get more exposure for less involved members then moving it to Meta is undoing the entire thing.
Photography.SE has/d a post your work post as well on Meta, that w as s for their photo of the week... but it made more sense as meta since it's a communal thing.
But, @PieBie did bring up a good point about exposure.
im sure it makes more sense on meta but my thought was exactly the exposure one
Also, another issue with our format... comments get insane to follow up on and eventually will notify mods to make into a chat.
@WELZ im not actually sure if that happens on Community Wiki
and users can turn it into chat themselves if it does happen
the last sentence of my post also tells people to do this
@Ryan I think I would prefer we don't just let the Looking Glass fall to ruins... but issues I see is the CC stuff. People may not be so thrilled to post stuff if they don't know what happens to it after. And the other issue I see (some may consider it an upside, depends) is that it can probably get real easy to identify someone personally
@Ryan My first thought was "Well this belongs to Academia.SE". To me it looks like a written assignment
But then your link threw some doubt on that.
@Ryan oh I voted before your edit, which made the question more clear (the edit, not my vote). Didnt have enough time to retract my vote, now voting to reopen :)
about the WIP I think it should be on the Looking glass or meta... but then indeed won't get as much exposure. Maybe we should have a separate stack for design WIP? So each submission would be a question, where people can reply with comments or answer with an image, making it easier to track comments? But then the GD.sE and Looking glass...
Heya @Joshjurg :)
If we do contemplate a "photo of the day" type thing, are there things we wouldn't accept?
Just brainstorming here: a logo done for a client, a glyph, an illustration (traditional/digital?), a UI item, a sketch...
can we effectively say "ok this is the image of the week" if submissions include all sorts of different categories?
@Luciano Luc for mod 2020.
@Emilie uh if memory serves I asked about this and was basically told they made an exception for Photography and it was very difficult and barely functions. I don't know that they'll let us do it
@Emilie yes nothing NSFW
@Ryan With the change of the design mechanism, they explicitly say that it’s now easily possible and mentioned exactly this as an example.
@Wrzlprmft ooh then thats awesome!
Q: Responsive Design Themes - What can sites customize and how can they get changes implemented?

CatijaUpdate: We've begun working on new site designs and the information below also applies to them. I've added a new section about it and adjusted some of the guidelines as they've changed a bit. There have been a few questions here on MSE along with some on various child metas about how fixed/pe...

> For example, the Photography site's Photo of the Week box could be added to Graphic Design to show off the users' designs if that site wanted to host such a weekly contest.
@Emilie I wanted to fire up a quarterly design challenge that includes a brief than open a chat to allow others to post their work and take down that chat
@Ryan I looked into the CC stuff in a few other communities weeks ago and I know they've had a few meta posts regarding how the Photo of the week stuff articulates with the CC
Maybe something to dig out so we can better plan
@Emilie maybe if we did a design challenge we could allow those to be voted on meta for a period of time, after that time has reached lock the thread and place the highest voted design as the winner and run it as this sessions design challenge winner
I would really like something that is likely to attract or further engage our less engaged members
@Emilie sadly I doubt that happen. They might vote but even a challenge some are hesitant in posting due to the critiques and unfriendliness
I like all of those ideas, and just the actual of process of throwing ideas around because it shows we actually want to get busy about making this place better
@Emilie insert meme for action and not complaining. . .
anyone else in here spend their days playing with code??
I think we eventually need to tackle how we can bring more traffic to meta (possibly in parallel)
or simultaneously, which I hope I've correctly spelled (spelt?) gah.
@Emilie maybe better designed targeted side ads
in the new design this is ommited. Might be a good idea to ask SE staff to add it back
I'm not sure how many people see the ads... (ad blockers, mobile...)
we used to be able to add items, such as:
Q: Community Promotion Ads - 2015

Grace NoteThe dawn of a new year, 2015, now approaches, or has already approached, either way it means that it is now time for the site's first new cycle of Community Promotion Ads! What are Community Promotion Ads? Community Promotion Ads are community-vetted advertisements that will show up on the main...

