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A: Mutant Chronicles: Luna City and Moon physics

Chris BirchHi there we are going to answer this with the new Mutant Chronicles RPG coming this Winter. In the meantime check out www.facebook.com/mutantchroniclesrpg for more info or www.modiphius.com We have been doing a lot of work on the background story to help fill in all the gaps and the first releas...

@BrianBallsun-Stanton what do you think? an answer or no?
It's a comment.
A lovely comment I will happily star the fudge out of, but it's not an answer.
When the new product comes out, it will provide the basis for an answer.
yes, lovely comment
@BrianBallsun-Stanton can you linkify his link?
@waxeagle refresh :)
the hell
@BrianBallsun-Stanton still not linkified
@BrianBallsun-Stanton You got your () and [] backwards.
...wait, no.
no, it wanted http:// before
Ooh. http:// is needed.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton yeah it can be pedantic like that sometimes
And upvoted.
Two things: I think the Dice Service has learned to speak in Morse Code, and I think somebody murdered it in the other room
> Dice Service: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I see no issues
just a slight delay
@Problematic it's apparently a 3x3 matrix of dots
@waxeagle Aye, but when I looked at the "other rooms you're in" quote, my brain thought "eeeeeeeeee"
@Problematic gotcha
@DiceService I wonder why they didn't use larger version of the unicode die faces. ⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅ Who wrote the Dice Service?
@okeefe balpha
for one thing because they aren't universally supported, no support in win8
@waxeagle Madness!
@okeefe plus I'll guess that unicode doesn't have d20 and other poly dice faces :)
though the dice service uses actual numbers for those
Ah, I didn't know it was full featured.
No DCCRPG in the chat, I guess.
@okeefe d4,6,8,10,12 and 20
up to 9/line
2 hours later…
cool :-D didn't realize you could roll dice here. 1d8
Welp, After a few sessions and some on the side character making I understand Character creation in Anima. unfortunately we havent got around to reading about the setting in which Anima takes place so we are kinda a group of 4 people guarding an unamed town... Sorta like a sandbox.
From what Ive heard described its some crazy setting lore too.
...I'm owning the tag. Makes me wonder if anyone else here actually played it...
@Magician ::points to ::
1 hour later…
@Magician The people answering your questions would have, I imagine ;)
@JonathanHobbs I dunno, @waxeagle, who answered my previous question on , hasn't actually played it, for instance. Just read the rules.
And with tremulus, I think people will be answering that only played AW/DW. Which is valid, sort of.
I just answered what's technically a Burning Wheel question, but it was too so I answered it that way.
(Can someone with BW XP let me know if it applies there, too?)
the gate spell.
just no
I'm voting to close this question as not constructive since there's no solvable problem here. Is that a fair reaction?
@Brian You mentioned in reply to a question which got Jhyarelle suspended, "Check your email." Do you actually have any input in what goes in that email? Did you mention he can bring a lot of his questions to chat?
I'm wondering if he's aware yet it would probably be pretty good to ask a lot of these questions in chat, and I'm sure we've invited him several times.
@JonathanHobbs I've got as far as I'm allowed, there.
downvote and close if they're bad questions.
and just reiterate come into chat
but the community needs to express its displeasure here.
I just read on the Pathfinder wiki that "A wand may be used while grappling or while swallowed whole."
This is amazing. The possibilities. Like swallowing a bunch of social-spell wands before walking into a ball, then firing them off as needed. Uncomfortable, definitely! But CONCEALED!
@JonathanHobbs I do believe that's RAW, but not quite RAI :)
Rules as Interpreted or Rules as Intended? :)
... What would they mean if not what's said there?
@JonathanHobbs You can be swallowed whole by a tarrasque, and still use your wands, yay.
But I really like your interpretation.
@Magician I didn't imagine that would need clarification!
@JonathanHobbs I'm pretty sure permission to fire it if swallowed whole still means you have to have someone in there firing it... maybe you could swallow whole your familiar raven who can then use your magical device skills to activate it in you...
Thrush familiars can talk as well and are significantly smaller :D
@Julix I was pretty sure permission to fire it if swallowed meant it's held by your throat. :D
yeah but if you hold it with your throat you can't make "verbal attacks" - i.e. say something - i.e. trigger the damn thing
like when you have a buckler and a dagger (in the same hand/arm) and use one you can't use the other that round
@Julix ... maybe it can be activated by indistinct gurgling?
Only if you created the wand with that exact gurgling as code word
I'd have to have another similar wand down my throat whilst gurgling the code word then!
"A wand is 6 to 12 inches long, 1/4 inch thick, and weighs no more than 1 ounce."
