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@JonathanHobbs oh, there's a multitude of ways. Old Age, warping. Warping, warping...
@Lord_Gareth Well, no, you have to really try to kill your character. But when you're making a 90 year old wizard, nominally in the prime of his life... there are some... interesting possibilities.
@JonathanHobbs well, it also depends on what mode of chargen you're using. If you're simulating every season and taking stupid risks, the odds of dying approach 1 as you add years on, simply because it's possible to generate a character who has died of old age.
To the regulars, if you know of other questions that have had hideous incidents of spam, edit the meta question on it?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Which one?
Q: Can we auto-flag no-rep users posting answers with e-mail addresses?

Brian Ballsun-StantonWe consistently get spam of the type: $HoityToityName has made my $verb better because he cast spell for me. E-mail [email protected] to have $noun [enlarged | made better]. ... Except it takes a paragraph of spam to say that. The most recent example is (deleted) here and is completely true to...

So, you're asking for examples of spam.
@BESW yes. For people with enough rep to see the deleted posts.
Added three links as a comment, including a relatively epic thread of them.
mmm, handbags seems to be a side pattern
I found them by doing a search of this chat for "spam."
@BESW do you have permissions to protect?
I need another 2066 rep for that.
> E-mail [email protected] to have $noun [enlarged | made better]
ok I see
@Brian I cracked up at "enlarged". Thankyou.
@JonathanHobbs :)
@JonathanHobbs I always wanted my [rolls dice] ...fern enlarged.
I'm thinking if someone has the ability to make something bigger, there are better uses than shrubbery.
Q: Can we auto-flag no-rep users posting answers with e-mail addresses?

Brian Ballsun-StantonWe consistently get spam of the type: $HoityToityName has made my $verb better because he cast spell for me. E-mail [email protected] to have $noun [enlarged | made better]. ... Except it takes a paragraph of spam to say that. The most recent example is (deleted) here and is completely true to...

I've just learned something I do regarding Spam posts sometimes is bad.
A: Why is this not spam?

George StockerThere are two issues here, and while others have written eloquently on the subject, I'll tell you why I did what I did, so you can have it from the horse's mouth, as it were. Even if an answer is outright spam, please do not edit the content out. That's vandalism, and is even worse than letting ...

