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00:00 - 16:0017:00 - 00:00

I know it's totally off topic, but I wanted to complain that stack overflow is no longer as good as it used to be
@MaurycyZarzycki I hear ya.
1 million unanswered questions is a bit excessive.
And one of them is mine
But is it really as much?
ah, gone down a bit now, it's only 900,000.
It completely changes the way I see it ;)
yeah, totally changes the view.
I wonder how many of us here have IT background
Also, I'm glad you fixed my stupid typo, @BrianBallsunStanton
@MaurycyZarzycki Once, I would have said most. Now... not so sure.
@SimonGill I think its the signal-to-noise ratio. And the fact that SO is no longer a labor of love from most of the members like RPG.SE or a lot of the smaller communities. It sees more business use, and the incidence of people taking but not giving back is a lot higher now.
Also, people ask a lot of stupid questions. And with that tide, downvoting doesn't really help. So people get disenchanted and discouraged. I really hope that doesn't happen here... but with the subject matter, I don't think we're in danger of that.
But you see a lot of the same on Arqade, unfortunately.
@DForck42 @DForck42 You know, you could always try a Warblade if that's your issue.
@wraith808 Downvoting a 'user612212' with 1 rep isn't doing much to discourage. In a sense, SO became a victim of its own success, becoming to go-to site for all programming information.
@Lord_Gareth How does a warblade address the issues? Just curious as what he said pretty much echoes my problems with the system.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Totally agreed. Especially since the downvoting mechanism is disadvantaged by the controls put in place, i.e. I downvote you and I lose rep.
@wraith808 Warblade addresses the issue in two ways; an expanded skill list (with additional skills per level and a reason to invest in INT) gives you things to do outside of combat. In combat, maneuvers alter how you contribute, both by altering how you hit things and by encouraging tactical movement and permitting you to boost yourself and your allies.
Great example is White Raven Tactics, which gives an ally a bonus turn in a round
Or if you want to hit something really hard, you can smack it with Ruby Nightmare Blade for double damage.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Have you ever looked at the review queue? I did once. I know that makes me part of the problem, but it looks insurmountable.
@wraith808 That's true, though 1 rep isn't really a big deal. It's the minimum possible so people won't downvote just for fun, or to keep themselves above
@wraith808 I have, and I tend to agree. That's why I tend to spend more time at programmers.SE.
@wraith808 Another problem is the sheer amount of traffic. A good answer here, or scifi.SE or on programmers.SE might net me 10-50 upvotes. On SO? 15 minutes after it's answered, it's swept down by new questions, and other than the OP, no-one notices.
@Lord_Gareth Hmm... sounds a bit more interesting than the options for vanilla fighters. But then, it seems, that this makes it part of the unbalanced discussion- or at least an un-fun discussion. If no one wants to play vanilla fighters because they're too vanilla, then that makes it a problem, IMO.
@wraith808 The trouble with fighters "just hitting things" is that the Fighter (or Barbarian, or Monk, or Rogue, or...) has to choose between moving and attacking
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan You definitely hit a nail on the head there.
Well @wraith808, that's where we run into two camps of people. One camp says that Fighter and other melee classes were shafted horrifically the moment the PHB was published, and after so many years of adding nails to the coffin a replacement was the only real option.
@Lord_Gareth, @AvnerShahar-Kashtan - definitely both good conversations. I have to go get food... but I'll be back!
The other camp, which, I'm going to go ahead and mention that I despise, says that because ToB replaces fighters, barbarians, monks and paladins that it's not acceptable and deserves to be banned
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan All good points
@Lord_Gareth That seems... short-sighted
@wraith808 Welcome to the wretched horror of the 3.5 community, but especially the Pathfinder community.
Essentially, what I'd say is that Tome of Battle material is balanced for encounters (that is to say, monsters) of its level and allows you to make a character that never has nothing to do. There might be stuff you're not as good at, of course, but unlike a Fighter you won't be left at the punch bowl at the royal ball and told not to talk to anyone ever.