Is sword swallowing a professional skill? ;)
@Rob I'm sure you could take it as a part of Perform! I'm not sure where Sword Swallowing performances would fit in exactly, though...
hahaha! well as a lvl 4 carnivalist (rogue archetype) with 4 ranks in Perform "Entertain" and a charisma of 16 you'd have a +10 bonus for your roll, question is what's the DC?
10+ 1 per inch of the item swallowed?
so between 16 and 22? well good luck :-P
and good night
@Julix Get a short wand and take 10!
2 hours later…
Or, if you're hard-core, surgical implantation?
@BESW Heck yes.
"Oh, yeah, I've got a metamagic rod in each thigh and a couple wands in my calves."
For a while I wanted to have a Warforged who had spring-loaded weapons hidden on his body. Wands were a more recent addition to that fantasy.
A meat golem with a wand golem skeleton.
mmm, magical tatoos
soooo cheesy
@Brian You locked that post telling them to take that conversation to chat, but now I can't upvote it, giving the guy the necessary +10 rep to let him talk in chat! Nooooooo
What an unfortunate catch 22
@JonathanHobbs Isn't that a catch 20?
What's the Q?
...I think I need to change my expanded usercard profile summary.
How do you change just that profile summary?
@ObliviousSage go to your profile and click edit
I think it just pulls the first part of your profile
It looks like BESW found a way to change just his expanded usercard profile, rather than his full profile.
@BESW Right here, BESW
compare the two for him
@BESW How did you do that???
@ObliviousSage ... what are these? expanded vs full profile? Don't we only have one?
> If you don't want the exact text of your About Me section there (such as it is too long and gets cut off, or because the formatting is weird), then you may use a summary comment using the following syntax:
 <!-- summary: [your text here] -->
> Replace [your text here] with your desired summary (of at least 28 characters), and that will be placed on your expanded usercard in place of your About Me section. Note that because it is an HTML comment, you cannot use any HTML such as for links. The spaces before and after summary: and before the closing --> are required to use a summary.
nice find!
Oh my god what is that even
@BESW Your user card summary
Let's see... the original link is dead, one moment.
and they are skipping it when they render the HTML so you can't even see it on their profile with a view source
@JonathanHobbs Skin Horse provides some awesome quotes.
(Context is that Jonah and his friend are inside a black ops R&D company, and Jonah's 'brain damage' is basically a save-point where every time he dies trying to get out of the building he is returned to a previous point in his escape to try again.)
I first thought of Mr Googly Eyes
So he's being awesome because he knows exactly what to say and do: he's done that part of the escape a LOT already.
today's Questionable Content is awesome
> And I begged, "Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?" And the angel said unto me, "These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You see, Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust."
anyone else read d20monkey?
@waxeagle Doesn't ring a bell.
not his best effort today, but he just wrapped up a pretty long arc in a gameworld he created that looks pretty cool.
I think I want to change my profile summary from "Don't worry. It's AWESOME brain damage." to "Who said that? Whoever said that, they were wrong. I said that? If I said that, I was wrong."
Although there are other options.
"These facts are all true to the best of our knowledge, however since I am surrounded by weirdos, I take no personal responsibility." and "People keep moving my silliness benchmark." come to mind.
post unlocked.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Thanks, +1'd
.... I should have kept that locked. those comments were awful.
Um, Brian? Did you mean to say that in the new comment?
Ah, there's the edit.
The answer itself is pretty neat though.
It's gate.
It's sor/wis 9.
On par with wish and all that, yes
Personally, I'm fond of "Any sufficiently advanced society will mistakenly believe all magic to be unknown technology." (attributed to Dean Koontz by the Skin-Horse comment I found it in.)
Or, while we're abusing well-known quotes, "The universe is not only sillier than we know; it is sillier than we can know."
Both of those are brilliant
I have lists.
"If at first you don't succeed you will receive an unsatisfactory mark on your official testing record."
I kinda want to make that Girl Genius quote my expanded summary whatevermajig, but on the other hand, I don't want to give the false impression I am totally into Girl Genius
Oh my goodness xD
Is that from... Portal?
I picked it up from this xkcd thread.
See also, "Every dark cloud has been carefully vetted by the CIA."
(I try to keep all my quotes carefully cited, with links when possible.)
today's XKCD alt text would make a pretty good flyout
The pre-New 52 Jaime Reyes run of Blue Beetle has some good quotes, too.
"Any alien encounter you don't wind up dead or probed, take the win."
"'Heroism' is not an acceptable scientific explanation."
ugh, I really want to leave an answer of "It's gate. Your problem is the candle of invocation, not gate."
