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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

@GeorgeSpiceland that comment discussion is getting off-topic and over-long, so I'm moving us to chat. The point isn't that it was an unjustified link, it's that the question was incomplete with just a link, because the link doesn't actually directly answer the question. It gives some reasons why the feat wound up as powerful as it did, but that wasn't the question.
@KRyan you should probably link him to chat.
He saw me come in.
@KRyan I'm in agreement with you at that, but he's since edited the answer to at least be at least a little more complete. My disagreement stems from the idea of "authorial intent" in this case, that's all.
@GeorgeSpiceland yes, I agree that the comments are now obsolete; the only reason I hadn't flagged them as such is because I wanted to make sure you saw them
I did, and I agree they can be removed. I'll do so for mine currently.
as for authorial intent, "as intended" does not equate to "not broken" nor does "not as intended" equate to "broken"
::innocent look:: What comments?
which is basically what I believe @Lord_Gareth was saying: just because mxyzplk established that the author didn't intend for the feat to lack any spell level adjustment, doesn't automatically mean that it's broken without that adjustment. Indeed, I haven't upvoted his answer because I'm not convinced that the spell level adjustment is enough to balance the feat
@BrianBallsun-Stanton the Greenbound Summoning question, mxyzplk's answer. I'll flag Lord_Gareth's and delete my own
I don't really think I ever argued that...what I am willing to argue is that authorial intent doesn't apply in the case of the author stating that there was a typographical error. A typographical error that changes the power of an ability could be considered "broken" however because an unwitting and unwilling omission increased the ability without due balance and without proper consideration. This depends of course on how you apply "broken"
@KRyan like I said, what comments? :)
A: Is the Greenbound Summoning Feat as powerful as it looks, or am I missing something?

mxyzplkIt is broken for the reasons you note (way, way awesome results from a first level spell for having one feat - better than any other summoning augmentation available). There's a good reason for this - the author intended it to be a +2 level metamagic feat but that was omitted when it appeared in...

on that
right, my implication-o-generator is broken
oh oh I see
@BrianBallsun-Stanton they were still there on my screen
bah. Stupid mondays.
@KRyan ::nod:: Yeah, it's a monday, my brain is still wanting to have a weekend.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Federal holiday tomorrow here
In my case, I use "broken" to mean something that's "broken" not something that's overpowered necessarily but something that doesn't work correctly. Not something that doesn't work as intended assuming that it works correctly however. So, far's it goes, this falls into my definition of "broken by typographical omission."
@BrianBallsun-Stanton :)
I'm at work, and will be tomorrow as well. :|
we only get like five of those a year anyway
@GeorgeSpiceland Ah feel yer pain.
@GeorgeSpiceland the feat does work if you run it as written, there's nothing about it that fails to make sense or leads to an undefined or even ambiguous case, it's just overpowered
and it's overpowered in part because part of the intended cost of the feat didn't make it into the final printing
@KRyan I guess? Personally when I read it I assumed there was something wrong with it. Yes, it works, but it works exactly as the question originally stated, providing a druid with the ability to basically be a single-person party by around level 6.
@GeorgeSpiceland the Druid's more-or-less capable of that by level 1 anyway
the class is ridiculous
the very first game I ever played with, at level 3, with people who hadn't played in decades if at all, everyone picked up on how much the druid was owning everything
the ranger and fighter barely managed to keep up with his wolf animal companion
and the ranger was abusing the hell out of Drow knock-out poison
I'm apparently glad that nobody in my typical gaming group liked how the Druid felt and so none of them ever really bothered to try it out.
And there's no sarcasm there, as a DM It would've frustrated me.
@GeorgeSpiceland yeah, I try to encourage people interested in the Druid to do Totemist or Spirit Shaman instead
and failing that I apply the Shapeshifting ACF from Player's Handbook II which helps a little
Huh. Someone starred my thing with the Fenris Wolf
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I didn't mean to start a fight if that's what my comment did. My apologies.
@Lord_Gareth it didn't, it just became obsolete because mxyzplk edited
Brian was blehing about work or Mondays or failed sarcasm
or some combination thereof
Indeed. No fights.
