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@Gramps it reads sold out now... but depending upon price, sure. The GT120 video card is just okay... not fabulous, but better than the nVidia 7300 or 8800s. I'd probably also look for an ATI 5700 or 5800 to replace that. But other than that the hardware is decent.
But wait... the title reads "GT 120" the description reads Raedon 4870 -- if that's the case then it's DEFINITELY better than the GT 120 and if the price is right a decent system.
Faster processor are often better than more processors. Most apps aren't that multi-core aware (i.e. Illustrator, InDesign, text editors, browsers, etc).
10 hours later…
morning Darth
MR Darth
@Gramps Morning MR Darth
I dislike Adobe...
3rd install... now... phone support because their chat support doesnt work
I've got Premier at 23%. Only 5 more to go!
guy just asked how to spell matt
did you really just remove that lawl
I wasnt being serious even a little
this guy is making me angry... goose frahhh bah
thought the LOWER CASE made it obvious as sarcasm :\
<----- atheist heathen
Premier's only at 42% and already wants me to close all Adobe applications. Including Adobe Link Manager... I had to search Processes in Task Manager just to find where to close that one. Great plan Adobe
I will not talk religion here ;)
@Gramps could they at least help you on the phone?
Thats cool, I'm not looking for a debate or argument or anything. I'm just open about everything. If I ever offend you feel free to let me know
or are you stuck being transfered between Mumbai and Chennai now?
and afternoon everyone
heya Vincent
sup, Ryan?
preparing for a good weekend?
Yeah actually have a pretty full weekend planned. What about you?
some relaxing planned, visiting a cousin's bbq. life's good
@Ryan its cool.. Maybe ONE DAY we can drink and have a good debate on it
@Bakabaka ha ha.. NO
@Gramps as in, NO, they weren't able to help me?
adobe CC lock my mac and force a reboot and an update error that when you click cancel or retry will not terminate unless you force a reboot
after reboot it goes away
@Gramps not likely. I learned long ago not to debate religion. Nobody is going to change their life view at the end so its a futile effort for all involved. Lets just drink and enjoy life instead some time
@Bakabaka what kind of stuff do they BBQ where you are?
@Ryan yes!! BBQ... and what type of sause
@Ryan well, meat...
and knowing my cousin, probably fish.
but I mean steaks? chicken? pork? hamburgers? sausages? fish? do you all use rubs or marinades? charcoal or propane?
where me and Gramps live we take our BBQ seriously
mostly pork, sausages, probably some hamburgers. Steak is more rare (pun intended)
and you can buy all kinds of pre-marinated, pre-packed stuff here, most peeps I know tend to use that
And we don't really eat charcoal or propane, the first isn't very delicious or healthy, and the second is somewhat volatile. Doesn't stay on the plate :P
What do you use for the heat source?
oh yeah we tend to use lots of bacon here
mostly charcoal. large-scale party BBQs are propane, though
I'm not the biggest expert on the process, unfortunately. We don't have a plce to bbq at our appartment, so we never do except at friends family
and sauces... garlic sauce, peanut sauce and curry ketchup are popular
ever heard of a dyno egg?
peanut sauce is a thing we picked up from the Indonesians when they were still a Dutch colony. You can even order your fries with the stuff in most fries places
err... no?
hard boiled egg encased in sausage then wrapped on bacon
sounds good for your cholesterol :P
...yet delicious :)
clog the artery
that's what they are for, right?
what're you guys doing this weekend? Working again, @Gramps?
probably and decorating my office
Probably drinking with a buddy tonight. Gym in the morning then going to a BBQ afterwords, then gym Sunday morning and movie Sunday night
sounds good :)
@Gramps hanging the double-bladed red lightsabers on the wall and all?
@Ryan thanks for your answer on the layers/anti-aliasing post -- I had no clue what the OP was talking about until I saw your answer
anyone of you seen the 'Moon' movie the other Q is about?
never heard of it
I got some new car art
ah, pity. It's good. There's a nice reference to the plot in the poster, but I would spoil if I told you what it is
oh @Ryan Im sorry man I never answered your question on code that I saw on vacation in regards to your site issue
uhh no idea what you're talking about at this point :\
no reason to apologize though regardless
bought to get some questions from stack
@Ryan the question in regards to your company css that random answered, I meant to add an answer to it
oooh got it.
@Gramps you're doing a good job as our sole Mod. Way to hold it down. Hope nothing's wrong with JohnB
I dont know.. Ive asked but I think some dislike my me even more for the way I run but I dont know what to do about finding a middle.
I think John's new work role has him slammed but I dont know. He is on a little
Yisela will be back in a few weeks, I believe
just had some great InDesign questions migrated over from Stack
where is she? she never said she was leaving to me.
She isn't gone
but she had to cut back on here time here; work things
and she's on now and then as well
Q: How do I place a picture unto photoshop without creating a canvas?

user10209How do I place a picture in photoshop without creating a canvas. If I open a new document in photoshop, I am prompted to open a new canvas, but when I place the image unto the new canvas and try to save it as a .jpeg for instance, whatever white space there is around the picture is also saved in...

