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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

Me no blender user :(
@AwalGarg Become with the click of a button
We don't care!!!
ok, sure.
You can loiter and UV us
Our chat is super fun
@GiantCowFilms UVd :)
@AwalGarg Thanks!
@someonewithpc Hey, you made it!
If I posted an answer about a month ago, and it reaches 7 score now, will I get the hat?
@AwalGarg Maby, lets try!
Yisela isn't messing around with these hats
ok UV this please
second time I forgot the link
thanks! Need just one more :D
@AwalGarg Put your b.se account to good use:
A: camera settings to imitate my camera

GiantCowFilmsYou can match a camera in blender. Select your camera Go into the camera properties. Set the Focal length of your camera to 121. Set the Sensor Fit to Horizontal Set the width value to 127 (which is 5 inches in millimeters). You will need to make your image resolution fit a 4:5 aspect rati...

@JohnB heh, I thought you were last year's hat champion?
@GiantCowFilms done :D
You'll see, I'm a dark horse
atm, I'm breathing in that dark horse's neck :P
@JohnB @JohnB help the cause!: save babby kittens:
A: Creating two equidistant edges (two "centered" edge loops)

GiantCowFilmsUse Ctrl-B and then scroll (You can add more cuts that way): You can fine tune the distance in the operator panel F6:

Up vote!
I wonder what if the mods revert all these hats, badges and votes if they see all this was setup :D
also, you're all banned for voting manipulation!
@AwalGarg Oh shoot!!!!
@JohnB damn
We're just having a party!
@AwalGarg then I outa here :)
Bye, never was here!
@JohnB If you don't ban us, we will UV your posts :p
@AwalGarg At least half the people in this room are mods.
I don't think so XD
stackoverflow.com/help/badges/94/pundit this badge is easy to get, I think.
And it would give me a hat as well :p
This was good in 2009, now you use bcrypt or something. — Awal Garg Nov 17 at 8:15
@AwalGarg eh, I've been trying to get that one for ages :/
^everybody upvote that comment!!!
@AwalGarg That is hard to get on b.se...
@GiantCowFilms not on SO :P
@GiantCowFilms I thought you left
@Vincent :p
@David I saw it was safe and returned
set response type to dom document and do getElementByWhatever directly on the response. — Awal Garg Nov 19 at 16:02
^and this one :D
@GiantCowFilms did you get the time lord hat?
@David No... D:
me either
k, 'm booooored now. Cya guys later!
bye Willow
@David it must take ages, I'm waiting too
Oh, hi @LaurenIpsum!
blender.stackexchange.com/questions/6487/… try UV this one, in case it does have to be one of your own posts
@David UV
thanks, if I get the time lord hat, I will definitely let you know.
oh I got the time lord hat!!
@Matt What ya do for it
still trying to figure that out.
@Matt did you have to edit one of you old questions?
Was trying to get another one
the other thing is SE's time delay, so we really never know what we did.
I need one more upvote for my web question to get a hat
I will UV it
me three!
hmm I edited another person's question... can someone UV this one please?
I think it is old enough
(its the oldist I've got)
oh, how old do they have to be?
^^ that is what I was about to ask
I think 6 mounths
mine was from May
I chose an old old one
might be riiiight there
@Yisela what was the vote count before you edited it?
You guys UV'd right:
Q: Issues with Shadow Mapping?

user2016I'm trying to get a Shadow map for some armor pieces I made and I've been watching this tutorial on how to do it. But some of the options that I need to use to get a good shadow map aren't showing up in my Blender Program. This also includes the Bake tab in Render. Which I need to for the Shadow ...

