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@Mysticial Looks like all that work was for nothing:
Q: Defender of the Realm hat broken, or just badly worded?

neminemDescription of the hat unlock requirement: at least 5 flags dismissed as helpful and at most 20% of non-disputed flags declined Does "dismissed" mean something unusual here, or is this hat not unlocking properly? I'm not sure if that means "since winter bash started" or "since your account ...

@LoganM To Arqade!
@LoganM awwwwww.....
So back to needing a site to flag stuff on :(
Is SO still a good target if close flags don't work?
> not an answer – 24 mins ago × 8
These guys are all over them.
The queue is empty...
Fucking hatwhores. :P
Borderline NAA (if you want to risk it):…
except it's not really a good use of ibid since ibid means "in the same place as that other thing", rather than a general-purpose "same text as above"
What's Ibid?
@Mysticial "ditto"
whats ditto?
@Mysticial Latin, short for ibidem, meaning "the same place"
@Krazer oh
The more you know!
@Eric Our fucking review queues are empty. It's not even funny.
I can go on..... there's 16 and all NaA
Every single 10k hatwhore is there clearing it non-stop.
@Mysticial Damn hatwhores. Stick to the 103k Close Vote queue.
@Mysticial that looks like a "I give up"
@Braiam The queue is basically empty.
There's too many 10ks on SO.
Normally, there's like 50 of them.
cleaning up task!!!
(or whatever)
@Krazer I still have flags.
btw, if I have to guess my hat has to do with the >100 helpful flags :P
A: What does the sewer QR code return?

Sinus MackowatySomewhat duplicating its own clues, this QR code is the game giving out the Throne Room solution for free. A shame, really...

NaA unless other wise specified
A: How can I get more headshots?

TheWatcherI don't see the ch-box.cfg file

A: Why does my AE Crafting System lose its jobs when I'm no longer present?

booI am pretty sure this is a bug to do with ChickenChunks and MystCraft. From my own experimentation, when I log out I get the following error: 2013-12-16 11:48:03 [WARNING] Failed to handle packet for fredley/x.x.x.x: java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException at com.googl...

I'll make a hat whoring room later
A: How to reduce notoriety in the frontier?

JAL If the game bugs and you gain notoriety, than you can lose it by moving zones or grabbing a wanted poster that spawns in Lexington (Left over, I'm sure, from an earlier version before the decision to force notoriety in the frontier) I have notoriety 1 and I've checked every building in Lexi...

@Krazer why not suggest a hat whore SE site on Area 51
A: What is the music played in this room in Postal 2?

Vitharr(Wrythe - On Silent Wings) I was looking for it as well. Just typed in a few of the lyrics, and found it. Cheers, mate! I just realised I was not in the exact place you were on the map, but rather close. I went to where you were, and didn't hear any music. I apologise if I was mistaken. Though,...

A: How do the Hitman: Absolution DLC weapons stack up to non-DLC weapons?

NiteCyperHere is an example of an answer: Now compare the stats to the non-DLC weapons.

A: What does a "Team Flare Bag" do in Super Training?

BillIf you use a team flare bag, you are a traitor to KALOS!!!

@Krazer Okay I've used up my flags for now.
A: How to reduce notoriety in the frontier?

JAL If the game bugs and you gain notoriety, than you can lose it by moving zones or grabbing a wanted poster that spawns in Lexington (Left over, I'm sure, from an earlier version before the decision to force notoriety in the frontier) I have notoriety 1 and I've checked every building in Lexi...

Thanks. Now to wait for them to get (hopefully) validated.
33 messages moved from Anime and Manga
13 messages moved from Anime and Manga
lol, everyone is here
11 messages moved from Anime and Manga
1 message moved from Anime and Manga
room topic changed to HatsHatsHats Pls!: Chat Hats! Flag Hats! Secret Hats! Unicorn Hats! Hat Hat Hats! Come one come all! Hats are MANDATORY! [hats] [hat-whores-welcome] [more-hats] [petition-for-shibe-hat] [rare-hats]
room topic changed to HatsHatsHats Pls!: Chat Hats! Flag Hats! Secret Hats! Unicorn Hats! Hat Hat Hats! Come one come all! Hats are MANDATORY! [hat-party-room] [hats] [hat-whores-welcome] [more-hats] [petition-for-shibe-hat]
Also, I declare flavored questions now to be on-topic. But that only applies to those that read this message

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