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Hopping on computer. Font is blinding on phone
Okay, so how is your question even on topic?
And why would you reject changes to keep it on topic?
"Public complaints and specific questions about what Apple [did|does|thinks|might do] are not helpful in a Q&A setting since they lack a practical problem to be solved." ~ Meta FAQ
My edits allowed for practical solutions to the original.
@nohillside weren't the answers approved, but rejected by the author?
@dszakal The main question doesn't make any sense.
can you restate your question for us here? I doubt it
It's full of misconceptions, so you cannot, but please go ahead and try
6 hours later…
The author has the final say on edits. If they don‘t approve the edit gets rejected.
The question is about functionality, not about Apple internals, so it is perfectly ontopic.
Also, please don’t attack other users by challenging them to do better. If a question doesn‘t make sense to you, ask clarification questions in comments, don‘t just edit them to replace the OP‘s meaning with yours.

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