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5:34 AM
@pacmaninbw Why? The remaining moderators are all from American timezones.
6:03 AM
Ideally (purely looking at timezones, I don't think a timezone should be more important than qualifications), we'd need a European and Asian moderator to cover the day. I don't think we have a serious candidate living in Asia though.
But I've been surprised before. We'll see.
7 hours later…
1:30 PM
@Mast The statement was made purely from a replacement point of view. I agree that 2 moderators from the European time zone would be just as effective. I really would like to see at least one moderator from Asia and one from Europe not just because of time zones but from a cultures point of view as well.
5 hours later…
6:50 PM
@Catija I wonder what options people have when they believe they have specific reasons for someone not to be a moderator, apart from commenting on their nomination, or mentioning it in the chatroom? Once the election starts, those who didn't happen to see those comments, will probably not get the message. My understanding is that writing Meta posts directed specifically at negative aspects of a certain user, are strongly discouraged.
I know there is a "contact us" button, to contact CMs, but I think this mechanism would only be effective in extreme circumstances. If there is no reason to remove a nominee from the candidate pool, but the community still has concerns about that user that they want more people to be aware of before they vote, it doesn't seem there's any way for them to get the word out.
@NikeDattani comments under nominations are the intended way to voice concerns that are not sensitive in nature
if there's something sensitive, contacting the CMs (or if mods will do, raising a flag) are the intended communcation avenue
@Vogel612 However, the comments are not seen by everybody.
@Vogel612 That's a problem.
but private communication to mods / cms is seen by even less people and meta posts are also not really... the best avenue, since they're not on the site where the voting happens
7:04 PM
@Vogel612 This is why I was asking the question :)

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