Oh good. I wasn't trying to pick any.
Kidding. Seriously.
You love me because I answer all the Ravenloft questions :p
No, we just had a fairly decent discussion of authorial intent and it's applications.
My current fight with Opta notwithstanding (those supplements he's quoting need to be dragged outside and shot)
I would love you more if you answered my Mage questions.
For 3.X? Authorial intent needs to be disregarded at all possible times because the authors were slightly less competent than parrots on heroin.
The copyeditors were worse. There's so many typographical or typesetting errors. So. Many.
I'm afraid I'm not that great with Mage, and I answer questions about oWoD Mage as follows in all cases: "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO PEOPLE YOU LOVE?"
Generally speaking as much as I love ascension, I agree with this sentiment as far as rules go. Part of why we just made stuff up when we played that...and why I don't know the rules for Awakening very well.
Well, I have good news and bad news for you on Awakening.
The good news is that they actually wrote all the rules this time and they function.
The bad news is they're still A. Redonkulus and B. really poorly written
Yeah...but the bad news is I need to learn them!
Well, that too.
I have this love/hate relationship with Changeling: the Lost where I adore the setting and hate having to slog through its rules to deal with it.
Though from the sound of it FATE could do Changeling with precisely zero headaches.
I haven't seen any of FATE. Which is a shame. :-\
IIRC there's some chunk of it that's free-and-legal
@GeorgeSpiceland we have a game/demo going on in the next room over
I really should probably pick up some form of book.
Yes, and there's the rub. Despite my high-paying IT job I don't have $25 to rub together. :-\
@GeorgeSpiceland $2.50 for the pdf
Oh. OH.
Decimals, my everpresent bane.
or pay what you like here
but it's really worth the $2.50
$2.50 I can do.
hardcopy isn't out for a couple months anyway
It must be fairly easy to right for, doesn't seem that old but there's a profusion of stuff that uses it?
write, for.
Or is it older than I'm seeing?
@GeorgeSpiceland FATE Core is new, but there is a lot of stuff based on the general FATE system
Dresden Files, Spirit of the Century, Diaspora
Ah, I see.
Core and FAE are pretty easy to write for, though. There's some third-party being generated even before the pdf went public, including publication KSes to support them.
Heck, I've got a 2/3-finished draft of a one-shot high concept thingo
@GeorgeSpiceland handy chat tip, you can edit your messages for 5 minutes after you write them.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton: WHAT? For real? Thank you for that.
check out the help link down below, it's helpful
@BESW Good, if it's easy to write for then it may be worth a lot more than the $2.50.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I'll do that once I get up tomorrow. I'm off work and it's time to sleep, but that's definitely a thing I shall do. :)
big hullabaloo about the "XP = from where?" question
@LitheOhm mxy bein mxy
Somebody's gotta.
@BESW, you never answered me earlier. I was forced to commit seppuku repeatedly. Sadly, the only weapon I had on hand was a drinking straw.
Answered what?
@BESW What would appeal to your players about the, "Hey, I just invented death - evil was you people," debate? <-That
Oh. I went to sleep as it was past 3am.
I generally go to bed a little before that honestly
@BESW I will accept your explanation >.>
The fact that it's a debate, and a fairly juicy one? Over the years I've had players who enjoy philosophical debates, or trying to talk the villains into changing their ways, or just arguing...
I prefer stuffing them in their own portals to hell
or at least getting the demon/devil they summoned to drag them in there
@Trogdor - My players did that to a diabolist once. They encountered him again as a Remmanon with wizard levels, doing secretarial work for the Ministry of Tactics.
He thanked them for providing him with the opportunity of his afterlife, left a small gift of magical items, then left.
They got into an argument about if they should take the items. Two party members died over it.
The surviving four took note of the irony and left the area
my group did it to a tiefling during the war between Arkosia and Bael Turath
@BESW @Magician has learned not to discuss philosophy with any of my characters.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Well, it's just you're so eager to argue solipsism with Far Realm entities
he never got out of it cause the devil he summoned was pissed off
@BrianBallsun-Stanton My players no longer trust any of my NPCs that start getting intellectual with them. Even the ones that end up being on their side tend to have a funny way of showing it.