So far as the gate spell abuse goes, in 3.5 I had a long-standing explicit arrangement with one of my groups: "Anything you can break, NPCs can break better. But they won't until you do."
@BESW yes.
well, and the other half is that Wish... is nice? But allowing invocation loops makes a fascinating wish economy that actually kinda works.
so you have a cabbage economy, the gold economy, and the wish economy.
It put the GM vs player conflict potential firmly in the players' hands, gave them agency and responsibility, and made it clear that I was taking my cues from them in terms of the kind of game they wanted to play and the level of power it'd be played at.
@BESW That's a pretty nice philosophy
I'm going to remember that.
Yeah, on the other hand, I'm trying to figure out how to stat an "interesting threat" for Ars Magica.
which is actually going to take work
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Make it... Euclidean!
@BESW well, normally I go for puzzle and talky and... stuff
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Ah, the "We have a good writer and no budget" school of storytelling?
Sapphire and Steel.
I would love to see Sapphire and Steel translated into Ars Magica.
@BESW yes,thanks, more work.
If you're going to be doing work, do something cool.
@BESW They're getting the holy grail... to start a quest.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton lol
@JonathanHobbs Would it make a good answer for the gate question? Or is it too much skirting around the issue?
Any Shadowrun players who can help me understand something?
@BESW I'm glad you gave it as an answer because my response would have been a resounding YES.
And now you have an upvote.
Your players' terror of their enemies summoning twice as many solars as they can - or a number of anti-solars, or Illithids and sufficient monsters to help them sneak right up to the players - will keep them in check. That is a good answer.
It's a really straightforward logical extension of the GM looking at the player and saying "Are you sure?"
and then the GM leans in, stares at them intently with a straight face, and then holds that pose and wiggles his eyebrows for as long as it takes to get a confident response. Players' wills may be broken in the process almost effortlessly.
@BESW heee, I make that a ritual.
yes he does
Hold up my fingers in a box and ask "Are you sure?" And since I always and only ask it in response to potentially risky behaviours.... It's amazing how quickly they say "nonono" ... except for @Magician.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton .. in a box?
I frame a box with my fingers
simulate a dialogue box on a computer
"Are you sure?" I ask, cheerfully.
Oh, hahaha
I... don't think the Internet has a screencap of Mr. Waturi's "flexible frame" gesture.
I wasn't sure if you meant it like that, or in a pensive sort of hand gesture (subject of the screenshot entirely coincidental, but possibly very appropriate)
Make a "gun" out of both hands with index and thumb. Point the right index to the left across your body, and flip the left hand over pointing that index finger to the right, above the right hand so that your left thumb is pointing down directly above the tip of the right index and the right thumb is pointing up at the tip of the left index.
hmmmm, the Chat stuff has built in extensibility, and includes jQuery support
Q: SE Chat Modifications -- Keyboard navigation and commands for chat

Tim Stone Screenshot Use /command shortcuts to perform common chat tasks: See message history inline: Easily preview replied-to messages: And much, much more... About Legends tell of a prolific Meta Stack Overflow chatter who despised using their mouse above all things. In an effort to keep t...

Things might go faster if I use that
@C.Ross it's a very nice script. I like it a lot though I don't use it's full functionality
@waxeagle have you done anything with the extensibility?
@C.Ross nah, don't have time to mess with it
and I haven't taken the time to learn jQuery yet (it's on my list though)
I have half of a dF re-skin script working, so it'd be easier to do it on top of this
@waxeagle oh come on, jQuery is easier than JS
@C.Ross we don't do much fancy front end stuff
most of our creativity lives on the backend
@waxeagle neither do we, but learning the front end stuff is fun
definitely. I've enjoyed the front end work I've done. Learning to decipher css and how to write interesting javascript is fun. Just need to add jQuery to my repertoire :)
16 answers, 3 kiloviews in 3 day. Not enough bloody attention?!
@BrianBallsun-Stanton oohkaythen
it's his rep...I guess
bounty reason
I'm actually tempted to delete my answer there because @BrianBallsun-Stanton's encapsulates the point I was trying to make in a more complete way
It's... the great disconnect of 4e. mechanics and fluff don't touch. Forcing them makes pain, letting them float on frictionless bearings means that you can have awesomecool stories that... still allow you to have fun and balanced encounters.
but yeah, my main problem with that is that, if you read the comments, the question is asking "my player became king of a town of 100k ... "people" in the abyss. How do I make plot?"
@BrianBallsun-Stanton to me that plot writes itself
@waxeagle justalittlebit.
play king of the hill for a few levels and then move on
@waxeagle exactly.
and it's a great early epic/late-paragon topic
it's a different dimension, you're powerful enough that well, life's interesting...
Demons are "just this guy, y'know?"