Seriously? Is he asking how to open a file? Cause that's what I get from that
They're asking how to open it with a matching size
I've seen Moon
@Bakabaka right... so open the picture?
It's basically about Space Madness :)
@Scott Hi there! I really like the reference to the plot they snuck into the poster
yeah.. it's an interesting movie... one man slowly going crazy in space ;)
rather memorable as well, with basically just one actor appearing on-screen the entire movie
so its a rehash of 2001? is there a cool 10 minutes of colors changing at the end?
sup scotty
oh forgot!!!! HAPPY FRIDAY
Probably the best thing I've seen Rockwell do.. very underrated. But it is strictly drama and kind of slow I guess for some people
yep sounds like 2001
I found it better than 2001 Ryan
More realistic. 2001 was less interesting to me.
But yeah.. somewhat a remake
I'll have to check it out. I like 2001
It is sloooow
@Bakabaka have you seen 2001?
Gotta be in the right mood for it
Hey Matte
but Kevin Spacey's voice role made me crack up
Or is it Mawt
@Ryan no, should I?
Or Hmaut
heard a lot about it
@Scott snicker
It's worth seeing Ryan
@Bakabaka I can nearly guarantee 2001 is the slowest movie you'll ever watch. Its brilliant in that respect though if you can tolerate it.
slower than the Miyazaki Earthsea flick?
never saw it, but I'll venture to say yes.
Slower than Drive (man that movie blew)
@Bakabaka this is an actual clip... Don't worry, I don't think it qualifies as a spoiler
oh well, I can handle slow. Saw Monsters recently. Great movie
Saw Monsters... a bit too slow for me for an alien flick
@Ryan why are you showing me 70s psychedelica?
I used to try and make things like these on my old MSX home computer back in the 80s :)
@Bakabaka try 1965. He was an innovator.
ah wow
production in 1965. film came out in 1968
THAT's why 2001 gets the acclaim it does.. the date.... and the cinematography. The story isn't really fabulous.
Kubrick doesn't make great story films... he makes great cinematography
yeah in a way thats true. Definitely for 2001 its true
(be back in a few)
@Scott maphew
Gazundheit [sp]
oh if anyone wants any 16gb RAM for their MACs Tigerdirect has an offer for 60 off with free shipping
@Ryan... need a drone?? youtube.com/watch?v=7BdL26GzTrY
What size sticks? 4GB?
2 8gb what I got
Vincent I closed that question
@Gramps eh which one?
mobile app one
interesting.. I do have 4 slots empty and need 8GB sticks.. hmmm....
@Gramps ah, the one about flat or 3D design. Good thing you did.
no not that one yet... I should look at that one again.
Q: Blurry and fuzzy uploaded images

architectedI'm creating a mobile website app with the help of some developers. Uploaded photos and icons appear blurred and fuzzy when applied to the website itself. How can I solve this issue?

