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Hello @CarlosCanto
Hi Zach
just visiting and reading the chat history
it's entertaining sometimes
we'd love to have you around more often!
where are you from, if you don't mind me asking (continent is fine)?
Sorry @Scott I promise I tried searching GDSE first. Thanks for catching that.
I visit often, but lately activity here has slowed down a bit...I have a quick look and see nothing new, except for too many on-hold questions
I'm from LA, how about you?
@CarlosCanto we're working to try and fix that :)
submit a question!
I'm mostly here to answer questions :)
same, but asking can encourage more good questions to be asked
ok, let me see if I can come up with a good question
I just found out about the Mod's elections...I'll cast my vote
I do have a question though, is there private messaging in this site?
no, not really
you can create private rooms but messages can still be read by others
I recommend getting their email if you really need to
yeah, but how do I get in contact with someone to ask for the email?
ping them in chat? comment on their post?
next question, Vincent always mentions "ping us in the chat room" how do we do that?
@Vincent ^^
ok, can you ping me?
@CarlosCanto I have been :P
people have to be within the chat within the last two days in order to ping them IIRC
I'm off to bed. See you around Carlos!
I see a number 1 next to my avatar
thanks, me too, it's late here
nice chatting with you
1 hour later…
Not a problem at all @Johannes I only knew of it offhand because I was the one who specifically posted it, to address a previous comment from another user.
2 hours later…
Avoid the Internet Day brings us the announcement that Adobe is going to abandon Windows and OS X to focus on iOS programs.
4 hours later…
@CarlosCanto feel free to come into Meta and participate in the topics there, especially if you feel too many questions are On-Hold that shouldn't be.
review section is pretty empty since the nominations started for me :P
oh I just realized dom removed his nomination
a lot of people are very upset over this egg game
@JohnB meta post?
what is the egg game?
I mean I see it but have no desire to click on it so Im unsure why people are upset
Q: When something that was supposed to be fun became not fun

Simon André ForsbergStackEgg! What a great invention. Probably the best thing to hit Stack Exchange since the invention of unicoins! Very entertaining game, very fun to play. Many users have probably spent several hours playing this. And April Fool's day is not over yet. However, where there is great inventions t...

