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hey @Darth_Vader figure out your thingy from last night?
shit its already 8. Thought it was like 7 or something. I should've cooked dinner not eaten that bowl of ice cream :\
@Darth_Vader congrats
SVG view box is a pita
designing buttons with CSS now
I'm trying to come up with a second tutorial
which is probably not a good sign
so tired of flat design
trying to put together some palettes here and they all look like ice cream
can't explain why lol...
maybe it's actually some android ics palette actually
@Darth_Vader BBH yo
2 hours later…
@Ryan ??
6 hours later…
good morning room
[wave] Evenin'.
hello @wuden, haven't seen you here before. Welcome shakes hand
Yeah i'm new here
welcome, welcome! What made you take the leap from Blender?
I need to learn more about website designs and logos
Cool. I do a bit of logo stuff, but I'm not focused on digitally published work generally.
My last logo was for a conference; it went on bags and pencils and banners and such.
I've made one logo only and it's not the final version
I'm a lazy guy
gotta start somewhere.
If we can be of help, don't hesitate!
we have a critique room: The Looking Glass where you can post work and ask for feedback
oh nice
anybody like to gimme feedback on my new quick tutorial?
uh... I get it. with some effort :)
well i needed a advanced thing
gotta go
Any problems with it
no, just that I need to fire up my long-dormant math neurons
how can it be dormant?
well, I haven't used much math the last, say, fifteen years
@joojaa the word 'and' is doubled in your first sentence: "... being in one package and and having well behaved ..."
the rest is pretty easy to follow
ok i will fix it once i get home thanx @PieBie
@joojaa no prob
cool tuts, it's followable
@Darth_Vader BBH bro, BBH lol
@Luciano good you like it
@PieBie Fixed
@Ryan hello
im trying to find a sd card so can take footage with my drone
@Ryan too early.
@Darth_Vader the BBH Global is one of the top ad agencies in the world. Their motto is, "When the world zigs, zag."
If you're tired of flat design, zag.
they just appointed their first female to role of Chief Creative Officer
bootstrap carousel is giving me a headache this morning
never used it before but why in a system to is supposed to be responsive they are forcing px sizes??
hey all
creating an infographic colour scheme. You?
@Cai you mentioned wanting to write an answer for this meta discussion: meta.graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/3005/… any opinion yet?
@Vincent battling this bootstrap carousel
Is anyone working in Photoshop / Illustrator / etc on a Windows 10 machine?
as in, an image slider? :/
might as well build my own at the amount of work it take just to do what I want
You do know that 2008 called? They want their slider back? :P
har har har
Seriously, I have succesfully dissuaded two recent clients from using a caroussel
they are killing for mobile
but on a eCom you need them
@Ryan I actually wrote an answer twice.. then realised I'm a bit conflicted and don't even agree with myself lol
@Darth_Vader eCom?
@Cai rampant schizophreniaaaaaaa :P
I will make my mind up and let my opinions be known later tonight.. I'm late with my accounts and have some deadlines though so I need to disappear again :)
Happy monday people
@Cai no worries, I just am pushing for some sort of resolution. We so often have meta discussions and then nothing really come from it (ie: people still unsure if 3d is on topic or not)
hey @Luc
sup @Vincent
mailing customers and trying to prepare myself for the heatwave
So anyone on Windows 10?
nope, W8 here
Couple of my office mates are on 10 tho. What's your question, @Ryan?
really? I didn't think anyone used Windows8
doing some HTML / CSS changes, nothing much
Well the tutorial was painfully slow so I might have to get a new computer. Could go with a new laptop or desktop. If Desktop I'd go with Mac Mini or Windows. Laptop I've got no idea yet
I just have zero experience with Windows past 7
I am pretty happy with W8
I know I like that I can browse questionable sites with little care in the world on my Mac and never could on Windows without getting owned by popups and malware and such
When I bought my current pc, W10 was just released and I didn't want to take that plunge
lol. It's not that bad. Especially if you have some good security software
Is yours a desktop or laptop? or more importantly - do you make use of touchscreen?
desktop and no
hmm I think I'm between a Mac Mini for Desktop or a Surface book of some kind if laptop since I don't own a tablet it could be nice. I don't know
I hate shopping. Finally settled on a monitor only to realize my computer is slow :(
I was wondering if windows 10 would be a good jump for my win7 5-years-old home laptop
be right back installed a trial software and suggesting i close everything first
zomg how did I not know of this sooner
^ it only existing for Windows makes me think I want Windows
Lazynezumi is ok
Seems ok to me
yeah did you check out my newest tutorial
I saw a lot of math and got scared
look at the pictures
what about them?
ok not then
@Ryan you can go to macsales and get a decent mac for a reasonable price
I dont know. I'd still really like to get the monitor I settled on. I just know waiting 3 hours for a short video to process was ridiculous
@Ryan thought about an older iMac? I can show you how to swap out for an SSD and RAM upgrade, lol
I'm still pretty set at getting a display that can rotate into portrait and cover the AdobeRGB space so no on the iMac
right now I'm glancing at the HP Envy Recline. Seems interesting concept
weak specs but interesting concept
think I might buy the Monitor now and slowly work on building a Desktop PC from scratch. Can get more bang for the buck and it could be a fun distraction
only downside if I go desktop route is all the wires
@Ryan that's my intention too, i want to make ze ultimate machine >:)
probably with a wacom pen displaly or a remote desktop connection on a tablet with wacom digitizer
be nice to draw around the house or whereever
there's actually some really nice desktops on the AMD site
yep, can I go back on vacation, lol
@Darth_Vader fine with me :P
@ZachSaucier lol, didnt miss you either ;)
I meant more so that it has no effect on me
but if Im on vacation I am a nicer person.. You can call me Anakin then..