Oh I didn't know that was gone
I dont see it on my end anymore
I liked the AMA stuff a lot, but I'm not sure where we're at on this (hint hint) @Ryan
@Emilie Thanks, I'll take a look and try to do as you recommend. It looks like it's about reproducing art which is already appreciated as an original. Classic art. I need to find something more "post-Warhol".
@Mᴏɴᴋᴇʏ Yep. Javascript (if that counts).
@Emilie yeah sorry just been terribly busy. I haven't forgotten and will try to email him this week but might not able to do it for two weeks since I'll be on a business trip all next week
or maybe ill tell him we'll set up question collections next week and let it run for a full week before we do it
I'm seeing some buggy behavior (?) in Photoshop (both CS6 and CC) which I've never noticed before. When you make a Smart Object you shouldn't be able to make a selection and move it around right? Since it's "locked". Well, you can't do it with the mouse, but if you make a selection and nudge it around with the keyboard you can actually move pixels around on your Smart Object. The second you apply a filter or enter the object and make changes, the Smart Object reverts itself.
Strange huh?
@Wolff ever play in handlebars?
@DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ , No, I don't know what it is.
Oh, just googled it - I've seen it before, but never used it.
@DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ Are you having problems or are you just happy using it?
@Wolff made two questions about it. this and this
@Ryan All good, do you mind if I make a meta post surveying the community about what sort of people they would like to see on an AMA?
@DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ Good questions, but I can't help. Seems very specific to handlebars. Can't just use common sense.
thanks. last thing I want to do is write a full blown application and get a great answer and than have to go back and re-write it =P
Looking for export to jpg...are magnadoodles on topic here? :)
@Wolff oh that's so weird!
@Emilie I'm not sure, but I think you need to shake it to open the export dialog.
If you find out smart objects behavior has greatly changed, mind taking a stab at this?
@Wolff only available on etch-a-sketch CC :)
@Emilie Oh, I'm not sure that's possible. The resolution is the same as your "mother" document, but you want to know how much each of your Smart Objects have been scaled to make sure that none of them has been scaled above their "potential". I get it.
@Wolff yes exactly, it's so annoying!
Sometimes, I actually make a sketch of a collage in InDesign, where I can watch the resolution. Then I recreate it in Photoshop using Smart Objects.
@Wolff Yea I didn't check all my Q's history but I seem to recall someone suggested doing it in InDesign, but it was for an introductory project to Photoshop in class so I couldn't just change the workflow
@Emilie Ok, I've posted an answer - not sure you're gonna like it though.
well that doesn't matter, if it seals the deal that's one less unanswered Q :)
I'll check in a bit!
@Wolff actually, I saw some background info was missing so I added it in, sorry!
Might be workable with the % and some maths
@Emilie I think you added another question to the question. It's not exactly the same. My answer is if you already have the images. But it's easy enough. Divide the width in pixels with 300 and you have the maximum width in inches.
Or in cm: divide with 118.
@Wolff Fair enough :) Edited out
I just can'T remember why I had omitted that from the question
but it's been 4 years so
My memories of looking like a fool in front of class, thinking that was going to be straightforward, are still quite vivid lol
Congrats @PieBie!
And while I remember suggesting doing that with maths, I got a lot of wide-eyed looks so I just dropped the issue
@Emilie That's too bad. I'm not saying math is easy, but I think most people are a lot better at it than they think. Lots of psychological barriers.
@Wolff Well the main hurdle there I think was that you need to understand resolution to be able to do the math and at that point, resolution wasn't really clear yet
Of course, InDesign does all the math for you, so it's helping and not helping in a way, people don't have to figure it out when it comes predigested for you in a panel
That's why algebra is so important to understand. If you know the units and you know that there is a connection, you can hack your way to a result: pixels / (pixels / inch) = inch
You don't have to remember formulas - you can reason your way to a result.
(but of course, if you assume a connection between some numbers and there is none, you'll get crazy results)
@Wolff The thing is you need to understand resolution to come up with that formula. In my experience it takes a while for students to really grasp in. I'd be curious to know how resolution is taught in the printing craft
GD students tend to just see the Photoshop end of things at first. Sometimes they don't even really print their first assignments because it's not worth it. So resolution seems to become more concrete later on
@Wolff re: our earlier conversation, maybe this is helpful
restoration is not completely irrelevant to reproduction
@Emilie No, it looks seriously interesting, but maybe also a bit besides the point. I've been trying to come up with a simpler way to put it.
