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00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 23:00

@DannyBeckett Retrieves the METAR weather data for a specified ICAO airport - e.g. !!weather KJFK or !!weather EGGP
!!weather test
!!weather test
@DannyBeckett Retrieves the METAR weather data for a specified ICAO airport - e.g. !!weather KJFK or !!weather EGGP
!!weather test
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 00:10:08 GMT (that's about 31 seconds ago), learned 1 commands
!!weather test
@DannyBeckett No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for test! Check you input the correct ICAO code.
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 00:15:10 GMT (that's about 31 seconds ago), learned 1 commands, teleported 0 goats
!!weather test
@DannyBeckett No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for test! Check you input the correct ICAO code.
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 042351Z 22011KT 10SM FEW220 BKN260 M03/M11 A3036 RMK AO2 SLP281 4/007 T10281106 11028 21056 56012 $
@DannyBeckett help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, findcommand, google, inhistory, learn, no, live, die, meme, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, spec, stat, stats, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, user, weather, welcome, wiki, youtube (page 0/0)
!!weather xxxx
@DannyBeckett No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for XXXX! Check you input the correct ICAO code.
!!weather eggp
@DannyBeckett EGGP 050120Z 22009KT 9999 FEW028 SCT045 04/02 Q0994
@DannyBeckett cool
it literally just spits out aviation weather data atm
for an airport
!!weather KMIA
@DannyBeckett KMIA 050053Z 08006KT 10SM FEW020 SCT150 OVC200 23/19 A3012 RMK AO2 SLP198 T02330194
it means something to pilots
@DannyBeckett idea: have it index a list of VOLMETs and links to it in websdr.org
not really to me
translating it into Wind: 80° @ 20 kts
etc, atm
@PatoSáinz that's a cool idea
haha I bet they'd love that actually
lmao, you guys starred that @Bob @PatoSáinz
you should sign up for the public beta @PatoSáinz
@DannyBeckett haha why do you that?
@PatoSáinz you know what VOLMETs are
@DannyBeckett :) i definitely like aviation and radio... being around would be interesting, alright
we've only just started
user image
!!weather kfjk
@DannyBeckett No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for KFJK! Check you input the correct ICAO code.
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050051Z COR 24013KT 10SM FEW220 BKN260 M02/M09 A3037 RMK AO2 SLP282 T10171089 $
@DannyBeckett apparently there isn't a way i know to make a direct link to a freq in WebSDR
hmm, let me take a look..
@PatoSáinz how would you lookup a frequency, exactly?
just by place?
what do you mean?
for example, if i wanted to tune into Shanon VOLMET
then you'd need it's frequencies
and type 5505 into the frequency box
there's a javascript method to setting the freq
but there's no "link" to do it directly, as in: websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/#5505
it's a pity
right ok
the thing is, the bot is written in JavaScript anyway @PatoSáinz
just looking at it...
I don't suppose you know JavaScript? @PatoSáinz
@DannyBeckett nope I don't (nor I like it much)
@PatoSáinz I found the JavaScript function that gets invoked ( setfreqif(5505); ) but I think you're right, there'll be no way to link it
rip ;_;
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 02:11:57 GMT (that's about 31 seconds ago), learned 1 commands
!!metar kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050151Z 24011KT 10SM FEW220 BKN260 M02/M09 A3036 RMK AO2 SLP279 T10221089 $
@DannyBeckett Retrieves the METAR weather data for a specified ICAO airport - e.g. !!metar KJFK or !!metar EGGP
!!metar x
@DannyBeckett No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for X! Check you input the correct ICAO code.
!!metar SCL
@PatoSáinz No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for SCL! Check you input the correct ICAO code.
4-digit codes
@PatoSáinz That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: metar, meme
!!metar SCHL
@PatoSáinz No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for SCHL! Check you input the correct ICAO code.