ah that one. Yeah, it's way too vague
No RAM for me.. looks liek they don't have 8GB 1066 sticks.. just the 8GB 1886 sticks
could be anything
I get paid next week Im getting an OWC HDD
@scott what is your view on a used mac pro VS an imac?
Ive looked but cant find if the imac's HDD can be upgraded to an ssd.
Only real deciding factor is expansion... if it's not needed, the iMacs are fine
Can't run more than 2 monitors with an iMac.. only 1 internal drive, that sort fo thing
you can with thunderbolt
well TB is still external
Not the same thing
the new imacs come with 2 thunderbolt ports so you could technically run a total of 2 extra
oh I see what you're saying
Internal bus is always faster and you don't have damn power supplies to plug in everywhere
Oh TB for monitors.. yeah that's fine
I was thinking drives
I actually use all 4 of my MP internal HDD bays... dont' knwo how I'll adjust to only having external drives
and really there's no need for NAS unless you've got multiple systems needing access to the same content.
And you don't want to allow your Macs to share
You can use any Mac as a NAS system
I copy stuff from my MP to a mini I have set up in the living room as a media server all the time
I have two NAS but I network everything at my house because mine is vertical so my racks are in my basement
but I also believe in redundancy..
yeah I've thought abotu converting to a rack system for HDDs... I've got several of them.. and yeah triple redundancy. But Rack mount HDDS are small in terms of space unless you spend A LOT
not really.
all my old PCs are racks now with a 4U that I get around xmas shipped free for 60 bucks: newegg.com/Product/…-pla--Server+‌​Chassis-_-N82E16811147155&ef_id=U44R1QAABbwXlWM6:20140620152958:s
yeah but how big of HDDs does it support? 2TB?
see I've got 4TB drives in my externals...
3TB drives internally
I dont' buy anything under 3TB any more.
But.. with 8 slotsx2TB that's 16TB so decent
ah.. Ive got 4 2TB and then 8 1TB
Worth considering at a 16TB rack mount
man newegg's site is dog slow anymore
well I run FreeNAS from a USB so my 8 slot sata @ 6gb transfer works well in RAID 10
So hmm about $1k for that rack enclosure and drives.
I buy on tigerdirect now because I dont have to pay tax, I do pay tax on amazon and newegg
I never pay tax... state law :)
Ive got four racks right now but im trying to sell mot of what I dont really need to fund a new mac system BUT i doubt id get much for my gear
I hear ya :) I always try and streamline where I can.
Found OyenDigital.com and have slowly added their (fantastic) enclosures to my FW chain
But it may be time to start thinking racks and just better organization
oyendigital.com <--- best external enclosures I've ever seen
well I bought a 55U, i think its 55U, but had to look on craigslist for 6 months for 120 I recall?
Dont' know what a 55U is :)
See I only need like a half stack or something smaller.. end table size.
4-6 slots
I was thinking future scaling, lol
ya, but being a smart shopper you will pay 200+ for that and mine was around 120 =P
I always get these notions than wait 3-6 months with it in mind.... then buy when I see a deal
(Same way I bought my house) :)
stuff like that is SOOO cheap used
careful with thtose
just lookin.. I ain't buying nuthing now :)
Not the best solution for me anyway
im still battling finding a top for a custom desk
oh and I saw Monument med and it was really good
Haven't seen it. I'll have to try it.
Saw Almost Human, which you'll never see due to kids, but you shouldn't see it anyway :)
how so
Just unoriginal... Fire In The Sky meets The Hidden meets Dreamcatcher meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers
with mediocre acting. Entire last hour of the film is just ominous music and screams. The story is weak.
Had to put the door back on my office yesterday. Portable AC does a bang up job of cooling the room.... but not when there's no door on it :)
what portable AC you go with?
it's a Honeywell. Worked okay before in the other palce, but better set up now in this place. Easily cuts 10° off room temp in 30 minutes or so (if the door's closed). 80° outside = 82° inside due to equipment. Central Air works a lot but never actually cools THIS room much. The portable was a good way to go. Might consider a ductless zone AC at some point.
Oh I saw Afflicted too... vampire flick. Pretty good but all shot from the "Hey I'll film it myself' view.. which is tiresome.
@scott is it loud?
gents, have a nice one.
see you next week
have a great weekend bak
The AC.. yeah it's a jet engine, but I'd rather deal with noise than heat :)
Of course, that's on full. There are 3 speeds. the slower speeds aren't that loud. Lowest speed woudl recon it to a standard house fan
got a model number?
ive got a couple of fans but its just blowing hot hair.
I'd argue about "quiet operation" but overall I'm happy with the unit. Works well in a standard size bedroom with doors closed. Might be a bit too little for larger areas, such as an entire basement.
I got it because I was sick of fans just blowing hot air around.
And I even have a pricey Dyson Hot/cold fan that doesn't work much better than a standard fan (but it looks cooler)
My new office has cross windows in the shade, so I get a good breeze most of the day. It's only about 3pm I shut windows and blinds and turn on the AC unit for a couple hours. Once the sun is hitting the west side of the house.
I've got to find a new scanner... @Gramps you using any Mac scanner at the moment?
I'd probably consider the 10,000 BTU unit if buying today.... amazon.com/Honeywell-MN10CESWW-Portable-Conditioner-Control/dp/…
I have a scanner but cant remember what type it is
guess everyone leaves for the weekend??
have a good weekend scott
Are people becoming lazier or am I just becoming more agitated longing for Friday to end?
2 hours later…
@Gramps what? I saw a message pop up on my phone... I didn't call anyone names though that I'm aware of?? I do see another user named Ryan suddenly asked a question?

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