@BrianBallsun-Stanton yep
oh well
time for beds.
g'night all
@BrianBallsun-Stanton g'night
Oh, caffeine-free roasted grain beverage. You aren't coffee.
@BESW no, typically it's the opposite
however I've had a few that make a nice attempt
This isn't bad.
And there's no way I can responsibly intake coffee at this hour.
"Kaffree Roma." Barley, chicory, and rye.
@BESW interesting ABV?
@BESW alcohol by volume. It's generally a labeling requirement for booze
...Ahuh. Not applicable to me in any context.
@BESW gotcha forgot you don't drink
though that grain combination sounds like the makings of an excellent beer :)
@waxeagle aye
@waxeagle They're all roasted, and some of the barley is also malted.
@BESW a nice dark malt can immitate chocolate or coffee very well...just not with the caffeine content
I'm also spoilt because nearly all the coffee I drink is home-made cold brew.
hail fellows, well met
@BESW haven't tried cold brew yet. Need to do that at some point
@JoshuaAslanSmith g'morn
@waxeagle It's disgustingly easy for the quality you get out of it.
cold coffee is like jumbo shrimp
antithetical in word and deed
Water, grounds, in a pitcher, leave it for 12 to 36 hours, filter the grounds, drink.
I was snobbing out on fresh roasted coffee from the down the way in my french press, but took it home to clean it and never brought it back
You can heat it up if you like your coffee hot.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Coffee doesn't have to be served hot. ;o
As a growing coffee snob I take exception to that remark
but hi @Joshua. :D
@BESW Do you make this yourself or buy it?
I've found that you don't even need to use fancy grounds; just the regular cheap stuff still comes out superb, because it's missing all the acids.
@JonathanHobbs Kaffree Roma.
Oh, alright!
so Im a traditionalist about coffee, and a snob about it I do think cold brew is incredibly interesting I just dont like cold coffee in general
@JoshuaAslanSmith "Cold brew" just describes the way it's made (without heat), not the way it's served.
Once brewed, cold brew coffee can be served any way any other kind of coffee is.
@besw I also believe that coffee should never be reheated, though id be interested to see how cold brew acts when heated up. I still feel it would taste different than straight up cold brew and straight up normal brew coffee
The idea is that without heat, the acid in the beans doesn't get leeched into the drink. Makes it much smoother.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Anything is going to taste differently from something prepared in a different manner. That's bordering on a tautology.
The question is whether it's a good --or at least acceptable-- kind of different. I find cold brew coffee is much nicer than anything else I've ever had.
by different I meant worse
which is of course subjective
The problem I've run into with cold brew is that it's harder to gauge how strong it is because it's so much smoother.
I mean Im basically a french dark roast fanatic when it comes to coffee, I like it strong, acidic, and intense. I drink it straight.
In hot-brewed coffees, you can generally correlate taste to caffeine content.
@besw accidental too much caffeine can be a bad thing
If you like the bitter acidic taste, then cold brew isn't for you.
Ive been @ a lab trying to work on a script and had to do pushups because I had the jitters from too much caffeine
For me, my stomach thanks me.
Anyway, bed now. ttfn
@besw I can understand that. I have had to forgo jalapenos and many spicy foods in my ripe age of 25 simply because my body stopped accepting them
I miss siracha so much
@BESW Night night. :)
1 hour later…
off topic -> migrate to meta might actually be appropriate but I closed as NC
"Not Coherent"
lol, love that it gets replaced at the top of the list by a 2010 are my reincarnation rules fun question
@waxeagle ping me if that happens again, that is not acceptable behavoir
or just flag as Offensive, that works too :-)
@C.Ross not at all. yeah I'll hit you up next time.
@C.Ross was kinda hoping you'd validate that and tag him with the rep penalty.
@waxeagle bad habit of reaching for the delete button
@C.Ross I understand that one
@JhyarelleSilver Please, please come talk to us in chat. Please.
@ObliviousSage doesn't work
@jhyarellesilver mind coming so we can talk about your questions?
^that will
however, mods can ...
3 hours later…
Purple Elephants. that is all.
@Novian naturally
@waxeagle indeed
Oh, dear. Wish I could stick around for that.
@Novian: You say "all", but that's a little dismissive. They're bigger than that.
....I'm always bemused when I get a random upvote on some old answer from months ago.
2 hours later…
@BESW I wouldn't know, I have only been on this a couple weeks now
@BESW most of my sustained SO rep comes from over a year ago
I did just get another up vote on a post I thought was done though
I guess that is a little similar
try being skeet, the guy hits the rep limit just on residual upvotes alone
1 hour later…
But then I'd have to work in C#

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