@vitamind I'm fine (thanks). We've had crazy weather (rain, thunderstorms, and heat), but given the situation of many geographic areas, I can't complain at all (no fire risk, with all the rain).
@vitamind I like world music; and in the US, I like what was called "folk music/acoustic guitar + singer/song-writers. I'm pretty eclectic (I like a variety of music, even some classical.) But heavy metal music I just can't enjoy: the discord, the anger, etc. I can appreciate it as likely cathartic for those who participate, but I find it too overstimulating for me. How about you?
@amWhy Same :). I like pretty much everything, I don't know if it's good or bad. Probably good. Classical sometimes, heavy metal never. I also can't really enjoy new(!) pop. By "folk music/acoustic guitar + singer/song-writers" do you mean something like Bye bye miss American pie, drove my shevy to the levee but the levee was dry? I like this song :)
@vitamind Yes, but it is often worth moving through it, rather than avoiding it. I lost both my parents rather early in my life, and recently lost a sister, and for many, there are songs that both represent words and memories, or remind one of them. But the fact that the songwriter/singer seems to so fully understand, can also help one feel less alone.
@vitamind Oh, yes. He's up and at it, and full of life. The above song is rather sad, a father realizing only after retirement, that he seemed never to have time for his son, and in turn, the son, grown up, seems to never have time for his Dad. It is both tragic, but also inspiring, for folks to have insight, and perhaps stop such cycles?
Music/lyrics/poems, etc, have a way of touching us, move us. But I agree, that sometimes I've had to know when to stop, or take a break. But I truly marvel at artists, poets, novelists, musicians are so adept at creating work that speaks to us, but also is a canvas for us to see ourselves in them.
I recently discovered anime, for me it (the ones I watched) resemble the exact same thing you wrote. The "song", which has moved we the most is this one: This is probably not about the music itself, it's what I associate with them.