In the past a few times I've edited the content right out of a spam answer so as to give it no attention.
(I guess even for my fellow users that's bad: they have to click on the edit history to check the previous version of the answer to verify it's spam before they flag it)
@JonathanHobbs yeah, flag as spam and paste the link in here (ping a mod as well if you plesae).
if no mods are around we can gang up and delete it
that would be nice.
@BESW Just finished re-reading So You Want to Be a Wizard. Followed up immediately by starting up Neverwhere. This was a mistake >.>
Your poor, poor players.
Oh yeah. If they thought The Great Tall Tailor Man was a disturbing and difficult fight...
One of them bit the bait on that one too - they took his sewing needle and his scissors.
That's going to bite them in the ass eventually.
How's life for the two of you tonight anyway, @BESW, @BrianBallsun-Stanton?
Just ran another session of the FAE game.
It got cut short, but there was a mounted knight defending a screaming princess and a blind oracle from a dragon! So that was good.
I managed to make my players feel heroically Norse while fighting a dapper Victorian gentleman out of a nursery rhyme
Of course, being one of my games it wasn't quite so straightforward.
The princess had been kidnapped by an apprentice assassin on behalf of the dragon, who wanted to use the princess to prove to the king of dragons that it was responsible enough to choose a gender.
The blind oracle didn't like that, and taunted the dragon until it decided to eat him.
And the princess had previously been manipulated by a wizard to trick the oracle into telling where another PC was that the wizard wants to take advantage of.
@Lord_Gareth Arrrrrrrgghghhhhgh ::thud::
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I hear they make a topical cream for that.
@BESW I've been doing too much Greek mythology lately; I had to re-read your description three times before I realized the dragon wasn't choosing the oracle's gender
Ah, yeah.
Dragons don't choose a gender until they come of age, which is either at around 50 years old or when the head of their family says they can, whichever comes first.
So this young dragon is trying to convince the King of Dragons to give it an early exemption. Having a princess is... the young dragon's equivalent of a kid proving his maturity by taking care of a high-maintenance dog.
Heh. Sounds like how a friend of mine explained the random dragon attacks in Skyrim. "You know how knights would go forth to slay dragons and prove their valor and bravery? All of those young dragons trying to whack you are the knights."
Sadly that means almost nothing to me.
[Idly wonders what other Victorian-era myths he could mine as a sub-theme for this Scion game]
It's pretty narrative, so you can get the idea of its concept even if you can't evaluate its power.
(Hint: it's a dragon.)
@BESW Damn, I was getting a 'frustrated, magically-empowered civil servant' vibe.
it's power is "yes"
It's rolling raw +6s to attack, when a PC specializing in defense can eek out an unmodified +5.
The average PC has to spend resources every round it doesn't want to take stress.
that's not an entirely fair assesment
it also has the same mod to overcoming obstacles
It overcomes physical obstacles at +7.
all the same
(I was nice, and didn't use its highest approach as it favored attack stat.)
It makes sense: a dragon should probably be best at Forceful, but this dragon prefers to be Flashy.
I see no problem with it
@BESW I am reminded of a time I set a dragon fight in the Legend system inside extremely cramped quarters that limited the great wyrm's tactics; I represented it by the simple and brutal method of creating a lower-level dragon with less tactics available
even a dragon has to have a personality that stands out
When it ran out of HP it retreated to nurse its wounds
Also, Flashy attacks are cooler than Forceful ones.
Spinning around to hit the knight with his tail? Yes please.
Oh hell. Now I just remembered the dude who wandered into the Legend chatroom screaming and raving about how we did dragons wrong because they weren't like D&D dragons.
because that was the FIRST kind of dragon ever, right?
(To wit: any being that takes Dragon as its racial option is a dragon. Other two tracks - and thus theme-defining abilities - may and will vary)
Nah, Tolkien did dragons wrong: Smaug was killed by a random NPC.
my point being that even D&D did not, in fact, invent dragons
but yes, that dragon should not have died that way
He really shouldn't have.
he should at least have gotten to be killed by a PC
[Tries to think of the last dragon that actually died in one of his games...]
Sweet freaking zombies, that was...eight years ago.
if they died every game it wouldn't be epic anymore
@Trogdor No, my players keep picking fights with this one very specific dragon that originally existed as a bit of setting background and has now become their white whale.
did it do anything to them first?
Nope. It's a vampiric shadow dragon souldrinker whose crimes consist of preying on beholders, drow settlements and illithid colonies in the Underdark
But its hoard is huge because its average meal is an entire small town
@Lord_Gareth That's pretty awful.
even most of the PC's I have observed wouldn't have touched that
You really don't want anyone going around disturbing the careful power balance of the Underdark like that.
The first time they tried to fight it the dragon didn't even fight back for the first three rounds; it patiently explained that it wasn't bothering anyone that wasn't already Evil and could they please just go away because it had to sort these magical items into their proper nooks and crannies.
Someone nasty is going to suddenly realize their local enemies are down, and they're free to run roughshod over the whole place.
these are Illithids, Drow and beholders
they will kill it themselves eventually
Round four it slaughtered eight PCs in a single attack routine and resumed its counting.
Since then it's racked up a total of eighty seven character deaths over eight years of play
that's a big group
Starting precisely none of the fights
is it an evil party?
or is it just grudge holding at this point?
cause I CAN see PC's holding a grudge like that
Sounds like a player grudge to me.