@Wolff Well the good part of not finding what you're after is that you may be innovating :)
I have a few clients who are artists who wants to publish something. Both beginners and pros often struggle with understanding what they actually want to do. They don't understand the media, so they often end up delivering images of their art instead of something which will become art when printed. I want to create something to help them.
@Wolff So you get a CMYK file instead of something that better values the work? (with other inks, special finishes...?)
Well, yeah. It might sound simple, but differentiating between an image and an image of an image is often a problem.
The artists I meet are looking something real, traditional and hand-made. My company has a 2-color machine on which we make some Pantone prints. There is some craft in the printing itself, but it's pretty standardized and hard to "be a part of" as client. So the real "craft" must be put into both the drawings and the preparation for print.
I'm not sure if that's common terminology in english but "print ennobling" is something that is discussed increasingly in french
Don't just scan a drawing, set contrast and print it like any other image. Remove the paper structure, separate the colors to Pantone inks, make line drawings 1-bit or whatever fits your vision.
@Emilie Never heard it before, googled it. The name might be new, but the idea isn't.
I mean for something to be considered an "art print" it should imo show some kind of knowledge of the media. If it hasn't it can still be a nice print of a piece of art.
@Wolff I've first heard it a few years ago, more related to "omg is printing going to die, books are going to die, omg everything diiiiies"
that basically printing would become more tactile, valued, etc. because the rest of the stuff we don't need printed would be digital
@Wolff So as a printer, you work with the artist but does it become a joint piece?
Like if I wanted to do a screen print but I'm not super aware of all the implications, I might go see my colleague but I'd have a hard time calling the work my own depending on how much help I got
@Emilie Hard to say. Sometimes I help a newbie and feel like I'm doing all the work, but I didn't have the vision or took the initiative. I'm hired. I guess that's the difference.
Whenever I've had to deal with experienced craftsmen, I always felt there was a real desire to just serve their craft and the work. I find it so refreshing
I've also worked with older artists who controls me like a puppet. But that's fun. From one of them I literally get a set of instructions like: "Make this set of images purple, place them in diamond shaped frames and distribute them evenly." and so on.
There was a documentary I might find again, a guy who made signs with glass or something... it required such patience, it was breathtaking
Id love to design signs.
That's how I got my start.
@Joshjurg Craftsman turned graphic designer or...?
@Joshjurg Cool. Handmade signs or printed films and such?
Originally school for Industrial Design, then kind of fell into Graphics.
Mostly vinyl. I did some pretty amazing sandblasted wood & foam signs - but about 80% of it was people asking for literally the cheapest option possible.
@Joshjurg Nice!
@Joshjurg Would love to see that if you ever feel like sharing an example
@Joshjurg Well, it's about the same in graphic design AND printing.
There was SO. MUCH. VOLUME. at times that I learned a ton of fundamentals. I used a lot of 3D CAD in ID, so the 2D stuff was easier in a sense.
I can imagine.
I don't have any samples from those days I think - the company owner was a bit of a jerk and one day we came to work and the company had closed its doors.
But I relished the shops copies of SignTrade magazine - all of these old timers doing beautiful hand lettering and pinstriping.
Yeah, well that taught me a lesson too - minimize my exposure to difficult people in the workplace.
I love old signs.
@Joshjurg That's a very good lesson to learn, not just for the workplace :)
Yeah, being starving and fresh out of college, I undervalued myself.
@Joshjurg So what are you up to nowadays? Is your ID background influencing your current stuff a lot?
I moved to the DC suburbs about a decade ago and haven't really worked much with ID since. I think ID influences my approach (R&D, iterations, etc) more than my final results. I've been doing full-time corporate design work in the area since.
I'd love to get back to luxe signage at some point, but I've got too many irons in too many side-gig fires right now. I've stumbled into video and mograph and things have picked up to the edge of my ability to keep up recently.
googles Mograph oOO I want to learn this 8)
Yeah, I had been using Illustrator (or other CAD packages) for almost 20 years and I always wanted to get into After Effects. I finally took the plunge and it's absolutely great.
It's dramatically increased my employability for side-gigs almost overnight.
Oops, gotta run! Thanks for dropping by chat joshjurg, looking forward to read you again. See you around Wolff!
Speaking of, I gotta blow outta here. It's time to get home and work on that side project!
Ok, nice meeting you. See you around

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