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greetings rebels
how goith mr lift
coffee coffee coffee
and you mr helmet
wire management for my adjustable desk underneath
ah it finally arrived?
everything you ever dreamed up?
ya, but it was damaged so trying to get them to send replacement parts is making me mad
as it would seem they think Im going to wait another month for them. Surprising enough the prices seem to have doubled for the desk, lol
ouch thats unfortunate
they have a new chair they just came out with hit the milestone on kickstarter.
Good lawdy
Q: how do I save a logo as a bitmap?

Melissa Showalter JurisichIt says it needs to be 256 color or less and no larger than 64K. I have no clue what this means. I need to send this logo as a bitmap in these requirements to my client ASAP. thanks in advance!

Is it wrong to ask, "Why do you have clients!?" -.-
I need more coffee
1 hour later…
regex regex regex.. you frustrate me.
less regex, more coffee
this is why I have no hair on my head: stackoverflow.com/questions/39642447/…
dont know what it means but upvoted :\
you didnt have to do that, thanks though but it means trying to find and parse through foreign words is a major pita
@DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ regex is terrible for almost everything. There are few good uses. If its frustrating you, give up on it.
I cant, I do regex every day, I like to look at it as almost a challenge but Im unhappy with my approach and would like to learn any alternative ways
I'm reading the chat between Confused and Elizabeth Hart. Anyone else read this?
He screenshot the chat to add to his answer lol
yo all
I don't get email pricing these days.
They want to charge me per user, which turns every single one of my domains into a user, so I end up looking at hundreds of dollars in fees per years.
@Ryan do as you wish. I made an edit
I did it in chat
Batcave? @DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ
5 hours later…
Debating on next tutorial, ready to go home
QuickBooks makes me weep today

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