!!metar ESCL
@DannyBeckett No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for ESCL! Check you input the correct ICAO code.
that one? @PatoSáinz
!!metar SCEL
@PatoSáinz SCEL 050200Z 14007KT 8000 SKC 23/05 Q1010 NOSIG
23 degrees, nice
I'm making the "English" weather command now
hence moving !!weather to !!metar
lol ok
will have a new !!weather command soon
I also want to make it accept an airport name
but I'll do that after
@DannyBeckett make it have an !!willtheTSAdelayme
and it'll reply "yes"
you can teach it something like that
anyone can, in any room... not exactly sure how... there's a !!learn command
!!learn !!willtheTSAdelayme <>yes
@PatoSáinz Command !!willthetsadelayme learned
in fact there is a built-in question answerer thingy
!!will the tsa delay me?
!!learn !!willthetsadelayme <>yes
@DannyBeckett All signs point to no
@PatoSáinz Command !!willthetsadelayme learned
@PatoSáinz That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: !!willthetsadelayme
@DannyBeckett Nope
@DannyBeckett Not at all
@PatoSáinz That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: !!willthetsadelayme
!!will the tsa delay me ?
@DannyBeckett Nope
!!will the tsa delay me?....
@DannyBeckett By all means
!!will the tsa delay me today?
@DannyBeckett Of course!
I got a better one first time trying here:

 The Hangar

General discussion about aviation.stackexchange.com The white ...
@DannyBeckett Retrieves the METAR weather data for a specified ICAO airport - e.g. !!weather KJFK or !!weather EGGP
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050151Z 24011KT 10SM FEW220 BKN260 M02/M09 A3036 RMK AO2 SLP279 T10221089 $
!!weather x
@DannyBeckett No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for X! Check you input the correct ICAO code.
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 02:43:52 GMT (that's about 36 seconds ago), learned 2 commands
@DannyBeckett Retrieves the METAR weather data for a specified ICAO airport - e.g. !!weather KJFK or !!weather EGGP
!!weather x
@DannyBeckett No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for X! Check you input the correct ICAO code.
do it
oh shit 1 sec
didnt save the actual image
it should be on my history though
lol ok
@DannyBeckett irlol
!!metar kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050251Z 24010KT 10SM SCT260 M01/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 SLP276 T10111078 58004 $
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050251Z 24010KT 10SM SCT260 M01/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 SLP276 T10111078 58004 $
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 03:01:47 GMT (that's about 56 seconds ago), learned 2 commands
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050251Z 24010KT 10SM SCT260 M01/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 SLP276 T10111078 58004 $
!!metar kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050251Z 24010KT 10SM SCT260 M01/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 SLP276 T10111078 58004 $
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050251Z 24010KT 10SM SCT260 M01/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 SLP276 T10111078 58004 $
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050251Z 24010KT 10SM SCT260 M01/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 SLP276 T10111078 58004 $
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 03:11:52 GMT (that's about 21 seconds ago), learned 2 commands, teleported 37 goats
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050251Z 24010KT 10SM SCT260 M01/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 SLP276 T10111078 58004 $
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 03:24:41 GMT (that's about 51 seconds ago), learned 2 commands
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK 050251Z 24010KT 10SM SCT260 M01/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 SLP276 T10111078 58004 $
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 03:27:53 GMT (that's about 11 seconds ago), learned 2 commands
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 03:27:53 GMT (that's about 16 seconds ago), got invoked 2 times, learned 2 commands
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett weather - KJFK 050251Z 24010KT 10SM SCT260 M01/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 SLP276 T10111078 58004 $
!!metar kjfk
@DannyBeckett metar - KJFK 050251Z 24010KT 10SM SCT260 M01/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 SLP276 T10111078 58004 $
@DannyBeckett You must specify an ICAO airport code - e.g. !!weather KJFK or !!weather EGGP