I never liked Anakin, he was always annoying / angsty
anyone going to go see the new star trek
didnt even know there was a new star trek
Any of you have any suggestions for creating colour palettes for print? apps/sites etc
one of my weaker areas
coolors.co played with this last night but dunno if it's any good
Start with something and go from there
Do you have a logo or a main product image?
Yeah a logo and that pattern which can be colourized
not sure if you can see it but i like this coolors.co/dbdbdb-b0b5b3-75c9c8-fde8b1-ff9366
Does it match the logo?
What are you trying to communicate?
match in what way :P
well the logo has colors right?
I have a list of words that im trying to communicate however combining colours can be tricky proportionally
yeah it's just a monogram
But you need to figure out your colors first
like do you want something warm or something cool?
preferably warm
"soulful", "refined" ...& "electric" was the third word but i don't want it too gaudy
also want to make the pattern muted enough for the logo to print over it
this is nice...though im not sure about that yellow
Well your current selection, at least the first one doesn't scream warmth at all. Its more muted neutrals to cool tones
lol im not on a calibrated monitor either which doesn't help xD
What warm hue would you want for soulful and refined?
I'm not on a calibrated monitor either but I can still tell what cool, neutral, and warm are
trying to choose something muted but warm, refined
Whats the product?
I think, and this isn't a slight on you but more a slight on those palette generators and the digital age, that it would be better to look at paints and classics and think about how a warm sunset looks and stuff like that
no, you're right. colour is something i neglected in my study i guess :P i bought that josef albers book last night...may do some goache studies when im free again
unfortunately until then ill be relying on ready made palettes and formulaic stuff
i like the second ones! where u getting these from
Just look at any photo, can even be a photo you took but change the temperature to be on the warmer side and see what kind colors are left
I'm making them
more specifically i'm making them by looking at paintings by people far better than me
oh cool
the second one is Christina's World
oh wow
im trying to reference the late eights/early 90s rave scene but trying to avoid neon colours xD
I just in general dislike color generators. I find them to look mechanical and flat
there's a mishmash of working class/factory/indian/bohemian references then the whole neon stuff i guess
maybe Ill make that a tutorial. There's a decent idea for color inspiration
yeah i think so too, i spend an hour making palettes and they were all too similar
yes! that would be a useful one
not a match but i like those colours
Not sure I'd call the top part warm but I think it works
nah it's not warm at all lol
id rather place the logo over the pattern but then i have to mute it...which is like undoing all my work ;(
cold hearted designer lol
are you familiar with the fashion designer Ted Baker?
yup i am
i remember i had a tshirt with a kind of light teal and bonze palette...
Your image above reminds me of him because of the floral print. Might be able to look at the kind of colors they use for more ideas
yeah actually, thanks
i may post some combinations later in the looking glass
ill try to remember to look but I rarely go in there
no worries
Woo @johnp thanks John! Think I got the next tutorial down. Not going to be color scheme just yet but is going to be about grading and colors a little
cool looking forward to it :) may help with my photography module
I'm curious, at a glance do you think of this as warm or cool?
hard to say in that one
possibly warm
Why do you think its hard to say?
just the shot is taken through a window
everything looks a little desaturated
do you mean warm hues or are you referring to saturation?
can saturation be warm?
i always think of saturation as intensity of hot/coolness
that's definitely cool to me
i sees lol
no change was done to saturation though but yes the original is warm and the new one is cool
i have a bad habit of upping the temp too much in raw
gunna keep things cooler and a little desaturated in my portraits from now on
i think it's just the grey climate here lol
Do you process your raws in Camera Raw, Lightroom, Darktable, something else?
photoshop camera raw
tried darktable but it seemed a bit fiddly
i like to support open source as you know :P Rawtherapee is another one
No problem Photo Camera Raw has some basic function but then Ill probably show in Photoshop itself
just had a quick look at rawtherapee's features...do you know what the highest bit supported in Lighroom
ratherapee is 96 bit i think
or at least that's what it was 3 years ago
ok i think im confused, nevermind :P
yeah I dont think 96 bit exists
I was going to say 16
haha nah they're referring to the rendering engine or something
1 hour later…
I'm gunna top posting here cus I feel like I've taken over the room xD but I love the palette in this suite @Ryan behance.net/gallery/22869259/Amperian
I'd love to be able to create a palette like that-it's so harmonic despite the amount of colours used and they all adhere to the same kind of mood

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