I must log, though. See ya!
it's going to be an interesting roudn table
Why? Will it have corners? :P
Yes, I've been working on that one for 5 minutes (definitely starting to feel a slip)
@SimonGill lmao
@SimonGill I see I am not the only one who is miserable with jokes and puns :P
@MaurycyZarzycki Right now I am, anyway :P
Feeling sleepy and watching dubbed anime makes for hard thinking.
@MaurycyZarzycki i see your puns are as bad as mine
the new beta layout is better though, old one was a bit harder on the eyes
@DForck42 You should see my caber puns, they can make person cry. Too bad they only happen on a DROD chat
@SimonGill Dubbed anime? Holy... Unless it's Bobobo-bo bo-bo it's awful. I like English, but I am yet to hear a dub which doesn't make me want to turn emo
@MaurycyZarzycki Sorry, subbed anime.
Subbed is good
What are you watching?
Clearly can't type anymore.
3rd season of Shakugan no Shana.
Superpowered pupils? Not my cup of tea anymore
I haven't seen this one though I recognize the name :)
Out of this genre I loved Gatekeepers
Yes, the cast is mostly teenagers, but the really interesting parts are the metaphysics.
@MaurycyZarzycki Don't recognise it.
@SimonGill It's a pretty silly thing, but it has its moments
i've been meanign to watch the supernatural anime, jsut to see how much they distorted the show
If you like metaphysics try... How was it called, I must look up the OST... Noein
It's metaphysical, it has qunatum physics and one of the most original visuals
Noein was a bit too slow for me - but the quantum identity plot was interesting.
@DForck42 If Witchblade is anything to go by, it's probably unrecognisable apart from the name.
@SimonGill heheh
I heard the supernaturals tv series is good
Or something like that
Supernatural it is called, my bad
I know someone who adores it - but I've never seen much about the premise.
@SimonGill i love the series
need to catch back up on the newest 2-3 episodes
I like Doctor Who but my girlfriend doesn't so I am left with not much time to watch it
@MaurycyZarzycki Not that there's been many the last couple of years.
@DForck42 What's it actually about, anyway?
@SimonGill if by "last couple of years" you mean last 8 years, and by not many you mean 102 then yes, you are right
@DForck42 I hope Supernatural is not yet another vampire flick-drama? I am still a little bit of shaken after watching one Twilight two years back
Last year had 5 episodes - much less than the 13 per year that had been set as the standard for New Who - and then there was the year of "specials"...
I've stopped after fourth series
@MaurycyZarzycki ah, so you have set to suffer the year of specials :P
Not really, because I can watch the next season right after the specials
Which is gooooood
@MaurycyZarzycki they kill vampires
Supernatural is about two brothers who were raised by their father to be hunters; people that hunt down and kill supernatural predators, such as vampires, werewolves, windigos, ghosts, etc.
@DForck42 More than one vampire per season?
And do the vampires spark?
Or are they manly-macho-man nosferatus?
the story starts when they were young, something the goes bump in the night killed their mother. theri father started researching and became a hunter, and dragged his sons into it. the first episode starts with the oldest brother contacting the youngest, who has quit being a hunter and gone to college. they go to try and find theri dad
things happen. you'd have to watch
@MaurycyZarzycki they'll rip your face off with their rows of pointy teeth
Blade2 style?
and not think twice
well, by rip your face off i mean suck you dry, but you get the idea. they're not cuddely
It might be digestible then
after the first season you get introduced to demons, who make things more interesting
Off to watch Heroes!
@MaurycyZarzycki yay!
2 hours later…
@KRyan I know that theoretically D&D 3.x blasters are subpar but my blasters are making me mad and the only thing I can manage to do to scare my players is blasting them. I've tried freezing fog once, they just dispelled it.
1 hour later…
@Zachiel Tell me your tale of woe
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