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@Ethan if there is a question that others may consider a duplicate but you think it isn't, you should address that in your question. e.g. "This question<with a link> is similar, but doesn't answer my specific question, it is different because..."
6 hours later…
how the hell this question got upvoted is beyond me: aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/19026
7 hours later…
@Ethan That would be me. If people are closing your question as a duplicate don't just whinge about it and say "It's not a duplicate" - instead edit the question to clearly show why it is not a duplicate (what information you're seeking that's different from the other question), and it will go into a queue to be looked at and possibly reopened. ( In your case I made it clear you were asking about the wing position)
The "its not a duplicate" assertion reminds me of this old meta request
Q: Don't close questions where the user has requested that it not be closed

Adam DavisThe system should search posts for the word "please" in proximity to the phrase "don't close" or "do not close", and if found together disable the close link for the following reasons: They asked nicely They knew enough about the system to understand that posts can be closed, and thus are exper...

@casey "It's Not A Duplicate!" on larger sites universally means "There were more than three words in the answer, it does not spoonfeed me the exact steps to solve my issue, and I refuse to put in any effort in understanding what I'm being told."
@voretaq7 yea, I've seen a few posts on U&L like that. "My post isn't a duplicate, that one was how to install kernel 4.0.1 on ubuntu and I need to install 4.0.2!"
(in fact when I see that, especially edited into the question rather than left as a comment, my pavlovian reaction is to delete the question)
4 hours later…
@Ethan Concerning duplicates -> People don't generally slap the "duplicate" tag on something unless they really feel it is. In my own experience, I've found that the main reason a question of mine will be marked duplicate (when I think it isn't) is because I haven't explained clearly how it differs (like @voretaq7 talked about). It's really on the asker at that point to prove that it's not a dupe by showing the difference.
Not to brag too much, but I actually had to do this recently and feel I did a passable job (The question got re-opened at very least.) Note that I actually added a whole entire subsection devoted to showing the difference: aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/18849/…
PS- I wouldn't recommend being as snarky as I was in the comments...I tend to get snarky when frustrated, that is a character flaw on my part, not a good strategy for getting things re-opened. I recommend being as polite as possible :).
@casey Wow, the answers on that one are brutal! ...but quite funny.
I come home from school to find a question I asked last night have over 2k views and 13 up votes didn't even know that can happen that quickly. Apparently that is the greatest question I have ever asked on this website.
You know what else is weird that my own question was a duplicate of another one of my questions
I've seen people finding answers they posted a while ago as helpful and trying to upvote it.

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