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@Viziionary did you use a different version in the end?
Personally preferred the previous ones you posted here
@johnp you're referring to the extra left side expansion I added at 20 seconds? I dont think I changed anything else
yeah personally think it works better without that. What was your reason for adding it
Ryan's remarks on that left side text being too hard to notice with no attention being brought to it
Ah I see, I agree with what he was saying however I think the bars actually lead the eyes in the opposite direct when they move right and left like that
as the bars move left from phone to text - that should be enough to guide the eyes. Principle is called common fate (as all elements move in a common direction, it generates curiosity in the direction they're going)
I would just enlarge the type size of each line on the left. Each line could appear as each bar moves back from phone to text?
Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said anything, I feel like I'm making a fuss now 🙈 do you have a deadline for this project soon?
I think one issue is I use Photoshop for animation, and it's not very good at re-factoring animation when you have a lot of things going on.
For example
To insert a new animation setion or remove it, you have to go in by hand in the animation tab and expand every single layer in the project one by one so you can elect each keyframe, and it's easy to make changes that accidentally mess up other aspects of the animation, like messing with vector masks and such
ah, i can imagine :/
So it's difficult to make large scale improvements in a perfectionist way the way I'd like to
That one addition of the left side expanding, for example, took like 2 hours
It was insane.
hmm wonder if there any workflows to speed things along
I do have to make some changes to the wording at the end, I wrote something wrong, and I'll considered refactoring that part when I get into it.
well good luck with the project anyway :)
Yeah thats a good question, are there any softwares that are good at animating UIs?
no idea about UIs specifically...I'd probably use AE
you can export prototypes as vector layers into after effects layers
sorry, After Effects
oh after effects
it's scary to start with...im still not very good with it, but for what you're doing it's probably the best option if you have to do this again
on another proj
I didn't realize After Effects could work with PS files
ok cool
oh I meant Illustrator files^ most UIs are designed in vector-like apps
not my area of expertise however
Oh right
I use illustrator
but after effects can handle most things you throw at it
well no
I use indesign
for UIs when Im not using phtoshop
Can Indesign layers be used?
really? indesign is an odd choice for ui! ive never tried that...there are usually ways of exporting layers for stuff like this, never tried it
I was never much of a fan of illustrator
I worked for a print company for a while and really found the indesign workflow and tools very expressive for creating UIs in vector
ah right...there is a lot of crossover between that an illustrator
illustrator's workflow just does not seem intuitive to me.. Idk if its a bad workflow design or just me personally
Ive heard other co-workers not like it too
there are certainly a lot of ways of doing the same thing...some of the new features are distracting in my opinion...
Maybe Ill just have to give it more of a chance\
7 hours later…
Merry Monday Morning
3 hours later…
@PieBie 'fternoon
heya hoya!
had a good weekend?
sry, was out to lunch. back now :)
and yeah, had a good weekend.
hello scoundrels
who you callin' scoundrel?
dirty rotten one at that
hey oh-so-saintly one
damn, seems I've already built up a reputation in here grin
any stories from the weekend?
uh... I failed horribly at making an impression in two back-to-back games of Race for the Galaxy?
I joined Adobe Stock Photo and started prep and cleanup work on a few to put up on there
^^ cool! :D
finally found a group of front-end devs I can work with and kick dev work to while keeping the design part in my own hands... and get design work from them as well
hehe you have a games night most weekends @Vincent ? I'd be at a loss trying to find someone who's into video games, never mind anything else. @Ryan cool, what do you think of adobe stock? thinking of joining graphic stock myself for a few illustration references. it's really affordable but still a small collection...
that should make things much more enjoyable @Vincent
I've bought from Shutterstock and iStock. Never bought from Adobe Stock yet. ANd I haven't sold on any yet
@johnp tihs is cardboard gaming :)
Reading all of the details but will likely put the same photos up on all of the stock sites if its allowed which I believe it is
i see i see
@johnp But if you want the pics of my retrogame session, just ogle my IG :P
hehe i may do, signed up to IG but haven't used it yet
Valorous m'rning oh ov'rl'rd of most pleasing visage
hi @DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ
please bless us with your rasping breath
@Vincent 336 moves for a Knight? What do you mean?
@Ryan If you add up all possible moves a knight can do for all 64 spaces on the board, the total number of moves is 336.
That doesn't make any sense. Its not a real number :\
I got it from somehwere on Wikipedia. It could be wrong, but it sounded plausible
I'm sure smarter math people than me might understand the point of it from a pure math sense but from a chess sense I have no idea what that means
A knight can get to any spot on the board: 64. A knight can make at most 8 moves from any one square.
@Ryan Not on all squares. It can't leave the board
On A1, for example, it can make just two moves: b3 or c2
So if you add up that number of possible moves for each field, I suppose it yields 336 moves.
I didn't check, tho. Pun intended of course.
lol well done with the pun
triangular boobs?
my thoughts exactly
i downloaded that on my phone on sunday xD
my boobs are hexagons
I'm just waiting for Vincent to include me in his hexagon project sneif
haha :D
@Ryan lol
great, now I've got to explain to my co-workers why I'm laughing...
You know I adore your man-boobs :P
can't play tetris with my sagging manboobs unfortunately
Tetris? If you get a whole row of them, they disappear? :O
he said cant!
id just end up stacking lots of incomplete rows..you know when you f the game up xD
hehe yes, tetris heaven. btw my vaporwave obsession has got out of control... this place is like a cocktail bar
vaping tobacco/weed? or what are you vaporing?
haha no, random music playlists on youtube. was researching vaporwave illustrations then i was getting all these suggestions. it's like a mix of late 80s/90s synths with lots of japanese references...videos are usually mashups of japanese ads before the economy went bust at the time
im turning into an emoji
might enjoy it after work @Ryan haha youtu.be/4kdwUOlihDA 'tis blissful
@Ryan mmm doesn't inspire much hope! they say the world is more peaceful now than ever in spite of what we see and hear... hard to believe
the bomberman mesg is very strong
8 hours later…
Vodka and photo time
@johnp whats your IG?
haha erm hold on a sec...ill have to check
haven't posted anything yet
i was just stalking a company i ordered from for product updates
BRB. Any time I leave my external HD in too long it crashes for some reason. Gotta reboot :\
that's a strange one! is it overheating?
I'm not sure if its Lightroom or the HD causing it
maybe it's set as a scratch disk or something?
no idea. but i've got 150 gig left on it
so glad I ended up buying external memory and a case to put it in
hmm now LR is giving me an error so maybe it is LR. The HD and LR crashes a lot but this is first time Ive gotten an error
thinking of replacing my system drive with a ssd but feel a bit iffy about cloning the os
easy on the vodka @Ryan :P
that is cool, you using a prism?
something like that. A toy I saw in a store so bought for I think it was $10
nice one
it fits on my 50mm lens pretty perfectly. It actually works even better over my phone camera
wow that's deadly! works really well in that scene
it was just a toy they had in the art museum. They had the same piece in a few different cardboard cutouts. I went with the Hasselblad because it had the handle shape
lol nice. didnt realise it was a cutout for a minute 🙈

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