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hello again ;)
whats the problem with this question ?
6 views and -3 vote
Q: What is the best & fast pixel art application for windows?

Developers PediaI'm trying to develop a game for smartphones. If I want to easily animate charterer and output charterer-sheets what's a good tool to use? There is so many software and i can't test all of theme because i have no time. What is your experience in this field? I don't wanna use Photoshop because ...

@DevelopersPedia it began as a "search for me" question. You should be researching this yourself before posting a question here. The edit helps a bit. There are also problems with your spelling and grammar, always use proper capitalization and avoid informal language
Yes, i have so many problem with spelling and grammar.
11 hours later…
@ZachSaucier lol! it shows :)
@DevelopersPedia I have no clue about immigration whatsoever, except that it's an overly complicated and bureaucratic enterprise.
2 hours later…
Update on the state of the 3D modeling proposal:
Community Adds:
Missing 4 votes (one vote is needed as a saftey buffer):
Missing 6 votes:
Propsal Safety:
Attempting to clarify and limit VFX.SE propsal scope (Could also use votes):
A: Overlap with computer graphics

GiantCowFilmsCurrently they aren't very different; however, I don't think that should be the case. To large a scope for a site can be harmful, and alienate many users overwhelmed by the quantity of irrelevant questions to their field. This proposal has a fairly massive scope, just look at the list of profess...

Summarized for staring:
nice going, Cow :)
Update on the state of the 3D modeling proposal
Community Adds:
	Missing 4 votes (one vote is needed as a saftey buffer): meta.graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/a/2567/26236
	Missing 6 votes: meta.gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/1921/54806
Propsal Safety:
	Attempting to clarify and limit VFX.SE propsal scope (Could also use votes):
@RandyJones :) much works to be done, but we will get him off the ground yet
UV'd what I could
Could you also star the status, so other see it and vote on the community add here
I'm wondering who else I could get away with bugging
there you go
only thing is links don't work :(
Copy and paste
or does that not work either
it does
just saying increased effort to help
okay, above it is a reach featured version
ya, I already voted :)
hey mr Mussler
lots of homework on the weekend?
kind of, but I'm not doing it this weekend
spent all of yesterday working on my Codrops article, finally fixed some issues
took so long to fix this one issue in FF
but the code is much better now
Do any of you know the GameDev.SE folks....
how friendly do you think they'd be to plugging it?
err no, but there are some people on here sometimes that do, iirc
Do any of you have a good standing with 'em and could do it better then me?
@RandyJones iirc?
Noctrine, _BESW maybe
'if I recall correctly'
Plugging an area 51 proposal is difficult
@Noctrine is a game dev mod
I guess I'll try and strike up a conversation there... anyone feeling brave to come join me :D?
Hang tight, my computer is having a minor rendering fit
@RandyJones I thought a bit more conversation first
I'm not very good at small talk :P
Thats why you need americans ;D
(maybe we should've tried at a moment with more regular users in the room?) I'm sorry, I'm bad at marketing
The best solution is to make friends first and then beg on you knrees
@RandyJones @ZachSaucier Whats this thing about changing your name an profile picture and then putting poetry? about GD.SE?
there was a meta post but Matt deleted it for some reason
just for fun
hehe, read it to the theme of this song: youtu.be/CS9OO0S5w2k
So 70s
so awesome*
Is this code easy to follow along? jsfiddle.net/das04mf6 any parts that need additional explanation?
I can only vouch for the css, for I'm a js noob, but yes
barring some typos and syntax inaccuracies :)
where at?
first comments says 'hegiht'
nice, thanks
I'll re read over comments now :P
and you don't close the .pb { with a clong curly brace before &::after, is that intentional?
keeps it modular
that way the elements have to have the .pb class for any of the other things, I don't accidentally add some effects to anything else
cool, the basics of the article is written now. Now I have to decided how much to talk about the clip paths and browser support code...
ah, ok. You're using some selectors I'll have to read up on :)
Have you played the CSS selector food game?
oh wow
that last one I know, I re-read it every few weeks
@Zach what;s that &:: selector you're using?
@RandyJones it's SCSS, a form of SASS. & just means continue from the parent
so .class { &::after {} } is the same as .class::after {} after compiling
got it. Haven't been using any SASS yet, but I think I'm at the point it starts being interesting
It's handy and easy to pickup
since all CSS is valid SCSS, you can just use features as you learn about them
I pretty much use it for nesting (like you saw), variables, and occasionally looping or some functions like lighten/darken
will it butt heads with php? I'm used to do all my css as css.php to insert variables like colour vlaues and such
not sure as I have never used css.php stuff
can ask in the SO web dev chat
will found out when I'm going to research it.
atm, I'm way too happy with my private print project :)
haha, nice :)
church time
ah, ok. Hm, what do you wish someone who goes to church? 'have fun?', 'have insight'?
1 hour later…
@ZachSaucier is back and @vincent is still @RandyJones
1 hour later…
@RandyJones Thank you so much.
is developers pedia a collection of developper feet? @DevelopersPedia
developers pedia = devpedia just like wikipedia or softpedia or ...
We have formed a group of developers whose purpose is to teach others.
yes i know it was a joke
Don't joke with my group :)))
@RandyJones "get something out of it" is one thing you could say
@ZachSaucier ah, good one. Would 'have peace of mind' also work?
eh, not exactly what we go for :)
somewhat of the opposite
(not exactly)
ok, then I'll keep with your suggestion. Did you get something out of it today?
the church I go to is great
I always go away encouraged while still pushed to know and get closer to God more each time
I know it's not your thing, but you would get a lot out of going to a church that preaches what the Bible actually says and means
thanks, I'm good. I'm happy for you that you get so much out it. I have my own ways :)
1 hour later…
does anyone want to help me make a Codrops-looking image for the header of my post?
2 hours later…
Hey @Darth

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