@AncientSwordRage yes, a pretty big one this time. Warlocks, fighters, barbarians, wizards, sorcerers, weapon properties, Weapon Mastery, some class-specific spells.
This creature is supposed to be a miniboss in one of my adventures with a dark horror theme. It's intended to be a hard encounter for four 3rd level pcs.
The questions:
Is this monster actually a CR 5 monster according to the guidelines for creating monsters as set by WoTC?
Is the statbl...
The blizzard spell in Frostburn has a larger area of effect than range. An 11th level druid casts at max range 840ft. area of effect is 1100ft. He is 160 ft. inside area of spell. How does this work?
@JoelHarmon Because WotC botched explaining Short Rests to DMs (because the DMG for 5e is pretty worthless) so no one ever gets any. So turning Warlocks into a Half-caster is their bandaid solution instead of fixing real problems with 5e's design.
@Xirema I do have to say it is difficult to find a balance that works for LR and SR classes fairly. There is no guidance, but I'm not sure what the guidance should be.