@DannyBeckett You must specify an ICAO airport code - e.g. !!metar KJFK or !!metar EGGP
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 03:37:02 GMT (that's about 11 seconds ago), got invoked 1 times, learned 2 commands
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFKPressur‌​e (altimeter): 30.351377
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Pressure (altimeter): 30.35" Hg (? mb)
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Pressure (altimeter): 30.35" Hg (1027.651 mb)
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 03:51:10 GMT (that's about 1 minute ago), learned 2 commands
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Pressure (altimeter): 30.35" Hg (1028 mb)
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg (1,027mb)
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg (1,027mb)
!!weather kjfk
Error 408 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg (1,027mb) Dewpoint: -7.8�C
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg/1,027mb � Dewpoint: -7.8�C
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 04:18:56 GMT (that's about 16 seconds ago), learned 2 commands
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg/1,027mb � Dewpoint: -7.8�°C
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 04:18:56 GMT (that's about 1 minute ago), got invoked 3 times, learned 2 commands, teleported 38 goats
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg/1,027mb � Dewpoint: -7.8�°C
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 04:23:58 GMT (that's about 36 seconds ago), learned 2 commands
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
!!weather kjfk
!!weather eggp
@DannyBeckett EGGP: Pressure (altimeter): 29.41" Hg/996mb • Dewpoint: 2.0°C
!!weather kjfk
!!weather phto
@DannyBeckett PHTO: Pressure (altimeter): 29.93" Hg/1,013mb • Dewpoint: 17.2°C
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg/1,027mb • Dewpoint: -7.8°C
!!metar eggp
@DannyBeckett You must specify an ICAO airport code - e.g. !!metar KJFK or !!metar EGGP
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 04:35:50 GMT (that's about 16 seconds ago), learned 2 commands
!!metar eggp
@DannyBeckett EGGP: 050320Z 25008KT 9999 SCT040 05/02 Q0996
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: Observed at: 2014-01-05T03:51:00Z • Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg/1,027mb • Dewpoint: -7.8°C
Observed at: 2014-01-05T03:51:00Z • Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg/1,027mb • Dewpoint: -7.8°C
Observed at: 2014-01-05T03:51:00Z Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg/1,027mb Dewpoint: -7.8°C
!!weather eggp
@DannyBeckett EGGP: • Observed at: 2014-01-05T03:20:00Z • Pressure (altimeter): 29.41" Hg/996mb • Dewpoint: 2.0°C
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: • Observed at: 2014-01-05T03:51:00Z • Wind: 240° @ 10kts • Pressure (altimeter): 30.34" Hg/1,027mb • Dewpoint: -7.8°C
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 05:00:51 GMT (that's about 13 seconds ago), got invoked 1 times, learned 2 commands
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
!!weather eggp
@DannyBeckett EGGP: • Observed at: 2014-01-05T03:20:00Z • Wind: 250° (WSW) @ 8kts • Visibility: 6.21mi • Pressure (altimeter): 29.41" Hg/996mb • Dewpoint: 2.0°C
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 05:05:41 GMT (that's about 31 seconds ago), learned 2 commands, teleported 6 goats
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: • Observed at: 2014-01-05T04:51:00Z • Wind: 240°/WSW @ 9kts • Visibility: 10.0mi • Pressure (altimeter): 30.33" Hg/1,027mb • Temperature: -2.8°C • Dewpoint: -7.8°C
@DannyBeckett KJF: • Observed at: 2014-01-05T04:55:00Z • Wind: 0°/N @ 0kts • Visibility: 10.0mi • Pressure (altimeter): 30.11" Hg/1,019mb • Temperature: 5.6°C • Dewpoint: -3.1°C
!!weather eggp
@DannyBeckett EGGP: • Observed at: 2014-01-05T04:50:00Z • Wind: 200°/SSW @ 8kts • Visibility: 6.21mi • Pressure (altimeter): 29.44" Hg/997mb • Temperature: 4.0°C/39°F • Dewpoint: 1.0°C34°F
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 05:15:03 GMT (that's about 21 seconds ago), learned 2 commands
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: • Observed at: 2014-01-05T04:51:00Z • Wind: 240°/WSW @ 9kts • Visibility: 10.0mi • Pressure (altimeter): 30.33" Hg/1,027mb • Temperature: -2.8°C/27°F • Dewpoint: -7.8°C/18°F
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 05:18:23 GMT (that's about 16 seconds ago), learned 2 commands, teleported 57 goats