@David 13 I think
wow SE is now using random urls to the secret hats.
Damn 4 votes on b.se left!
that went quick
@Matt any reason why you removed the link I just added?
testing something hold-on
ok its back
you missed the link xD
@Yisela I keep going to your suggested questions but those are all ones I've upvoted already. :)
I shall keep trying!
@David I've go 9 hats... I just need to see what I can do about the android/apple clients... that may be hard.
ok got me some hats, lol
@LaurenIpsum hi!
@ZachSaucier failed...
@LaurenIpsum aww thanks!
@Matt nice one xD
@David bad news, you have to edit 5 old questions to get the timelord hat
@GiantCowFilms I figured it was something like that. Was working on it before you posted
@David Okay
9 really, I only have 6
@GiantCowFilms plus votes?
@David Yup, you can look
@Yisela Don't know
Post if you wan't votes, but I can't help for b.se anymore D:
@GiantCowFilms well did you have people vote on the questions after you edited them?
@David Haven't done 5, just read it on meta.se
there's time, I don't want to bury the new questions from today
@GiantCowFilms Oo that is different
@Yisela LOL
nice cayous
@David But he got, and it's worth a shot!
I'm having trouble choosing my hat...
@Yisela true but I'm finding some that need to be edited, look at the difference here blender.stackexchange.com/posts/699/revisions
@GiantCowFilms photoshop
@David Then no one can see them
you dont have to make them small like I did
@David definitely, I meant not edit just for the sake of it
@David That could end up looking very rediculous
anyone know how to get the waffle hat?
nope, it's still a mystery
@Yisela I know what you meant, and I only do so much just for the sake of a hat.
@David If you seem some I need of editing once you're done, could you send them my way, not having much luck finding the ones that need editing.
@Matt I wan't it
I love the top hat and finger. think it goes well with my avatar
@GiantCowFilms unfortunately it is not hard to find, just click on the question with the lowest UV on the page
@Matt but no more votes for you today
@David True... I'll keep looking
um wrong.. said 7 hours =P
@David Same here Waaa.
@Matt Yes!
so are you saying I should use the rest of mine now?
This is making me earn tones for bronze badges!
@Yisela yay!
Do you think we could summon a user with a waffle and ask them what they did?
@GiantCowFilms really, which ones? I have not gotten one yet.
everyone is wondering about the waffle on meta
if someone knew they would have posted it
@David Voting ones mostly
shame not all the users are playing
@Matt the star count on the right would be crazy
wonder how many secret badges exist
hats or badges?
@Matt Some meta.se users have tones!!!!
I see some forgot it's a marathon not a sprint :)
sup @scott!
@Scott why run the marathon when we can race to the end this week?
:) Serious case of deja vu when I looked at the questions this morning :)
Happy day, just got the time lord hat !!!
PS no need to have the edits UVed
nice to know, thanks!
@Yisela if you still need to know about the time lord hat let me know.
@David Congrats!
@David I'll wait a few days, the home is looking horrible
true, it is almost mean of SE to give us the hats right before Christmas
Research on waffles says its about favoriting!
Downvoting then editing then upvoting has bee reported to work for waffles as well?
Tests guys (I'm outta votes)
any idea if that is for a question or a answer?
will try soon
I'm out of votes too
I'm trying to get out of votes, but then I read something or go and edit another post :)
See people actually avoid voting on my posts :)
I'll never get some hats :)
wow, I have the waffle hat
I got waffles too
do you know how you got it?
it is like @GiantCowFilms said vote down, edit then vote up. The names make sense after you know what gets the hat.
@Scott you got the waffle!!! what did you do?
53 secs ago, by David
it is like @GiantCowFilms said vote down, edit then vote up. The names make sense after you know what gets the hat.
it is what David said about what GiantCowFilms said :P
Vote a question down
Edit that question
Vote that question Up
@Yisela exactly
looks like now people are going for the "answer unanswered question"
is it just for the votes or do you need the OP to accept it? because some are ooooooold
there, lol
@Scott waffle-man! congrats :)
@NoviceInDisguise ok it is your avatar
It's okay if they answer old questions... it can provide flags and downvotes becuase they are streeeeeeeeeeeeeetching to answer, when it's not really an answer :)
I need 60 flags before hats end.. it's probably the only way I'll earn a gold badge :)
@Scott which in turn gives more hats
Home page is pretty bad now :) lots of low view, very old questions :)
Not me :-P
Does Chameleon require votes to get?
I just need one more UV on that answer then another hat
@NoviceInDisguise no
there is a time delay for that one. but just changing you avatar will do it.
@GiantCowFilms which question did you UV to get Fascinating, Ma'am?
never mind, now I see it was not even on b.se
daily vote limit reached. so where is my hat?
ha found another ipsum!
@David you need to upvote at least ten questions I think.
I think I did that
I have the hat now, again slow SE
Please stop editing old questions for today, there were valuable ones that got buried because of all the hats hype. There's time until the 4th of Jan.
@Yisela I agree!One question, does the timelord hat require editing old questions, or just any old posts?
I only edited my old question because I found another ipsum..
there are over 30 edited questions on the home
Well damnit @Yisela tell "Community" to quit as well!!!!!!!!! :)
@Yisela that is not how I got mine
How old is old?
Very old
(I don't know :P)
@David is it not? I still don;t have it, but I thought it was 5 old questions of your own
I'm deleting the starred comments, this will take a while xD
Well 1 certainly doesn't do it. :) I wondered why the stars were changing a lot :)
I edited 5 old questions (about a year old) they were not mine and nobody UVed after my edit.
I only killed the ones that were "Hi", "Star me" and so on
left the cat gifs and a couple of yours, Scott
eh.. remove all mine.. the world won't end :)
@David you are right, I have the wrong one in mind, it's this: Tardis = edit then get upvote on edited post
@Scott I'd kill the last one, but it means I have to delete the comment (cause I can't un-star). If that's ok..
meh.. not married to anything Yisela. Do what you will :)
@Yisela I did not get the tardis, even after doing what you just said.
