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@BraddSzonye Hi!
Hello! Just poking my nose in. :)
Glad to have your nose, then.
my nose is on strike
and seem to have been pressing my lungs to join it
i wish i had a nose
instead of this allergy-infested swamp on the front of my face
@ObliviousSage I'm guessing that's the lyrics for the Wizard of Oz character that got cut?
@ObliviousSage yuuup
I'm currently asthatic
I don't have asthma
I could while away the hours / Smelling all the flowers
@BraddSzonye Anything we can help you with / on your mind?
Well, now I have the Allergic Crow of Oz on my mind
Our work is done!
@BraddSzonye the first suggestion of the top answer certainly fits the situation
RPG.SE inspired me to make a GM-less RPG .... Unfortunately, inspiration is only about 1% of the effort needed to actually design and write an RPG.
Especially if it's more of an oldschool concept.
Yeah, I don't think I'd have the patience for that.
Although I dunno whether my gamer friends have the patience for a non-oldschool game.
I've done a very little dabbling lately; a one-shot setting/concept piece using the FAE system, and a high concept system of unique design.
FAE. Fate Accelerated Edition.
Aha! I only know a little about FATE. Sounds interesting, might be my kinda thing. Although I dunno whether I need an excuse to feed my old dice addiction.
You can use d6s quite easily.... and there's a kickstarter for the dice too right now.
The bits I've read about Fate aspects were one of my inspirations. Along with Fiasco, Apocalypse World, and With Great Power
You'll be able to download the FATE Core and FAE pdfs for free as soon as they're available for physical purchase (within the month, hopefully).
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it
I also should look into the Dresden Files, although my fiction backlog is soooo long.
I've found that FATE is a good transition for players interested in narrative/RP-heavy gameplay but accustomed to oldschool systems.
I never have time to read actual books.
The first four or five are also audio books read by James Marsters. [grin]
Ha! That would be a non-starter for me. Books read out loud = faint buzzing noise
@BraddSzonye they're lots of fun
Yeah, same.
like 'em a lot
I enjoyed the first several DF books, but they got increasingly Serious Business and are now suffering from Whedon Syndrome.
eh, I have enjoyed the escalation
Could be worse, could be Laurell K. Hamilton syndrome.
I especially appreciate that the books have gotten less episodic and that the various groups that get seen interact more
Escalation is fine. Whedon Syndrome is not.
the early books are kind of weird, where major characters from the previous book are weirdly absent
not sure what "Whedon Syndrome" means, but I have enjoyed the few Whedon things I've seen
The Taltos novels have been at the front of my backlog for a while, just can't seem to make time for them. Even though I've loved everything I've read by Brust.
@KRyan Whedon Syndrome is what all of his works suffer from if allowed to go on long enough. Up to a certain point, his shows have a wide variety of sources of tension and drama. Past that point, they increasingly rely on "Give favorite character what she wants. Take it away as brutally as possible. Repeat."
@BESW ah
eeeh. Harry's always gotten crapped on every which way from the beginning, that's not really new
some things do turn out well, too
though the last three books have been pretty bad
still, I can see the complaint
Yeah, but Butcher has confirmed that "make Harry suffer as much as possible" is now the raison d'etre of his plot choices.
remains to be seen, in my mind, whether this trend is a spiral into repetition, or else just a particularly low point in Harry's life
well, I'll see, anyway, how that turns out
but for the books leading up to ... the book where it stops, things had been going fairly positively
I'll wait for them to hit the used book stores from now on.
(And the only used bookstore on island closed down more than a year ago. [twiddles thumbs and goes into withdrawl])
aside from the latest one, I got all of mine from the library
mmm. Our library is... well, there's a reason I have the adolescent novel repertoire of someone twice my age.
heh, I grew up on Hardy Boys and the like nonetheless
also a lot of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells
and a bit later basically everything I could find by Asimov, though that's only a minor fraction of what he's written because oh man has he written a lot
@KRyan After a while it doesn't matter though, especially with the novels.
I was never disappointed
I started with mysteries too, first Hardy Boys type stuff, later adult mysteries. Then a mix of SF, fantasy, and horror. Asimov and King were my favorites.
haven't read too much King, I really need to
I haven't read much of what King has written in the last 25 years, except for On Writing.