@Trogdor No group is too big when your attack routine goes bite/claw/claw/wing buffet/tail slap/free action grapple/2d6 permanent con drain and if the blood drain hits it gets to start the routine over again
And it's player grudge
I wasn't sayingI was impressed by it's ability
Thus far the highest-level attempt to take him down (his stats have not changed or improved) was a level 22 party. That's when they found out he casts spells.
no group I was in has ever been higher than 5 in one session
Though really they should have guessed.
Given, you know, D&D dragon
spells for free
as a sorcerer
Oh so much worse than spells for free, my friend.
just saying
they do get those
Thanks to its vampiric template and Souldrinker levels each one of those hits inflicted multiple negative levels and gave it spells back for each one inflicted
In addition to shooting out soul lasers
the funny thing is that a PC group will always hold a grudge like this
@trogdor Remember the minotaur souldrinker I told you guys about? Same PrC.
because they are metagaming it
A skilled group of adventurers can probably take this dragon down but my players are knuckle-dragging drool monkeys and I'm perfectly happy to let them kill themselves on it over and over.
But leveraged at a much higher level and with more synergy.
@BESW I figured something like that
The minotaur's main drawback at his level was that he lacked the Int to get Whirlwind.
Whereas dragon does not need whirlwind
if you thought of it logically, there would be no reason for an entirely new set of people to keep attacking it
but these are PC's
@trogdor Well, aside from its increasingly large hoard
Yeah, minotaur only had 3 natural attacks; he could be outnumbered pretty easily.
so logical thought isn't in there
Growing fatter and fatter with each PC slain
@Lord_Gareth Eighty. Seven. Is it gaining XP from the players, at least?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Deliberately not. I didn't want to increase the challenge.
and each character is acting on the fact that it's creator is ticked off at this dragon
cause ... yeah...
But my players rather respect my dragons :)
defined as "oh shit no not another dragon run!" being their dragon encounter mantra.
something is obviously wrong here
And these are magi
cause ass kicking keeps happening
and they keep attacking it
... of course, they will, fairly quickly, pass a power threshold. And the it will be "was that a dragon? I didn't notice."
I had a Scion character for awhile that would bluff like he could turn into a dragon. He'd use the Illusion purview to alter his appearance/sound/scent/texture, then knock shit around with Epic Strength and threaten with mighty roars and gouts of "frost breath" (Frost Purview)
Avoided a lot of difficult fights that way by looking like a God when I was just a Demigod
@trogdor What's wrong is that my players are drooling brutes and I hate them >.>
that is pretty wrong.
@Lord_Gareth so... stop playing with a bad group?
life's too short for shitty games.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I'm getting a familiar feeling like we've had this conversation before.
@Lord_Gareth yeaaap
Though I'm going to very shortly be experimenting with a new group for Legend.
As soon as I figure out how I want to model a character getting hit by a speeding steam train.
@Lord_Gareth Yup.
@Lord_Gareth I suggest a watermelon and a fourth-story balcony.
@BESW I don't wanna do it as a "no save just die" deal, since one side of this fight or another may think to Grapple and/or Drag the other in front of the train. I was considering modeling it as a high-level Trap...
@Lord_Gareth I'm fond of "Success, or Success With Consequences."
Instead of "Success or Failure."
Playing in a rules-heavy and legalistic system, @BESW. Trap rules will probably serve me well.
Consequences could include debilitation, being carried off on the front of the train, getting stuck on the wrong side of the tracks...
@Lord_Gareth You don't need freeform systems to avoid S/F dichotomies.
I regularly worked within the 4e paradigm to "rig" events.
Either way, this final throwdown will be every kind of awesome. Magic and blurring blades as the train bears down and the PCs have to keep the villain distracted long enough to stop him from derailing it.
(Bonus points: hold him to one side or another long enough for the train to fire broadsides on its way past)
@Lord_Gareth That... is basically what Trogdor did to the first 4e dragon I had his group fight.
The setting had an Indiana Jones boulder running around a circular track. So they held the dragon down and let it get squished.
Replacing boulders in this case with a heavily armed war train
(Drow in Shatterholm: they put guns on everything. Everything.)
This is the culture that built mechanical horses so they could install guns in them.
I'm wearing a GPS collar!
well, thingy on my collar, but it sounds worse the other way.
Now I'ma going to go on a field trip!
Does it asplode your head?
I... may also be overly stressed out and caffenated.
Mind you, this is also a culture where the most common cause of death is KIA, the second-most common is suicide and the third most is friendly fire.
@BESW eventually..
Drow: Live fast, die young, leave a horribly mangled corpse and a touching letter to the orphans. Drow children that grow up with both parents (or parents at all) are pretty outnumbered.
A cultural trait they share with elves, though elven settlements have this depressing tendency to be claimed by catastrophe without survivors so there's a slightly higher ratio of elves with whole families by percentage. Less elves overall, though.
Everything @BrianBallsun-Stanton tells you about our group is lies, slander and provocation. We are a respectable group of magi who by no means run away, towards or in any relation to dragons. Any activities of said dragons in relation to mundanes, such as but not limited to devouring, tearing, burning, enslaving and bedding, in no way reflect our stance towards either dragons or mundanes.
@Magician Djinn, on the other hand, you have no comment about? :)
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I'm the king of the djinn and your argument is invalid. Also, have I shown you my extensive collection of mind control spells?
@Magician okay, me giggling at work is not a good thing.
@BESW yeah
that is exactly what I did
with a horrible bug man no less
good times those
@Lord_Gareth that might be because at least some of the friendly fire deaths are made to look like KIA's
