Draft: Given a list of integers, perform one step of selection sort: either move the smallest number to the beginning of the list, or move the largest number to the end of the list (your choice).
Draft: Given a nonempty list of integers, perform Trumpsort: move along the list from left to right. Make the first element your wall. If the second element cannot get over the wall (i.e., the second element is smaller than the first), remove that. Otherwise, the second element is your new wall. Repeat the process with the third element, the fourth, and so on
AIDraft: Given a positive integer, return its number of trailing zeroes
AIDraft: Print the product of all numbers in an array whose sum equals to zero (if there is any). If no such elements are found - output 0 . Eg.: [1 2 3 4 5 6] -> 0; [3, -3, 2, -4, 2, 2] -> 144.
Draft:graphical-output Draw a hexagon. (Any closed, six-sided figure. Doesn't have to be regular; doesn't have to be convex. Can be outline or filled. No ASCII art or unicode characters like ⬡ please.)
Draft: Given a word composed of lowercase ASCII letters, reverse the order of the vowels (aeiou) within it. Examples: code -> cedo; bureaucracy -> baruaecrucy; subtraction -> sobtrictaun