@Magician and the time before that... and the time before that...
Nothing quite like finding out the wanted criminal who's been backing you up is using you as chess pieces to try and break up an alliance between five gods that also, incidentally, want all of you dead.
I think it's more of a "don't discuss comparative ethics with a philosopher without a whiteboard and coffee handy."
@BrianBallsun-Stanton That, plus the other players just stare at us.
@Magician yes.
good grief.
4.40% on a savings account.
Australia is /special/
Owning tag still. The rules really could have been better written..
@Magician Hey, just because I own ... um
@BrianBallsun-Stanton One other person asked a question about it!
oh, hrmph
well, I'm just renting that to him.
People under contractual arrangments don't count.
You do have the accepted answer there, so I suppose that still counts as yours :P
excellent, excellent.
dude, alcohol is so totally a medical supply :)
speaking of... gin or bourbon?
Cheap gin; expensive bourbon.
Also expensive gin.
@SamuelRussell yeah, my bottle of gin is dry. trying to figure out what to refill with.
cause I'm getting bloody nothing done today.
But not cheap bourbon.
have recommendation?
Coopers Double Stout longnecks?
meh. Double-stout is... a beer that requires concentration.
Mass produced white tequilla
The drink to drink when you don't want to existential verb.
@SamuelRussell hehehe
well, let's see just how painful this is going to be.
cause yeah, bugger this for a lark.
Have a specific brand to recommend?
Cuevo Silver was good priced last time; Seagrams Dry London is 32 at Dan Murphies
On the calendar for the week... "Wednesday has been cancelled... due to a scheduling error." Okay, I like this podcast.
But Cuevo is showing as 42 at the moment, $10 over cheap gins.
mmm, will consider.
So, today, I found yet another paper to read. I think the pile is always going to be larger than the time.
@SamuelRussell yes
"Chilis being transported to the Nagaland's chili competition. Gloves need to be worn because the chili oils can harm the skin. (Aaron Joel Santos / Novus Select) "ummm
there we go.
nagaland. Chilies. That sounds like a horrible plot.
okay, that is a silly. silly. article.
I've got to figure out how to make that a game, somehow..
Naga are fetish fuel though.
... true, true.
But comon: "He smokes a hand-rolled cigarette and carries a machete that resembles a scaled-down dao—the traditional Naga implement of head-taking (and, in calmer moments, men’s haircuts)." What a perfect NPC.
There are depths to which irony can, but ought not, sink
@SamuelRussell you've made your point, sir.
Now people are protected from it
roight, home time
2 hours later…
@Lord_Gareth seppuku with a drinking straw?
@waxeagle the question is back up for reopen. I posted a related link to the linked meta question - "off-topic influences" such as my vampire lore question or someone else's dire creature question
these questions might fall under the "I wuz wonderin'" clause, but each question shouldn't require an explanation as to it's use
that would be bad.
for the record, my vamp question was so I could make rulings based on the relevant lore in D&D 3.5 games - but the fact that it was more about vampires than RPGs initially was "off-topic." Who's to say XP was even an RPG thing? If that's the case, RPG experts are no less qualified to answer it than anyone else
1 hour later…
@LitheOhm I agree that it's easy to say a question's off-topic because we can't easily see a way that it would be relevant based on our own experience, and that this leads to closing some questions that were actually quite appropriate. But it's easy to go the other way and say that anything is on-topic because RPGs can encompass so many subjects.
I have Opinions on where and how to draw that line, but I'm happy to leave the final decisions to the mods whose duties I neither want nor envy; they're in a better position than I am to know what's going on, and have more experience about the results various actions and reactions are going to have.
So I may not always be happy about the actions taken, but I'm very happy I'm not the one who has to decide whether and how to take them.
oh no
::grabs the flamethrower::
Gaaaah. The comments...
I do not want those two questions on our front page.
which ones?
The Great Disruptors.
all we need is a gnome physics question that uses lawful good as jet fuel and we'll have the unholy trifecta.