The restart button exists. That tells me that this game was designed with raiding in mind. — Rainbolt 22 hours ago
That's what I had thought it was for as well to be honest
1 hour later…
not very active for a Wednesday
@ZachSaucier hey, sorry I'm around just preoccupied with stuff. What's going on?
nothing much, obviously :P
lol aren't you on Spring Break? Shouldn't you be out hiking or some other lively activity?
I had mine a couple weeks back
got the date prototype working that week
anyone see the new Amazon site
do you mean Amazon Dash?
no, amazon site
check it out
that's commitment
I thought the Dash buttons were for April Fools xD
If anyone wants some Bokey Light Textures I can email you a decent set I got earlier today. (This month's free graphic from Envato)
looks like the elections will come down to Vincent and Ryan
@Vincent and @Ryan when are you going to start working on your campaign designs? can we vote on them in meta?
sorry dudes, vewwy busy today. Two deadlines at at time ain't no fun :)
@Matt can I submit a typeface?
go ahead... could have some fun with it.. I shall make a meta question
oh, you were serious?
then I'm going to ask: what is a campaign design?
Is that where I start to slander and mud sling Vincent? @Matt Propaganda for everyone!
go ahead. I'm rubber, you are glue :)
@Vincent haha you don't really want me to do that, I'm told I can be blunt
...by me, among others. I have a thick skin. Not as thick as @JohnB but I can have a lot, especially if I know whom it comes from :P
ok, I gotta scram. I'll be doing overtime, so I'll be in again tonight
@Ryan sure
@cockypup FYI "portray" is the word you were looking for, not "portrait" :)
oops, I can't speak English before 3 cups of cofffe
or type
where did I write that?
in other news, I have exactly 3,500 rep right now
@cockypup here
no big deal
grrr, freaking ESL... I want my money back
I try to note misuse of words on SE because of the amount of English learners. Since I just checked and you're from Canada it's probably just a mistake, not a misunderstanding/misuse
English is not my mother's tongue
corrected now : )
I think it's "mother tongue" fyi xD if you mean it's not your first language learned
cool, till sounds spooky... the image that comes to my mind... of my mother showing her tongue
not that Kali is my mother, but she can be as frightening sometimes...
my mother tongue is Spanish
Spain Spanish or from the Americas?
BTW, thanks for the answers, @Scott and @ZachSaucier. They were dutifully plus-oned
Spanish from Cuba
cool, that's not too far from me :)
how'd you end up in Canada?
Well, Canada has a "skilled worked" immigration program. I had the profession they needed (software engineer), the experience (5 years) and there was no future in Cuba for young professionals, so I applied for the program, they accepted me and came here 10 years ago.
cool. Have you enjoyed it so far?
that is a very short story. leaving Cuba in those years was not an easy task. I had to jump through all sort of hoops, including creating an imaginary girlfriend that lived in Canada with all sorts of drama, just to convince Cuban's bureaucratic lords to let me leave.
I love it here, it is an amazing country
@cockypup weird. I'd like to hear that story sometime. Maybe we'll meet one day :)
that would be awesome : )
of you ever come to Toronto, let me know
if you're ever in the southern US (or near NYC this summer) let me know!
I hope to make it to Canada one of these years, haha
not so far from NYC. I was able to see NY state's lights from my window on a nice day, over the lake
Nice! I'll be there for 5 weeks this summer if you want to meetup sometime
going to eat, I'll be back in a bit
My mother is frightening, much moreso than Kali, and I'm not Spanish :) Glad to help @cockypup
@Scott and does she know you think about her that way? :P
Absolutely. And I'm sure she thinks about me similarly (long stories) :)
oh my
suffice to say not everyone is cut out to be a parent :) But hey,. that's where personality comes from :)
I understand. I think I'm one of those people, so I decided to avoid reproduction :)
Oh I doubt you're anywhere near what I'm thinking. In fact I'm fairly certain you'd be a good parent ;)
you'd be wrong. For starters, I hate most kids
okay.. well.. there's that . HA!
to follow up, I have very little patience for irrationality
and to finish, I tend to fly off the handle sometimes when I'm tired and impatient
Sounds like a normal man to me :)
oh, and I'd always be insecure about whether I'd do a good parenting job
meh.. everyone is messed up in some way. You can't really do a bad parenting job unless you aren't there or are very abusive.
hey @scott got a sec?
sort of
or a way I can do it locally?
Pagemaker -- no clue. Quark, I'd use the Q2!D plugin from Markzwares to be honest.
@Scott I think I'd crack under the stress.
Unless they are Quark 4 or older.. Indesign should open those
dont know yet
I know ID CS5 and older open QX4 files
Not sure if they killed that in newer versions
If they are QX5+ files the only thing I know is the Q2ID plug in. Or you'd have to find someone to do it for you. Probably cheaper to get the Plug in $200 I think
ya looking at the plugin now
It works pretty well. Some slight text reflowing sometimes. I used it a bit a couple years ago, but haven't updated it to run with ID CS6+
so no conversion people for pagemaker or solution?
pagemaker is... soo.... ooold
(I worked with it)
I've got a G4Cube in a closet and a couple G3 iBooks.... If I got a pagemaker file, that's what I'd resort to. But I think older versions of ID open Pagemaker as well, to a degree. I don't know anywhere doing PM conversions any longer.
you still have that new copy of Adobe CS6 for mac?
The big selling point and ID1-4 was the ability to open files from other apps - mainly QP and PM. So that makes sense... I still use CS5.5 most of the time :)
But yes.. email it to me I'll open and re-save as ID.
err... thanks but Im talking about several months worth of designs that need to be updated, lol
might be a summer free time project
oh :) Maybe a kinkos??
they'll ask me to do it.. so I got to find CS6 somewhere for mac
Trying to think if I have a dead older ID license. I'd have to look. It's entirely possible I have a CS3 or CS4 version of Indesign that was never upgraded.
Well I've still got that CS6 Master Suite sealed in an Adobe shipping Box :)
500 it was right ;)
well.. the longer I have it the more of a commodity it becomes :)
can you still get updates for CS6, dont remember
You can upgrade CS6 to the subscription at a lower price
But then the CS6 license dies and is no longer perpetual. So.... If I ever do go tot eh Subscription.... I may want that extra CS6 master suite
Anyone travel a lot? Scratching my head..called a hotel and said they were booked. Went online to the same hotel and made a reservation no problem
book a car
there and back to the airport
Hotels often double-book online John
I'd trust the call.. not the site
Heck yeah!
Codrops agreed to let me write a tutorial and create demos for them using the image loader idea I had :D
@Zach oh, that's great, congrats!
@JohnB could it be that they left some rooms open just to have them available online?
1 hour later…
@matt and its been done
3 hours later…
@ryan huh?
Anyone know any other good points to ask a printer?
@cockypup you do print design?
@Matt bounty on your question. And two new answers since

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