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@DeltaLima I appreciate it DL -- @mins confirmed the A380 answer received a downvote, which a moderator I think can check its timestamp from the timeline, plus the 2 other answers that got a DV at the same minute, not mentioning the XWB one (total: 4). It's low volume for the system to catch it, hence the meta post and me mentioning the auto-correction failing at 0000z in the flag
anyway... I'm just stating here what may have not been clear due to the character-limited flag -- I've thrown one last Hail Mary at the staff, though I'm not holding my breath after the weekend -- And again I appreciate your care and I'm not asking of you to do anything
@mins speaking of my "feelings" on your answer: I feel negative comments that don't request clarification or add something constructive, are an abuse of comments (though this is a fact not feeling);
cont'd: the funny thing is if I didn't know anything about aviation, I'd see the CF34 example being both a faulty generalization and a false equivalence.
cont'd: The former: misses that engineering is a compromise; the latter: misses that the CFM56 wasn't built from scratch for the 737; and I wouldn't need those details to cast doubt on the argument; speaking of which, here's another diagram from the Boeing paper:
@ymb: Hi ymb1, I'm sorry to see how much attention is given to your excellent addition on the CFM56-7B, and frankly to me it looks abnormal, especially after you have deleted the invitation to upvote my answer (which I don't think is a problem either)...
for the comments on my answer, I don't care, I've seen the guy is trying to have the last word to any argument, so I don't want to explain further than I did.
a moderator deleted it, I just rephrased it :) and yes the whole thing is nonsensical, how many downvotes does it have already? 3? 4? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This last diagram is excellent but it wouldn't stop our friend!
and yes, utterly pointless arguments that don't add anything
yes, apparently the engineers that did the thing themselves don't know better! :p
only one dv. Half of the usual posters here won't anyway vote for any of my answers (because of my support to Ukrainian people), so for me a hi-score is a thing of the past!
I meant my answer; I lost count; maybe 3 or 4
the one on your answer I figured out from your profile
This one: aviation.stackexchange.com/q/86323/3201 28/-1, I don't remember the other one you asked for, if this is the latter, tell me
Yes of course, you're now applauded at -3, what a beautiful world
What is your trick to list posts referring to other answers?
the often used word is the one you used in the "+ marker" answer: "complementing"; also you can search usernames; SE's search only looks into the body -- I've literally found hundreds
and that's a weak search; "adding to" would result in others, but SE's search isn't smart in listing those
e.g. "adding to X's answer"
It doesn't work well from the external, e.g. Google returns 9 docs for complementing and a lot for the two keywords, but not very relevant. google.com/…
we miss regular expressions
ah my link is broken by the " in the query, you have to copy the end manually
61 answers reference DeltaLima, e.g.: aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/99788/…
here's me giving a shout-out to a then new user: aviation.stackexchange.com/a/84933/86912
indeed, DL is respectful of other work and cites them, this shouldn't be a matter of debate. I just do the same each time I'm in this case
correction: old user that then-started contributing
I've unhidden my space.se account btw because of the accusation you had, so there can be no doubt
you've different pseudos, that's very suspicious isn't it?
lol yes it's also "ymb1": a great undercover agent
yes that even more suspicious you don't try to hide
ymb2 next time :P
I was trying to improve the search for the a partial sentence on Google, I found * can be used as a wildcard, e.g. +"adding to * answer" site:aviation.stackexchange.com works well and returns results like: Adding to @Ben's answer, another source...
@mins oh this is cool! I know google enabled the wildcard in Ngram, but didn't know they did in the main search

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