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Q: What does having a Humanity rating of 7 mean for a 150 Year old Vampire?

ColonizeroftheSunI have no idea about Vampire the Masquerade but I'm kind of curious to know about the humanity system and whether this is special or not. And like how does the humanity system work?

13 hours later…
Q: Will a creature with damage immunity take damage from Phantasmal Force?

Groody the HobgoblinPhantasmal Force can create the illusion of a creature or phenomoenon, and will deal 1d6 psychic damage per round because of the victim believes that it is real. What will happen if you create the illusion of something that deals a type of damage the target is immune to? For example, imagine you ...

@Axoren Ooh, I somehow expected that to be in the Wizard class and not the Magic Overview. I like how the magic overview spends easily five times as long on wizards as on sorcerers and bards. A good chunk of the information about wizards even applies to sorcerers and bards!
Yeah, this all feels like it should have a one-page Arcane Spells section (explaining what they are, what spell slots are, etc.), then a half-page Wizard Spells section, then a one-page Spellbooks section, then a half-page Sorcerers and Bards section. For some reason, the info on spell slots is under Preparing Wizard Spells, as is the Recent Casting Limit and the Rest section.
@Phoenices A lot of these decisions are not necessarily because of clarity, but because of printing costs. The rules have to go somewhere and putting them here results in the fewest pages that don't go onto fill a full page and the fewer pages that need to be padded with images.
Otherwise, a fully electronic reference document would add redundant references to the same rules all throughout the doc, ensuring that the rules are known by verbosity.
I'm pretty sure D&D Beyond does this in most cases, or at the very least links references back and forth for 5e. I know the d20srd however is doing its best job of mirroring the original reference material.
1 hour later…
The eternal conundrum for documentation: is this for teaching or reference?
The question about what happens to a phantom steed's equipment leaves me imagining a world littered with detritus from common usage of the spell; highways abound in decaying saddles and bits and waste management struggles to keep up with reuse or disposal.
Efforts to make a spell where the equipment properly disappears have been repeatedly disrupted and suppressed by the phantom steed waste management lobbies. Rumors are several such spells have been invented but exclusive rights have been purchased by the lobbies each time.
@doppelgreener LOL
@doppelgreener Interestingly, they also own the licensing rights to the Bag of Holding. Create a problem and sell the solution - perfect!
2 hours later…
@NautArch sounds exactly like the lobbies are in the pocket of Big Pocket Dimension Equipment ™
Meanwhile, the phantom steed waste management lobbies have a portal to the Plane of Fire, where they throw tons and tons of saddles and horseshoes; the salamanders get fuel for the fires and metal at the same time!
Fast forward a few hundred years, and the salamanders have taken over a small nation where the waste management headquarters used to be; a tenth of all people are educated to the point where they can cast Phantom Steed, to fuel the ever-growing fires.
@ThomasMarkov possibly worth adding to our cheese collection in meta
@doppelgreener The road apples left by a phantom steed are not phantom road apples grimaces ruefully as boot scraping commences 😕
Q: Consequences of commanding a sentinent creature

braktokThe Purebreath Devotee prestige class gets the ability to rebuke air creatures: Rebuke Air Creatures (Su): At 2nd level, the purebreath devotee can rebuke, command, or bolster air creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. For the purpose of this ability, she functions like a cleric of her tota...

3 hours later…
Morning all
How goes your day
We had session zero with some old friends & a new (to us) DM on the weekend. Online, using Fantasy Grounds. Bit of a learning curve with the software, but the game itself should be fun.
Nice :D
I'm playing a tabaxi warlock (genie patron)

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