I have issues with his writing process.
I joke that he's the Charles Dickens of the 20th Century: brilliant characters, doesn't know how to end a novel
That's pretty accurate, except when his characters all turn into copies of characters from other novels.
I thought that was Heinlein? ;)
I talk about King's writing process a bit here.
@BraddSzonye And Jordan, and McCaffrey...
Ah yes, King hates plotting. He talks quite a bit about it in him memoirs.
Except for The Dead Zone, he said that it usually ends in disaster for him.
I'm very interested in craft, and King's craft doesn't work for me.
It reminds me of the Simulationist crowd in RPGs – the characters do what they “want” to do, rather than what makes sense for the story.
And it makes for good characters, but rough storytelling.
@BraddSzonye That's my cue to link Making the Tough Decisions again.
In writing, there's a much broader range of ways to deal with the issue constructively. I admire Margery Allingham because it's obvious that she has great mastery and control --but her characters are just as obviously never going to bend or twist just because the plot demands it.
Nice article!
Heck, the character she's most famous for started out as a comic relief secondary character in one of her first books, but kept taking over the story. In her next novel she bowed to the inevitable and we never saw the original protagonist again.
Sounds like something I should check out. I think I've heard of her sleuth.
Being the GM 80% of the time also affects the way you think about characters.
@BraddSzonye That's true.
@BraddSzonye If you're familiar with Old Who, the Fifth Doctor's actor played Albert Campion in the BBC Mystery series.
Even as a player, I tend to think of characters in terms of one or two major traits. And largely disposable.
I've always done my best to make every character in the world at least seem alive.
As a GM that means using a lot of shorthand and being willing to make up stuff on the spot if the NPC gets spotlighted.
I'm not very good at depth, so I rely a lot on hooks instead.
Depth and improv both require a lot of prep, but it's a different style of prep, and I'm much better at the loose structure of improv
Allingham "polished" her prose until it "shone overbright" and then read it out loud to her husband, who took it as dictation, so that the prose would get a little rough again.
@BraddSzonye Heinlein is bizarre. we read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress for a class, which we all loved, and for our independent reading a friend of mine read the supposed "spiritual successor" to it. He was supposed to give a 5-minute presentation: he gave a 20-minute rant (which was hilarious) about how awful the book was.
my favorite bit was the slide that had just one statement: "It reads like Robert Heinlein fan fiction.... written by Robert Heinlein."
@BraddSzonye Improv doesn't have to preclude depth. It just precludes pre-meditated depth.
Which one was the spiritual successor? The Cat Who Walks through Walls?
@BraddSzonye I think that was it
Yeah, that's one of the books after the brain eater got him
where the author-insert goes and sleeps with every major character from any of his books?
Heh yes
Well, he was always a bit prone to that
But it got worse as he went along
I think FATE is actually pretty good at supporting improvisational complexity, because it deliberately invites all the players to join in constructing the story and characters as needed.
sure, the worst bit of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress was his attempts to beat you over the head with his politics
@KRyan Very forgivable, and part of the story.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton oh absolutely
Wait, there are Heinlein stories where he doesn't batter the reader over the head with his views?
like I said, we all really enjoyed that book
but yah, cat who walks through walls is one of the few books that I threw against the room
cause just... no
@BESW Yes? Some of his shorts? And some of his juniors?
at least one?
or half of one?
but it's kind of the obvious major first negative thing to comment on
chosen strategically?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Maybe there are some pages where he forgot to?
@BESW exactly!
And thus, through reducto ad absurdum, there are some books where he doesn't mention them.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton That sounds more like reducto ad wishful thinking.
@BESW close enough.
I'm always a bit puzzled by the nerd rage over the satirical politics of Starship Troopers (the movie), as though Heinlein's version was not some kind of scary dystopia
From what I can tell, he didn't mean for it to be a scary dystopia. But I've never been fully sure.
@BraddSzonye I read it as an interesting place, actually. Not ..
Foul. Yellow card. Brian. Talking about politics.
Of course, there are plenty of other reasons for nerd rage over that movie.
Like nerd rage needs reasons.
True. And it's so random.
And funny sometimes.
Like nerd rage over guns or psionics in D&D, because they're too science-fictiony.