It's a marathon.... I think if you just use the site as you normally would, you'll be surprised at the hats you get ;)
that is kind of what I came up with, but what fun is that?
@Scott Most likely. Hopefully they'll get burned out and then we can sneak ahead . . .
I wonder if we could use the hat hype to promote new questions an answers on the subjects we need the most
something like a meta post where we propose areas of interest... and then each person can edit in a link to their question and try to get the high UV score hat
I think you should get a hat for doing hat-related items in a short time period that add no value to the site? :)
'the destroyer of worlds' -> 30 meaningless edits
Wow! That is pretty bad . . .
'the four horseman of the apocalypse (horse ears)"
@Yisela but only on questions with at least 20 UVs
we should have an anti-hat bash
Four Horseman hat.. I like it!
ah, thanks for that, edited the correct name
make your own hat Scott!
Well... the problem is someone else would have to state the edit were invalid :)
There may already be a hat for edited edits :)
I think there is one for wiki excerpts, that one would be really good for us
did your hat just win a hat?!
Ya know.. I've never figured out how to add tag wikis or tag synonyms or edit synonyms etc. Never really cared :)
do you care now? I can show you
No the meta edit was an edit it was already the top question. Didn't think meta counted for hats.
Nah.. I ignore most tag stuf :)
but thanks
I edit when I see them in the review queue, but beyond that I don't really care :)
I don't think many users read them
I don't either. It's more SEO stuff I think
but they must be good for SEO and those occasional users
well and favoriting and subscribing is helpful. But beyond the name I don't give 2 hooties and the blowfishes
I have fav some questions but never ever came back to them
sort of like the bookmarks in browsers
I favotire to bookmark things for duplicate links :)
I do the same thing sometimes . . .
I always end up with an infinite list of forgotten crap that I need to clean every year or so
@Scott that's a good one
that's why I dont' actually bookmark. It'll go into the wasteland of old junk in my browser.
and my gmail inbox... I think I kept labels working for 6 months, and since then it's been "too many items on your inbox"
I think I have bookmarks form like 2001 or older :) Never bother to clean them out.
I'm gunna have to go buy an android tablet to use the SE app on it.. damn hats :)
(kidding, of course)
you can give me your credentials and I can log in for you, cough cough...
yeah. suuuuuuuuuuuuure.... .Or I could jsut go to Wal-mart and log in there :)
on one of their displays :)
So how's life Yisela?
it's good, getting used to my new home, learning the language, hoping some day I'll be able to work here, with it...
where are you again? (you globetrotter, you)
and fighting clients as usual, but I think I have a thicker skin now
in Frankfurt, Germany
Ahh... My sister was born in Stutgart and apparently we lived in Frankfurt until I was 4 or 5. And I spoke fluent German as a toddler --- no clue how to speak it now :)
oh, wow!
were your parents travelling?
I was an army brat until like, 7 or 8
My father retired when I was young.
It must be fun for you to travel and live in so many different places?
I thought so!
well, sometimes it's because I choose too, others I have to
New Zealand wasn't working out, but I had everything I needed, now I'm in zero again
maybe this is the place I stay
You'll knwo it when it happens. Things will just start working right :)
how's life over there?
enjoying your house?
About the same. Cat died, got a new kitten, dealign with that little bundle of terror during the day. But other than that, nothign really of note :)
was cat old?
:( I'm sorry
yeah 15-16. No clue why she died. Just found her dead.
what color is the new kitten?
She's a Blue Russian with some slight tabby or rex mix to her. Mostly Blue Russian though.
green eyes?
yellow -- which is where the tabby or rex come in :) Blue Russians normally have blue ro green eyes.
she's got like "ghost" stripes on her back half. You don't even see them until she's right in front of you.
is that the real one?
yeah that's her
Pretty cool and insightful video -- adweek.com/adfreak/…
selector is wrong, should be table.comparison
think I just figured out the problem, but that could be it too
lol, I have no more chat stars in here xD
Well not sure about what you said, I was just dumb --- I was in my media queries section of the CSS file instead of the full size portion
@ZachSaucier now you can see your latest non-hat related star comment :)
(a cat gif)
hahaha, that gif is awesome
@Scott I like your cat
... and she likes you @ZachSaucier (she likes everyone)
@Scott how much did you have to do on the app for the apple hat?
Single upvote sufficient?
just posted a comment.
upvoting works too
I don't think voting or favoriting works.
You have to post something
I only UV on android
well.. i was at my vote limit so I couldnt' try that :)
@Ryan re: video the logo kind of sucks. But I give him a lot of credit for actually trying to do it while filming. No one can be expected to come up with a great logo in that environment.
you think the video sucks or you think the logo sucks? I find it pretty interesting just to watch someone's workflow a little.
I do find it funny how those in teh business of presentation for their clients don't always think about for their own business. Hat, 5 layers of clothes including a jacket -- all while working indoors :)
The video is interesting. I don't think he developed anything earth-shattering. but I wouldn't expect him to filming a 15 minute session
As the processes goes, it's a great video. You jsut have to kind of disregard where he ends up with the actual artwork.
At least he did a logo for a concrete company, not like @ZachSaucier who thinks the entire world is digital :P
Not his fault. I'm sure given a few days he'd come up with something fantastic.
pretty nice size work area / library he's got too for a one man operation
@Ryan What is this RL you speak of?
I didn't even notice his work area. :)
see you later!
see ya!
1 upvote on droid was sufficient
1 hour later…
@David Same won as @Yisela here on GD.se
more bread crumbs about the hair boat hat. meta.stackexchange.com/users/165581/abby-hairboat has the hair boat on lifehacks, still in privet beta. If anyone has a lh.se account and check to see what the circumstances around his 2 answers are that would be great.
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