5 hours later…
@Semiclassical Indeed. What I wrote above is essentially building up the Riemann surface though. The monodromy computation do indeed come to play, but that's for algebraic functions ;)
There are lots of works. I learned fundamental topological galois theory from Alekseev, Khovanskii, a lot is described in Szamuely but most of the works are of Grothendeick with the algebro-geometric context in his SGAs and EGAs which I don't understand yet (doubt if I ever would).
As far as I understand it, thereis a chain of generalizations Fundamental groups <--- Monodromies of Riemann Surfaces <--- Galoios groups
@Semiclassical For example, you can see that I've treated monodromies as (nonofficially, since log is not really algebraic) Galois groups in here
7 hours later…
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