That would be my cue to link No Such Thing As D&D.
I haven't actually read Starship Troopers but my girlfriend hated the movie precisely because she felt it stripped out all the politics and questioning of the society
It's ... a lot more complicated than that. :)
@BraddSzonye the book or the movie or both?
The relationship between the two.
Both implicitly criticize contemporary society. Heinlein by creating a weird military utopia, Verhoeven by creating a weird military _dys_topia.
Adaptations between mediums, especially when one medium is a solo act and the other is a collaborative process, are always complicated.
Yeah. The point of the book is to have interesting thoughts about... well, most of the things it presents.
Okay, naptime before I have to meet with my client.
Movies aren't as well-suited for that kind of introspection as novels are. Not much room for subplots and side development, and the director's “gaze” is a lot more insistant than an author's.
and all of the nuance and introspection is... eliminated
Movies are a lot more like short-short stories made big, than novels condensed.
@BESW Pleasure chatting with you!
@KRyan I retooled it with 4 levels of fighter and 4 levels of Barbarian.
Didnt go the Psionics Route.
Hmm Runescarred Berzerker isnt so bad. you really have to gear for it though.
Interesting Spell List to say the least.
Hmm. I Sense KRyan will make some negative comment about this class.
[places fingers to temple] I'm getting a message! A message from Nur-Ab-Sal!
Eh. Setting Specificness can be easily remedied for the RSB to work in any campaign.
unless the DM is lazy.
and needs bribing with cashews.
@BESW ???
@mxyzplk A Ninja I do belive I see
@BESW would that be the temple of doom?
Unaproachable east is 3.5 right>
It's FR
I need to find a way to stop gaining rep so I can't acquire any more responsibility >.>
@Lord_Gareth keep complaining about Pazio :)
That's a short-term solution, sadly
People keep upvoting my non-PF answers >.> Soon I can edit tag wikis AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE
Naah. If you keep pushing it... ve have vays...
contrast with the atrocious 4e tag wiki
even that's horrible.
See, I don't want that power. I just like being helpful
Hell there's a larger-than-zero percentage next to the 'mod powers' ticker and I don't want /those/ either.
Note to self: improve Darklord answer tomorrow
Post up that concept of 'Darklord' is often not understood even by the Lords themselves
@Lord_Gareth editing tag wikis is being helpful
But now I must bedtime. Feel free to chatbomb me advice if you like, gotta gogogogogo
@Problematic Right franchise, at least. LucasArts computer game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
@Lord_Gareth Eh, "mod powers" are overrated by people who don't know what they are. I can see deleted comments and vote on edits and flags. I have no individual power, I'm just part of the Council of the Learned, if you will.
You don't really get evil-laughter level powers unless you nominate yourself for them and the community approves.
@BESW muah, hah, hah?
::taptap:: my laugh-o-gen seems to be broken
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Yeeeah, when you break it up like that it sounds more like an airkiss and a chuckle.
dratted thing's broken.
> "This is a perfect time to test my minion-thrashing engine!" - Doctor Bongfish, Fortress of Blue Mice
Although I suspect @Lord_Gareth would identify more with the Fourth Doctor's observation that
> "You can’t rule the world in hiding; you’ve got to come out onto the balcony sometime and wave a tentacle."
1 hour later…
wow, activity is just dead
Ah all US based
nothing to nuke into oblivion
The rumblings of the might Hammer of Mod have fallen, for blessed moments, silent.
kinda boring. Have any popups for me to keep warm on? :)
in greybarland at work
on two different machines
All I've got is Price Quote IV: the Purchase Order That Wouldn't Live.
Why am I still here?
Existentialism says it's because you've yet failed to make choices which resulted in your failing to continue to be here.
why does this crash
logcat, I call upon thee
Jonathan Edwards says it crashes because God is a cruel boy who torments humanity for his own amusement.
Is logcat the obese sibling of longcat?
Meh. I'm done
tomorrow's going to come rather soon enough
and lecturing at 7:30 is just... no
5 hours later…
finally made it gold tag badge!!!!
not like I'm the first. Just the first mortal
(or first without a graduate degree...or)
@waxeagle there's something to that, methinks
@Problematic Is Wil of Renn basically ready to go?
Aye. I'll probably look him over again before we start play, but aye.

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