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Draft: Given a fibonacci number, output the next one. 1 should output 2
Draft: Given a tree, find its depth
Draft: Given a fibonacci number, output the corresponding Lucas number. You may choose whether to output 2 or 1 given 1
Draft: Given a string, return all substrings that are palindromes. By substrings, I mean that you can also remove characters in between, e.g. fobarrbf -> brrb, bab, fof, fbf, faf, frf, bb, brb, etc. (duplicates are allowed)
Draft: Given a string containing only ASCII letters, output it 4 times: once uppercase, once lowercase, once titlecase (all lowercase, first char uppercase), once with the cases swapped. Output in any order
Draft: Flip a matrix over its antidiagonal (basically transpose it the other way)

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