I don't see those questions
I assume they are not in the header
@trogdor You're probably sorting by Newest instead of Active.
I am indeed
hah that is pretty funny
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Offer rep rewards for retag edits and necromancery?
::whacks the data server with a stick::
... good grief
hrmm, I should exclude closed posts.
Does that include deleted comments?
wow, that was worse than VoP
What was?
A: How does HERO system differ from other systems?

PulseheadThe Good: You can do anything with Hero. Literally. A wizard throwing fireballs, a spaceship shooting lasers, and Superman's Heat-ray eyes are all the energy projection power. The system is written to be VERY vague for this reason. You apply the mechanics to your character, then supply all ...

the comments there are just...
::comes in with soot stains on his face:: That was an ugly one. What's next?
Q: How can I murder people and lie about it?

Ben BrockaMy character is a Halfing Rogue specializing in lying and ranged sneak kills with a concealed crossbow. With the Childlike and Pass for Human feats plus max ranks in Bluff I'm crazy good at a believable lie if I act like a child and in theory I could eat the impossible bluff check with the -20, ...

okay, one more
no. No. no. I refuse. no.
"Can Paladins be evil?" .. just no, getitaway!
excellent, with a change to the grouping rules... I found... 56.. comments...
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I'll just do some tagging edits, shall I?
@BESW goodenuf
Figured the easiest thing to do would be go to the bottom of the posts and start applying tags that hadn't existed back then.
What SE do I ask about compatibility between a new tower and an ancient monitor?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Why do you seem to have used "magi," "magus," and "maga" interchangeably in your Q?
gendered words are fun?
magi is neutral
maga is typical quote gender
(which is, I think, why I always default to female pronouns in my answers)
and magus refers to the specific, gendered (male) villain.
ah, magus is also in quote
so the book has fun swapping about, and I see no reason to fiddle it
Yes, but the quote also has...
> If the caster is a Hermetic magus and is using words and gestures that she can hear and see...
@BESW that... that right there is a typo.
made in the real book
or well, we don't ask what's under the robe?
We do have a magus who everyone keeps referring to as female :P
@Magician don't bloody get me started about genderbending in our group.
I very rarely feel the inclination to play a female character, I have played an effeminate looking male tiefling though,.... mostly because most pictures I found had tiefling males looking like steroid abusers
but I also did find it amusing
strangely enough, the party didn't make a big deal out of it
I believe some of the NPCs did, though.
It fit him well, as a pencil-pushing desk jockey turned CC troll.
or was that "off screen?"
I don't remember exactly, I just had NPCs occasionally throw in some "scrawny" or "effeminate" references.
I don't seem to recall that
anyway, the party did find the time, often enough, to question how trustworthy he was
[shrug] I'm trying to figure out what, exactly, my father's computer contains and why nothing on this list seems to be a graphics card, so I'm a bit distracted.
pretty much solely having to do with being a tiefling
("MSD ROHS" is worrysome?)
is this the frankenputer?
the abominable hell-spawn from another dimension?
He got a new computer.
I'm learning that the processor is also the graphics card ([face/palm]) and is incompatible with CRT monitors.
It's apparently a miracle it works at all.
oh man
this is a new computer? or just new for him/you?
Brand new, about a month since he bought it.
Works pretty well, but when he tries to watch Hulu it regularly goes haywire.
not surprising
Now I know why.
@Timingila Hi!
hi :)
How's it going? What brings you to chat?
It's going well. I just noticed that the chat exists, and thought I'd lurk for a bit.
How are you?
morning all
@C.Ross Hi!
@Timingila welcome :-)
thx :)
@Timingila Excited about the proper release of Fate Core!
yeah, FATE Core is the big thing around chat lately
what's your game of choice?
His one question is 4e, so... [processessing... ding!] It's probably 4e.
lol. BESW is teh smart!
it's the only RPG I've ever played, tbh
I ran 4e for about a year and a half. We had fun.
@Timingila cool, most of us cut our teeth on D&D of one edition or another
It's a very slick tactical combat system.
other than tracking all the conditions, I enjoy the tactical combats
yeah, I played a good campaign from 1 to 10 in 4e
Yeah, I started on D&D 3.5 for ~8 years before running a 1-30 campaign in 4e and then moving to various versions of Fate.
