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16 hours later…
6:49 PM
Funny.. I find the miniature FAR more impressive than a projector doing what a projector does, you know, illuminate things. Some of the "in awe" comments are quite hilarious if they are really that impressed by a projector. :)
2 hours later…
9:13 PM
Done anyone have to deal with legal disclaimers in their work? I'm feeling like a legal team is being OVERLY demanding where disclaimers are concerned. No one wants to argue with them, cuz they are lawyers who LOVE to argue.. but they are killing designs by demanding all disclaimers be bold and all uppercase. - Basically so they are more visually prominent than the actual sales text!
9:44 PM
I mean wouldn't a good lawyer easily be able to argue that 11pt normal weight type is just as (if not more) readable than 11pt, bold, all uppercase type? Does bold uppercase really strengthen any legal premise if placement and size are the same? .. fingerprint lawyers.. i hate 'em (mostly because clients never push back when they are being just silly.)

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