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: • Observed at: 2014-01-05T04:51:00Z • Wind: 240°/WSW @ 9kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • Pressure (altimeter): 30.33" Hg/1,027mb • Temperature: -2.8°C/27°F • Dewpoint: -7.8°C/18°F
!!metar kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: 050451Z 24009KT 10SM FEW260 M03/M08 A3033 RMK AO2 SLP269 T10281078 410061161 $
!!weather eggp
@DannyBeckett EGGP: • Observed at: 2014-01-05T04:50:00Z • Wind: 200°/SSW @ 8kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • Pressure (altimeter): 29.44" Hg/997mb • Temperature: 4.0°C/39°F • Dewpoint: 1.0°C/34°F
!!metar eggp
@DannyBeckett EGGP: 050450Z 20008KT 9999 FEW040 04/01 Q0997
!!weather kmia
@DannyBeckett KMIA: • Observed at: 2014-01-05T04:53:00Z • Wind: 100°/E @ 10kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • Temperature: 23.9°C/75°F • Dewpoint: 20.0°C/68°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.09" Hg/1,019mb
!!weather kmia
@DannyBeckett KMIA: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T04:53:00Z • Wind: 100°/E @ 10kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • Temperature: 23.9°C/75°F • Dewpoint: 20.0°C/68°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.09" Hg/1,019mb
!!weather kmia
@DannyBeckett KMIA: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T04:53:00Z • Wind: 100°/E @ 10kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • Temperature: 23.9°C/75°F • Dewpoint: 20.0°C/68°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.09" Hg/1,019mb
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
!!weather kmia
@DannyBeckett KMIA: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T05:53:00Z • Wind: 100°/E @ 10kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • Sky: undefined • Temperature: 23.3°C/74°F • Dewpoint: 20.0°C/68°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.06" Hg/1,018mb
!!weather ensb
@DannyBeckett ENSB: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T05:50:00Z • Wind: 130°/SE @ 22kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • Sky: undefined • Temperature: -14.0°C/7°F • Dewpoint: -20.0°C/-4°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.00" Hg/1,016mb
!!weather eggp
@DannyBeckett EGGP: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T06:20:00Z • Wind: 200°/SSW @ 8kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • Sky: undefined • Temperature: 4.0°C/39°F • Dewpoint: 1.0°C/34°F • Pressure (altimeter): 29.44" Hg/997mb
room topic changed to Aviation Chat Bot Testing: This is where the bot gets tested... (no tags)
room topic changed to Aviation Chat Bot Testing: This is where the room bot gets tested... you can try !!weather kjfk (no tags)
room topic changed to Aviation Chat Bot Testing: This is where the room bot gets tested... you can lookup the weather for a 4-digit ICAO airport by typing !!weather KJFK (no tags)
room topic changed to Aviation Chat Bot Testing: This is where the room bot gets tested... you can lookup the weather for a 4-digit ICAO airport by typing this into either room !!weather KJFK (no tags)
!!tell 69509 echo Info about the bot: github.com/dannybeckett/SO-ChatBot/blob/master/README.md
:69509 Command about the bot: github.com/dannybeckett/SO-ChatBot/blob/master/README.md does not exist.
@DannyBeckett Command echo does not exist.
@DannyBeckett help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, findcommand, google, inhistory, learn, no, !!willthetsadelayme, live, die, meme, metar, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, spec, stat, stats, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, user, weather, welcome, wiki, youtube (page 0/0)
!!forget !!willthetsadelayme
@DannyBeckett help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, findcommand, google, inhistory, learn, no, !!willthetsadelayme, live, die, meme, metar, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, spec, stat, stats, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, user, weather, welcome, wiki, youtube (page 0/0)
@DannyBeckett Command !!willthetsadelayme forgotten.
@DannyBeckett help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, findcommand, google, inhistory, learn, no, live, die, meme, metar, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, spec, stat, stats, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, user, weather, welcome, wiki, youtube (page 0/0)
!!forget mustache
@DannyBeckett You are not authorized to delete the command mustache
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 07:09:21 GMT (that's about 21 seconds ago), learned 1 commands
@DannyBeckett I'm not dead! Honest!
