@Mr.Sigma. first of all, all Hindu schools believe that there are infinite souls, including KS. And I don't why you are unconvinced with a simple logic like that
Tattva Bodha 11.1 - A work from Shankaracharya
It clearly says Maya is in Brahma. Calls her Brahmashraya.
There's a popular problem posed by Ramanujacharya of Vishistadvaita to Advaita
You and your hands are a bad example. Its just language game. What is you? Your soul?? Or your body? If you are collection of different organs, then ofcourse hands are in you.
Look at this India has Maharashtra, jist like you have hands. And Maharashtra in India. So if we consider you as a body then of course, your hands are in you.
You are taking for granted that just because you say Maya is Brahman's power its somehow answers the question.
Just because you say its a power you have not answered the question where she is, I don't why you think that
If there is money in your hands, you cant call yourself poor.
If gunas are there in Maya, according to you Brahman can't be nirguna.
You have simply not answered the question at all. If at all you think calling something its power answers the location of it, you ahould have been way more explicit in your answers. I just can't understand why you would think callong something a power and using the word "have" instead of "in" would answer the question