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@TannerSwett Looking up from the earth's surface, I'm not sure it matters much whether the aircraft is "above the blue" or not. All that matters is the total amount of light shining up against the belly of the aircraft, and the total amount of "airlight" (light scattered off of atmosphere) between the aircraft and observer which would tend to brighten the sky between aircraft and observer and thus obscure the aircraft itself.
@TannerSwett have you ever noticed this-- when looking out across the landscape from an elevated observation place-- the conditions that make a distant bit of landscape look brightest and sharpest, is when it is in bright sunlight, but most of the intermediate landscape (and sky) between said distant landscape and observer, are in shadow. This greatly cuts down on the airlight being emitted between the observer's eye and the distant landscape,
@TannerSwett -- (ctd) landscape (and sky) between said distant landscape and observer, are in shadow. This greatly cuts down on the airlight being emitted between the observer's eye and the distant landscape, which makes the distant landscape look brighter and sharper. So, I don't think I agree with the "above the blue" explanation, because that just means there is lots of atmosphere emitting airlight between the observer and the plane, which will tend to obscure the plane.
10 hours later…
<<interesting nugget on Gatwick drone chaos: Sussex police now confirm that two drones were flown simultaneously during December incident. Police also signal they had decent contingency plan to deal with one drone & it was presence of multiple UAVs that caused chaos.>>
1 hour later…
They just need AA stationed around the airport. Waive off all incoming flights, halt everything on the ground and start shooting! ;)
5 hours later…
[x] Doubt
Otherwise that's one amazing contingency plan
1 hour later…
Wait, what??? Was this Peter's first answer ever? Even if, why does it show him with 1 rep??? Is there an imposter?
A: How is passenger baggage transferred, and how does it happen so quickly?

Peter KämpfOn big airliners, baggage is mostly stowed in containers, called Unit Load Devices. They are packed at the departure airport and pre-sorted to minimize the amount of sorting at a hub, but normally need to be emptied after arrival so the baggage can be re-sorted. On regional jets and older aircra...

clicks on Peter's profile Oh...

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