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Q: How can Brahman/consciousness be all pervading including living and non living things?

Sethu Srivatsa KoduruBrahman is defined as Existance,Consiouness and Bliss(Satchitananda). Aitareya Upanishad 3.1.3 says Brahman is consciousness and pure awareness. Isa Upanishad 1 says its all pervading. 1)But how can Brahman or Awareness or Consciousness be there and be all pervading in Non Living things like Pots...

Your body (hands/feet/bones/skin etc.) is all made of Achit (insentient), right ? Yet, you (Atma) is able to pervade all of it, and know when a thorn pricks your small toe, right ? If an ordinary Jivatma is able to pervade throughout an entire 6 foot,70kilos human body, why can't Paramatma pervade throughout an entire universe ?
You have too many questions in one question. You need to break your question up into multiple questions. Some have already been answered on the forum and are duplicate questions.
Please split your questions. For the first question, you can find an answer here.…
"sarvaṃ khalvidaṃ brahma" - Everything is made of Brahman, Chandogya Upanishad 3.14. Omnipresent Brahman or Atman projects matter or Maya i.e. pots, ornaments, bodies etc., and enter them as consciousness or Atman without which any body is declared dead by society. Even atheist scientists have today seen with microscope that everything is made of Atoms, which is micro model of omnipresent Atman. "Gita 2.22 As a person sheds worn-out garments and wears new ones, likewise, at the time of death, the soul casts off its worn-out body and enters a new one
@SwamiVishwananda Please do say what are duplicate questions. I will split the question
I can’t chat on chat for 2 days more. Saw this question. Had the same doubt in mind. Btw when you die you continue to have form only the sukshma sharira is destroyed.
Sorry sorry, sthula sharira is destroyed. So there are 25 tattvas from which all creatures are made. Buddhi, Ahankara, Manas, 5 gyanendriya, 5 karmendriya, 5 tanmatra (sukshma Panchamahabhuta, a concept which I’m still trying to understand), 5 mahabhuta, Prakriti (still trying to understand this concept), Purusha (still trying to figure whether this is Brahman or only the Chit aspect). So after death the 5 mahabhuta body (sthula body is destroyed). One is supposed to carry the other other stuff with him and maybe enters new yonis- preta, pitr etc.
Why @Archit?I thought you were angry on me!!We will talk tmrw!
@Archit 🤣 Man who wants to close my answer and even downvote it
@Archit Swamiji never replies to my comments or doubts and just downvotes. Its very sad :(
Brahman's consciousness pervades in all directions infinitely. What this means is that he has direct, perceptual awareness of everything in the universe, including inanimate objects like rocks. If your consciousness expanded into a rock, you would have direct, intimate knowledge of everything related to the rock: it's color, number of atoms, it's molecular structure, and everything inside it to the quantum level. Imagine this, and then imagine this consciousness expanding infinitely. You would be omniscient. This is what omniscience means.
Likewise, in the state of moksha, the Jivatma's dharmabhutajnana (consciousness) expands infinitely in all directions. So, the Jivatma also becomes omniscient.
In the human body, the embodied Jiva's dharmabhutajnana expands limitedly. It expands only along all the sensory nerves, brain, and sense organs. That is why we feel things and experience through our sense organs.
@Ikshvaku Sir thanks a lot
How can Jivatma become omniscient???
@SethuSrivatsaKoduru In the state of moksha, the Jivatma's dharmabhutajnana (consciousness) expands infinitely in all directions. So, the Jivatma becomes omniscient.
How can consiouness expand like that sir ?? @Ikshvaku
@SethuSrivatsaKoduru The Jivatma in it's natural state has all-pervading consciousness, but to due to past papa-karma, God restricts it's consciousness into a particular body as acquired by its karma. So if you sinned a lot, your consciousness will be restricted more and more until you reach the plant level. So in the state of moksha when you are free from all sins, God doesn't restrict the Jiva's consciousness' expansion, so it expands infinitely.
Sir I am really not getting, What you you mean by all pervading consciousness?? You mean that all prevading consciouness imples that Brahman can have awareness of everything in this universe ? How can an Atman have it after say Jnana/Moksha? @Ikshvaku
@SethuSrivatsaKoduru Yes, all pervading consciousness means that Brahman has awareness of everything in all universes, and in all 3 times (past, present, and future) simultaneously. The Jivatma also has this same awareness in moksha. How you ask? Because the jiva has a property called "dharma-bhuta-jnana". It is basically its consciousness. This consciousness expands outward. In its natural state, the Jiva's consciousness expands infinitely, so it becomes omniscient. However, due to past karma, Brahman restricts its consciousness into a particular body.
Sir so Jiva after Moksha can be aware of everything what's happening on Earth after Moksha? @Ikshvaku
@SethuSrivatsaKoduru Yes, that is right.
Thanks a lot sir @Ikshvaku

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