His questions, individually, wouldn't be that bad. But the steady stream of incredibly low quality questions based on completely ridiculous or false premises are frustrating.
I wish aviation would focus more on the joy of flying than the potential bad things that might happen.
@abelenky It's interesting how people are reacting to the motives behind these questions. When it's fear of flying, everyone rushes to criticize; when it's writing a story, we rush to help.
@Pondlife perversely, the writing a story one is less rooted in fantasy than Cloud's latest one
If I were in that kind of situation, I'd rather have a completely untrained rational person than someone with a phobia and a couple of simulator sessions
And again, I think the nature of the site is responsible in part. People have to answer the unhelpful questions, instead of saying things that would actually help.
@DanHulme Well, we really don't have to answer anything. And nothing we say here will help someone with an irrational phobia, IMO; that's a medical issue that needs treatment. But I take your point about the format, it does encourage answering the question that was asked. I guess that's the point of SE, though
@abelenky You should have enough experience here and elsewhere on the network to know not to get drawn in to a pissing match though ;) Keep it nice, even with the ones who ask bad questions
I don't feel I'm kidding or exaggerating: This guy is literally mentally ill and dangerous. I don't want to stand around while he continues to have delusions that he'll take over a plane and land it on his own.
Does it matter if he is? He'll literally never be in that situation. Hell Ive got 300 hours and I'LL never be in that situation. Even someone with an ATPL and the wrong type rating is seriously unlikely to be in that situation. Its just not worth the argument