so, apropos of nothing, chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vulcan/… disables the hideous emoji in hangouts
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I am not nothing. I am a person. Also, the king of the djinn.
@Magician [Are You Sure?]
cause there's a really really horrible mangling of JC superstar just waiting if you say Yes.
"Feed my household with this pineapple?"
Leo, I am overjoyed
To meet you face to face
You've been getting quite a name
All around the place
Nuking kinglets
Marrying the queen
Now I understand you're Magic
At least that's what you've said...
And it just gets worse from here...
not marring. that's.. not. what.
Are you collecting messianic characters in my game?
cause uh...
I'd star this, but it makes no sense to anyone other than us.
@Magician no, not at all.
Also, yes, no, we're not doing another messianic character.
@Magician good, good...
::rubs hands::
...Is Alan one? I suspect he is, now.
@Magician alan... which one was he?
the monk?
Ahem. The Swamp Thing.
oooh, right, the swamp thing. Yeah, sure, he can be a messiah of the vines.
leading them to a golden land... of.. um... good soil with high moisture content?
Well. The actual Swamp Thing is an elemental guarding The Green/Gaia.
Sort of, far as I remember :)
@Magician yep
So shall we call you saint Leo of valentine? :)
...that is a terrible idea.
Also, oops, I messed up with dates. Remember the sprit of Ramon Llull I summon? He's only born in 1232. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramon_Llull. I blame Octavian's future time travel.
@Magician yep
you will have had summoned his spirit from the future?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton The best solution would be to rename the spirit, cause ow.
And just re-reading the page on wiki, the guy was a magus. No two ways about it.
2 hours later…
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I haven't been paying much attention to the contest, but maybe I should've.
> Three users will receive site swag items (t-shirts, stickers, etc), and two users will RPG books or PDFs based on their most active tags.
4 hours later…
@BrianBallsun-Stanton dude, use it to play Ingress!
@BESW meh, as of last count you're tied with a bunch of people for 2nd best chance to win
@waxeagle I'm looking at the typo.
@BESW ah
right, so we're going to become RPG books/pdfs? yikes
[face/palm] The BBC just called an excerpt from Blink a "classic clip."
god I feel like someone hit me in the back with a shovel.
Oh well staying up later than usual was worth it for JtCR.
Nearly died in a shallow hole and I thanked the DM for the opportunity.
Hell I was bleeding out in a shallow hole. but being a dwarf I am too awesome to die.
but enough bout dwarves how has people been.
ah my new Anima question just hit the feed.
Hobbs and I are researching tree people for his FAE character.
@BESW wow, how does something that young become "classic"??
Granted, it's a great episode.
@BESW definitely
And the definition of "classic" is certainly not standardized by any means.
also true
I don't think late auties qualifies
(or whatever the heck we're calling that nameless decade)
The noughties?
@BESW I'd spring for the nils
I generally go for "the oh-ohs."
anyways, I think classic starts in the 80s, early 90s maybe. But get 20 years on yah before you go classic (also I don't really approve of the airing network branding something as classic either)
At its most basic, something "classic" needs to have the time and exposure necessary for it to gain recognized, established value.
@BESW I think for sci-fi it also has to genre bust a bit as well. Have some cache outside of the core audience.
Quite likely.
Weeping Angels/Don't blink has great cache with whovians, but if I said "don't blink" to a random man on the street, I'm still gonna get wtf looks
Even in Britain, Doctor Who is pretty niche; many are likely to recognize Baker, Tennant, or the TARDIS, but not likely all three.
I'm not sure that something needs to have acquired meme status to be "classic," though.
@BESW perhaps that's just a way to remove the age qualifier?
accelerate into classic status by developing a wide (but still cultish) audience?
I dunno, classic is so loose anyways, know it when you see it an all that
But then, I think that any attempt to define "classic" needs to acknowledge that it's ultimately a tool of privilege.
7 hours later…
1 hour later…
@wootcat Hi!
@Heather Hi!
@Heather You just need one more upvote to get the 20+ rep needed to talk in chat! I hope it's soon.
I'll attempt a definition of classic. It's that thing your friends need you to see because come on! Everybody else in the world knows what it is!
@waxeagle is random draw
@BESW I don't see the typo?
my google fu fails me. There's a D&D 3.5 monster called Tren wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20040613a&page=4 I can't find if it's been published on a manual and which one if so
does anybody know?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton "two users will RPG books or PDFs"
@waxeagle I prefer auties to aughties for certain reasons.
@SamuelRussell My brain keeps reading it as "aunties."
@BrianBallsun-Stanton emoji disabler for hangouts? =^.^=
I thought Aunties was what it was too
Auntie, in the context of broadcasting, brings up horrible images. BBC/ABC[.au]/Sydney Morning Herald spinster slash.
Perhaps I should propose "The Decade Which Could Not Be Named."
@SamuelRussell I like naughties.
@SamuelRussell yeah, is nice.
There are no Doctor Who tags, and I'd like to make one, but I want to canvass suggestions for a concise way to differentiate ATS from The Doctor Who Role Playing Game.
(And Time Lord.)
Sounds good.
...too long.
ask on meta
completely different
you mean, ask on meta something other than a meta question?
no, I mean that a question about a tag is absolutely appropriate for meta
@BrianBallsun-Stanton weighted random is it not?
@waxeagle er, random by function of ticket.
so weighted random by function of user.
Q: Adventures in Time and Space tag

BESWSo, we have a question about Doctor Who – Adventures in Time and Space: The Roleplaying Game. So far as I can tell, it's our first. I gleefully ran to tag it, hoping to use something like "adventures-in-time-and-space" to differentiate this from The Doctor Who Role Playing Game (and to a lesser ...

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