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Hello did you ever figure out this one
Q: Confusion regarding Young's double slit experiment in different media

satan 29The Problem Consider the given arrangement: Point $P$ is equidistant from $S_1$ and $S_2$ .The glass slab in air has refractive index $\mu_{2}$, and the one in water($\mu_{1}$) has refractive index $\mu_{3}$. We need to find the relation between $\mu_{2}$ and $\mu_{3}$ such that $P$ is the cent...

my original approach was correct.
the key was wrong?
$\mu_{2}+\mu_{1}-1 = \mu_{3}$
is the correct answer.
Could you explain how you derived the equation for it?
This one
optical path length= refractive index * geometric path length
yes , so how have you applied that for multipile mediums
optical path 1 = uair * x1
optical path 2= u water * x2
x1= t[whatever], and likewise for x2
actually, this was a confusing approach. The geometric path length was just obtained by dividing the optical path by u. We really only need the optical path.
consider the top ray.
it travels a distance t in u2, and x-t in u1
so u2*t+u1(x-t) is the optical path
similarly, u3*t + u1(x-t) is the optical path for the other one
ohh no wait Ignore this
I missed the fact that one of the slabs is inside water
this is how I always do it @Buraian

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