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Thanks @Scott
No problem. I don't know why Illustrator doesn't see or create the viewbox attribute in SVG files, I just know it doesn't.
(I assume that's what you were referring to)
Yea, that is what I was referring to.
@JohnB "Please step up and do your part before questioning the actions of others" Are you serious? Do my part? I think I've been a very fair and conscientious contributor over the years.
@plainclothes I'm in total agreement with you, which is why I was confused by your comment
I see ...
when a question has that many upvotes, answers, and views, I am very reluctant to use my binding close vote on it
The issue for me is that I've seen a lot of valuable questions being closed lately. Mostly stuff that provides value to lots of people in our business but has been labeled "tech support" by the community members.
if the community acts to close it, I won't go against that. But we absolutely don't decide what stays or goes for our own amusement
We work in a tech business so closing those seems counter productive.
@plainclothes do you have some examples?
Now I see this question that is clearly "opinion based" and it's left open.
if we can make some edits to the questions Im up for opening them but I try to only close questions that show no effort or are very open ended
I think the trend will be discouraging to new contributors.
@plainclothes so why not cast a close vote?
@JohnB agreed
Because I have no problem with it.
I tend to leave questions open more often than not.
I just find it an inconsistent approach that will be discouraging.
> It's totally speculative and, frankly, useless
that reads to me as having a problem with it
I still don't have a problem with it if people want to discuss.
I take a looser approach to SE communities.
ok, so maybe a bit of cognitive dissonance there
useless but not worthless?
Are we going to have a UX discussion now (^_-)
Just because I find it useless doesn't mean the community shouldn't have the opportunity to engage it.
if you see a question get closed that you think deserves a shot or maybe can be edited/reworded to fit with the SE format, by all means bring it up in here!
And I apply the same perspective to the tech-centric questions.
Will do.
I've just been casting 'leave open' votes.
But I can bring it here too.
I'd need to see some examples. But I would point out, unfettered, this site will become Adobe.se
The ONLY reason the past week or two has seen more "design" questions was due to the meta conversations regarding tech support.
Agreed ... doesn't that reflect the unfortunate state of our business?
And the regular members posing those questions.
Got it. It's a good direction, to be sure.
Yes. But there has to be a line somehwere
anyways, just for full disclosure, here was my thought process for that font question when I saw it: "Hmm, this looks like it might be close worthy, but it already has lots of views and a good answer but zero close votes. I'll leave this one for the community to decide" (it had zero close votes when I first looked at it and continued to for a while)
I can't emphatically state WHERE that line is, only that it needs to exist.
usually if I'm on the fence like that, I leave it be for the community
Okay, thanks for the perspective guys.
sorry if I came off as a bit abrasive in my comment, but the "amusement" part rubbed me the wrong way I guess
Sorry if my earlier comments (on the post) were inflammatory. Not my intention.
ah, sorries all around :)
(^_-) me too
no hard feelings whatsoever
Thanks all. I'll go kill my comments on the post. They were in the wrong place anyway.
<-- still has no clue which question was the catalyst :)
well regardless I appreciate you sticking your neck out even when your opinion goes against the current
Q: Will typeface design ever "stop"?

SaturnsEyeThis mainly refers to serif and sans serif typefaces used for everyday body text, not "wacky" display typefaces. I've been looking at a lot of typefaces today and it occurred to me that there are SO many that looks similar. Now I know I'm not a "typeface connoisseur" and that there are such subt...

Oh that...
I did vote to close that :)
DA01 has the only viable answer :)
I am guilty of trying to post questions that are interesting and don't follow a "how do I" pattern but end up being speculative : (
on a different note, I don't know if I've ever talked with you in chat before. So, hi @plainclothes! :P
Hey. Good to meet you too, @JohnB
I don't make it to chat very often.
It's enough for me to carve out time for some answers and a few reviews!
Chat could turn into a real rabbit hole for me!
hehe, I know the feeling believe me
btw, what is this number under my profile pic?
your network-wide rep count
It's not my rep on the main site ...
Ah ...
yeah, there are some chat privs that are given based on network-wide reputation
10k gets you the ability to see flags people raise on chat messages in any chat room anywhere
Not that you can act on flags.. they go by too fast.
yeah, I just ignore the notification :)
Look at that, I starred a chat! SE is so damn gamified it's dizzying.
what is the difference between a white star and a black star (as in the star icons besides the starred comments)?
well to add to that, there will soon be a whole SE site on Gamification area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/61762/gamification
black star means "pinned", room owners can do that. It's a "sticky" message, stays there for a week or something like that
Everyone from UX and GD should be required to join (^_-)
Ok, I'm off to find some electrical conduit. Have a great weekend everyone
Hey @plainclothes good to see you around
@ZachSaucier Thanks, @ZachSaucier (◠‿◠)
I love the immediacy of chat ... I just have too many such channels open!
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