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Drafts reopened?
Draft: given two positive integers, convert the first to the base of the second. For example if 157 and 4 are given as input, convert 157 to base 4. Output should be an array. (it's been done before, but it's a minigolf so dupes don't matter?)
6 hours later…
Draft: Output all tf2 classes: Scout Spy Medic Sniper Soldier Heavy Demoman Engineer Pyro (spearated by any nonalphanumeric character and in any order)
Draft: Polyglot that outputs 5 different characters in 5 different languages
Draft: Palindromise: given a string S output the shortest palindromic string that starts with S
(this is not as easy as flipping and appending)
Draft: Given two (different) of the four reactive Genshin Impact elements (Pyro, Cryo, Hydro, Electro), output their reaction. Pyro + Cryo = Melt, Pyro + Hydro = Vaporize, Pyro + Electro = Overloaded, Cryo + Hydro = Frozen, Cryo + Electro = Superconduct, Hydro + Electro = Electro-Charged. (some punctuation or capitalization leniency is fine, but output must resemble these and cannot be arbitrary numbers)
cannot be numbers :( no magic formula
Draft: Given a string of even length L, output a balanced string of parentheses of length L
Draft: Given a regex R (either as a regex object or a string) in a flavour of your choice, and a string S, output whether R matches S
@rak1507 otherwise you take inputs as 1, 2, 4, 8 and output as 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12 and just submit + :P
lmao fair enough
@cairdcoinheringaahing Draft: Given a string of even length L, output all balanced strings of parentheses of length L (extension of the above)
Draft: Sort a list of numbers so that no triplet of items is consistently sorted min to max or max to min. [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10] could become [10, 2, 4, 1, 8, 0]
Draft: Given two atoms, decide whether or not the first could decay to the other through only alpha and beta (-/+) decay
(the atoms can be taken as the atomic number and mass number)
@RedwolfPrograms Is that the same as sorting it so that the difference between consecutive elements is consistently alternating?
The sign of the difference
But yes
Oh yes, that's what I meant
Draft: lyxal someone. Turn .*I'm (\w+)[ ,].* and $username into You're not $1, you're $username
That has done in a past minigolf I believe. I like the challenge though. I'll star it
Are we voting on stuff yet?
Draft: Take an array. If it has an even number of items, return it unmodified. If it has an odd number of items, split it by the middle item and return the two resulting arrays (the middle one will be discarded).
@user I guess so, I'll start clearing the stars on the old drafts
Draft: Given a square matrix of positive digits, return the upper triangular matrix formed by zeroing all of the elements below the main diagonal.
Draft: given a string matching (\d+)( to the power of (\d+))+ (basically a number followed by one or more to the power of <number>), compute it. For example, the string 3 to the power of 3 should give an output of 27, while 2 to the power of 4 to the power of 3 should output 4096. Powers evaluated left to right
(The output format is part of the challenge)
@hyper-neutrino upper triangular is one where if i<=j, A_ij is equal to 0, right? (refreshing mind from linear algebra course)
@ophact i>j
Draft: Mean of a number's prime factors
Oh oops
wait is it A_row col?
yep A_{ij} for i>j is 0
Draft: (x, y) => [x + y, x - y, y - x, -y - x] (any order is fine)
If anyone has any more ideas for drafts, we'll probably start voting in a few minutes.
Draft: Take an integer percentage interest rate as input (like 5 for 5%), an initial amount of money (float or integer, your choice), and a number of months. Return the resulting amount of money, with interest compounded monthly.
Voting is now starting.
can i commit 11 to vote for my own proposals :p (/s btw)
@RedwolfPrograms is the list always given in ascending order?
Draft: Given a list of strings, output the sorted version (alphabetically) based on last letter: ["abc", "deb", "fgh", "jiz", "efy"] -> ["deb", "abc", "fgh", "efy", "jiz"]. Must be in ascending order, and the strings will always match /[a-z]/g.
If the last letters are the same, do we default to the second to last, like with normal sorting? Can we assume all lowercase?
yes, it was mentioned they match /[a-z]/g, so global regex of lowercase alphabetical.
And if the last letters are the same, you can sort in whatever order.
1 hour later…
Draft: Given a list [a, b, c] repeatedly calculate [mean, median, mode] until it converges
If there is more than one mode, use the first one in the triple

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