@DevelopersPedia that should clear rather soon. The ban's there for a reason, though: a lot of your recent edits have been rejected by other users. If that happens a lot in a short period, you get an automatic ban.
I ordered plants this year because I was lazy. But I would buy seeds from a vendor instead of harvesting my own, peppers like to cross pollinate so I'd likely get some cross breeds from the seeds I keep
@RandyJones I think "Large image loading effects" would be a good title. For the smaller text, something like "How to show the loading progress of images by Zach Saucier" would work. Or it could just be the big title, whatever works. Also, could you provide the PSD (or whatever file you're working with?)
The question is quite self evident. I'm asking how to do something that is a small yet common requirement during a website design project. I am genuinely facing this problem and trying to solve it.
How can I determine an OSX-friendly fallback font stack when I don't own any Apple devices?
It's ...
yeah. He KNEW he was out of line. But I guess he felt he had no other option. I let him know that I dont' start work at 6 am and won't even respond to him on weekends (I got like 30 emails over the weekend from him).
I payed 400 euros for Android course. Expected a bit more on practicing what we learned. The teacher just finishes the classes, gives you certificate and that's it :D
@Scott I have talked to the printer and he said that they used their default foil. No wonder they take audacity to fill out missing details that you miss to provide them...
I am an office manager for a security company. When I was first hired on, my boss had a friend of a friend that he used to do the business cards and letterhead. They designed it, but used a logo that we already had! There was no contract and no file formats were discussed. Well, now we need more ...
you advise them to review the contract but they stated in the question that there is no contract, so that advice isn't too helpful :P
I would say it's related but not a dupe of Scott's question
my answer would be: if there's no contract, tough luck. Evaluate the cost of paying this designer in comparison to having someone re-vectorize it, go with the cheaper option
sounds like the designer is being a butthead but he's under no obligation to keep or provide their logo files. He's not Dropbox
Reason 500 why you should not host your clients web site: Hosting providers Mail server has been tagged by a spam abuse center. All client email now bounces back as spam. They, of course, call YOU to get their email working again.
And that vector thing... it's similar but I agree not a dup. More along the lines of "How did this designer get the logo if he/she did not create it? Can't you get it from there again? If not... then what John posted.. he's not dropbox and in charge of maintaining client files which were not his creation.
I suspect they said to the stationery designer "hey we need to get other stuff designed, can we have our files?" or something along those lines, which is a bit of a slap in the face
"give us a copy of our property so we can go give someone else money"
See I'm torn. If Someone asked me personally, I'd explain. On a web site where ANY client can view .. I'm hesitant to provide directions which may circumvent my own self-interests.