@DannyBeckett help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, findcommand, google, inhistory, learn, no, live, die, meme, metar, nudge, parse, spec, stat, stats, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, user, weather, welcome, wiki, youtube (page 0/0)
@DannyBeckett Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
!!help coffee
@DannyBeckett coffee: Forwards message to coffeescript code-eval
!!help eval
@DannyBeckett eval: Forwards message to javascript code-eval
!!help findcommand
@DannyBeckett findcommand: Searches for a bot command matching part of a name/description. /findCommand partOfNameOrDescription
!!help parse
!!help spec
@DannyBeckett parse: Returns result of "parsing" message according to the my mini-macro capabilities (see online docs)
!!help stat
@DannyBeckett stat: Gives useless stats on a user. /stat [usrid|usrname]
Error 408 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
!!help inhistory
@DannyBeckett inhistory: Grabs a historical event from today's date or a date given in MM-DD format. /inhistory [MM-DD]
!!help timer
@DannyBeckett timer: Starts/stops a timer. /timer start [name] starts a timer, /timer stop name stops a timer.
!!help tell
@DannyBeckett Command tel does not exist. Did you mean: tell
Error 408 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
@DannyBeckett tell: Redirect command result to user/message. /tell msg_id|usr_name cmdName [cmdArgs]
!!help listen
@DannyBeckett listen: Forwards the message to my ears (as if called without the /)
:69509 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!welcome 69509
@69509 Welcome to Aviation chat! Feel free to jump in the conversation!
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sun, 05 Jan 2014 07:25:53 GMT (that's about 21 seconds ago), learned 1 commands
!!weather kmia
!!metar kjfk
@DannyBeckett KMIA: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T06:53:00Z • Wind: 130°/SE @ 7kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • Sky: undefined • Temperature: 23.3°C/74°F • Dewpoint: 20.0°C/68°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.05" Hg/1,017mb
@DannyBeckett KJFK: 050651Z 23007KT 10SM FEW260 M04/M08 A3031 RMK AO2 SLP262 T10391078 $
@DannyBeckett You must specify an ICAO airport code - e.g. !!weather KJFK or !!weather EGGP
@DannyBeckett You must specify an ICAO airport code - e.g. !!metar KJFK or !!metar EGGP
room topic changed to Aviation Chat Bot Testing: This is where the room bot gets tested... you can lookup the weather for a 4-digit ICAO airport by typing this into either room !!weather KJFK (does not yet include QC flags - e.g. needs maintenance, auto, etc) (no tags)
room topic changed to Aviation Chat Bot Testing: This is where the room bot gets tested... you can lookup the weather for a 4-digit ICAO airport by typing this into either room !!weather KJFK (Currently only the raw !!metar KJFK command shows QC flags - e.g. needs maintenance, auto, etc) (no tags)
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T06:51:00Z • Wind: 230°/SW @ 7kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • (not functional) Sky: found clouds • Temperature: -3.9°C/25°F • Dewpoint: -7.8°C/18°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.31" Hg/1,026mb
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T06:51:00Z • Wind: 230°/SW @ 7kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • (not functional) Sky: Few clouds • Temperature: -3.9°C/25°F • Dewpoint: -7.8°C/18°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.31" Hg/1,026mb
!!weather kmia
@DannyBeckett KMIA: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T06:53:00Z • Wind: 130°/SE @ 7kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • (not functional) Sky: found 2 clouds • Temperature: 23.3°C/74°F • Dewpoint: 20.0°C/68°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.05" Hg/1,017mb
!!weather eggp
@DannyBeckett EGGP: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T07:20:00Z • Wind: 170°/S @ 6kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • (not functional) Sky: Ceiling & visibility ok • Temperature: 3.0°C/37°F • Dewpoint: 1.0°C/34°F • Pressure (altimeter): 29.47" Hg/998mb
!!weather eggp
!!weather kmia
@DannyBeckett EGGP: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T07:50:00Z • Wind: 160°/SSE @ 7kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • (not functional) Sky: Ceiling & visibility ok • Temperature: 3.0°C/37°F • Dewpoint: 1.0°C/34°F • Pressure (altimeter): 29.47" Hg/998mb
!!weather kjfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T07:51:00Z • Wind: 270°/W @ 5kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • (not functional) Sky: found 2 clouds • Temperature: -2.2°C/28°F • Dewpoint: -6.1°C/21°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.32" Hg/1,027mb
@DannyBeckett KMIA: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T07:53:00Z • Wind: 130°/SE @ 3kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • (not functional) Sky: Overcast @13,000ft AGL • Temperature: 22.2°C/72°F • Dewpoint: 20.0°C/68°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.03" Hg/1,017mb
00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 23:00

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