@DeltaLima I appreciate it DL -- @mins confirmed the A380 answer received a downvote, which a moderator I think can check its timestamp from the timeline, plus the 2 other answers that got a DV at the same minute, not mentioning the XWB one (total: 4). It's low volume for the system to catch it, hence the meta post and me mentioning the auto-correction failing at 0000z in the flag
anyway... I'm just stating here what may have not been clear due to the character-limited flag -- I've thrown one last Hail Mary at the staff, though I'm not holding my breath after the weekend -- And again I appreciate your care and I'm not asking of you to do anything
@mins speaking of my "feelings" on your answer: I feel negative comments that don't request clarification or add something constructive, are an abuse of comments (though this is a fact not feeling);
cont'd: the funny thing is if I didn't know anything about aviation, I'd see the CF34 example being both a faulty generalization and a false equivalence.
cont'd: The former: misses that engineering is a compromise; the latter: misses that the CFM56 wasn't built from scratch for the 737; and I wouldn't need those details to cast doubt on the argument; speaking of which, here's another diagram from the Boeing paper:
@ymb: Hi ymb1, I'm sorry to see how much attention is given to your excellent addition on the CFM56-7B, and frankly to me it looks abnormal, especially after you have deleted the invitation to upvote my answer (which I don't think is a problem either)...
for the comments on my answer, I don't care, I've seen the guy is trying to have the last word to any argument, so I don't want to explain further than I did.
only one dv. Half of the usual posters here won't anyway vote for any of my answers (because of my support to Ukrainian people), so for me a hi-score is a thing of the past!
the often used word is the one you used in the "+ marker" answer: "complementing"; also you can search usernames; SE's search only looks into the body -- I've literally found hundreds
and that's a weak search; "adding to" would result in others, but SE's search isn't smart in listing those
It doesn't work well from the external, e.g. Google returns 9 docs for complementing and a lot for the two keywords, but not very relevant. google.com/…
we miss regular expressions
ah my link is broken by the " in the query, you have to copy the end manually
I was trying to improve the search for the a partial sentence on Google, I found * can be used as a wildcard, e.g. +"adding to * answer" site:aviation.stackexchange.com works well and returns results like: Adding to @Ben's answer, another source...