@Timingila Hoorf, yeah. As GM I did a lot of work to make tracking conditions less work.
I saw the release announcement for the FATE pdf. it sounds very free form. Is that right? Or is more that it's a big sandbox and up to the GM to make a concrete universe
The biggest thing was custom-designing NPCs and monsters to be simpler to track; cutting down on save-ends and using more "until end of next turn" durations, that kind of thing.
that's smart
@Timingila it's more narrative
the mechanics are closely tied to the story you're telling
but yes, in general, it's less crunchy
@Timingila In terms of world/setting, Fate prefers to have the GM work with the players to loosely define the world and then the GM creates sketchy settings which the players fill in during the scenes.
But yes, all of the mechanics are designed to basically be extensions of the narrative, and to drive the story forward in interesting directions.
that sounds intriguing
For example, instead of ability stats your character's defining qualities are a handful of pithy phrases that describe him and his relationship to the world and other people, like "Wizard Private Eye" or "I Am Not My Father."
You can spend game currency to get bonuses to rolls whenever one of the phrases would be helpful in what you're trying to do, and you get game currency whenever you choose to make things more complicated/harder for your character in a way related to a phrase.
I find Fate to be the simplest, most elegant and adaptable implementation of this idea, but other systems use it as well.
I just remembered that I played Marvel Superheroes a couple times a long time ago, and what your describing sorta reminds me of that
Dogs in the Vineyard has a similar concept, but instead attaches a number of dice to each phrase. In a conflict everyone rolls the dice connected to relephant phrases, and uses the results of the dice as currency for rounds of betting to determine the outcome of a conflict.
@Timingila Yeah, I've seen discussions here that sound similar to it.
hmm. maybe i'll get the pdf just to have :)
... mmm, one more question?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Me? tagging?
no, pondering a third question tonight.
@Timingila Fate Core is pretty cool. Pick up the Accelerated version too; it's a lot simpler, stripped to the very essence of the Fate system. The Core book has more system philosophy and dials.
alright. ty!
@BESW I like FAE, but I wouldn't want to run a full campaign in it
We've got a casual Accelerated game running in a side chat here on the RPG site.
the "approach" mechanic just doesn't do it for me
@C.Ross Yeah, even Evil Hat acknowledges that it's better for one-shots and introducing the system.
and that's three questions for me. Wheee.
The thing I like about approaches vs skills is that approaches really force characterization.
poking at actually statting up NPCs is remarkably annoying.
Of course, the fact that (using the short version) I have to stat up 90 years worth of life... probably contributes to this.
@BESW true, but it limits my visualization/immersion
FATE Core talks about having issues as aspects, but does it ever talk about game aspects?
seems like I remember that in an early draft
@C.Ross Page 24.
Oh, wait, that's what you mean.
Crazy question, would taking a Fate Core character and adding Approaches to their character sheet work? Are approaches compatible with Fate Core?
I ask this whilst only in the opening pages of the FAE book and having only a high-level idea of how both systems work.
@JonathanHobbs Approaches replace skills. It'd be hard for them to coexist, I think.
But you could easily run Core and just switch out skills for approaches leaving everything else the same.
@BESW yeah, issues are aspects that represent problems or goals
@C.Ross I think the idea is that issues are the game aspects, because issues are more likely to be interesting and dynamic.
I'm thinking of aspects that represent setting or style
hmmm true
For that, I would simply refer you to the Fate Fractal.
If something about the game setting is important enough to have mechanical presence, treat it more or less as a character: from giving it an aspect, to giving it skills to attack and defend with and Fate points that it can invoke.
The "problem" is that the instant you make it an aspect, the players gain a measure of narrative control over that element: they can resist compels, for instance.
So if you want it to be a truly all-pervasive concept, making it an aspect might not be the best way to go. However, if you've got cooperative players who think the idea is cool, it can be really awesome.
They'll have motivation to act in accordance with the concept, so they can invoke it for bonuses and take compels for Fate points.
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

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