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@Axoren it started off to help pick between similar illusion spells
But it got slightly out of hand when I wanted to include all illusion spells
There's only 33 Illusion Spells
I think a visual layout is best way to go about it.
2 hours later…
...would it be too OP to give my Pigeon Companion the Eye Rays of a Gazer?
Q: Can a black pudding corrode a leather tunic?

VrastyrOur party had a run in with a black pudding this weekend and it permanently damaged a fellow party member's metal armor which was covered by a leather tunic. The character in question always wears a leather tunic over their mithral chain shirt and the wording on the black pudding says, "The puddi...

2 hours later…
@Ben I spent a lot of time as a Planetar in 5e Mad Mage. Having 120 ft. telepathy and Divine Awareness was fun. 90% of what I said was, in a deep monotone angel voice, "I know that's bullshit."
Having your bird have some semblance of that just for the gag would be fun.
I've been thinking of several ways to create an "Eldritch" Pigeon in some way
Narrator's voice in your head: "Pigeon McPidgeFace knows you're full of crap."
Oh man, just give him Telepathy and have him speak to you through the voice of a Narrator.
@SuperNine09 Welcome to chat! This is a good place to ask for advice that doesn't really fit our Q&A format on main site.
FYI The restriction to be able to cast at least 1 spell to qualify as a "spellcaster" isn't really that onerous. Basically every class can meet that criteria by level 3. Therefore its really more of a question of what kind of character you want to play.
Thank you @linksassin for all of your help.
@SuperNine09 Not a problem. That's what most of us are here for.
I'm deleting the question
Probably a good call. This sort of thing really works better in a less structured setting like chat.
Given your DM has asked you to play a spellcaster, I'd probably lean toward the full and 1/2 caster classes, maybe the 1/3 casters rather than a fighter that just technically has 1 spell.
How well do you know the classes? Is this your first time player D&D 5e?
I've played for about 3 months now. I've been playing as a 5th level Dragonborn Druid. This is just the first time I've been able to play with my friends.
Ok cool so you know most of the basics. Do you understand what I mean by Full, 1/2 and 1/3 casters?
Not really
Ok sure. Full casters are classes that are spellcasting focused and get spells all the way up to 9th level spells. Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer and Wizard. For most of these classes casting spells will be the main thing you do.
Ok, I think I know what you are talking about.
1/2 casters are the classes that get spellcasting but only up to 5th level. Palaidin, Ranger, Artificer.
1/3 Casters are the subclasses that grant spells to otherwise non-casting classes. Arcane Trickster rogue, Eldritch Knight Fighter, etc..
Warlocks are somewhere between 1/2 and full casters. Really they are a full caster but they get their spells differently to other casters and therefore play very differently.
Hello, Mithical
Bye, guys, and see you tomorrow.
@SuperNine09 Cya! If you want help picking a class / building a character feel free to ping me. But there are also many others that can help your here if I'm not around. Good luck!
2 hours later…
@SuperNine09 *waves*
@Ben Add teeth and describe the eyes in way too much detail. There you go :P
5 hours later…
Q: How can my Beastmaster ranger use its animal companion as a mount?

Rock StoneMy player's Beastmaster ranger has a panther companion that he would like to turn into a riding mount. Is there a way to permanently enlarge the panther to horse-size?

@SuperNine09 If you take a look at the multiclassing rules, it makes clear that full casters get new spells every level, half casters every two, and 1/3 casters every three, which is where the names come from.
4 hours later…
Hello again
I have been playing as a Dragonborn Moon Druid, and I'm lv. 6 right now. What are you guys?
1 hour later…
@SuperNine09 level five dwarven Warlock
^in the same campaign, level five human Wild Magic Sorcerer
Level two Human Expert with proficiency in the gaming set "D&D".
What campaigns do you guys have? I have the Wave Echo Cave and Dragon of Icespire Peak campaigns (The Beginner Sets).
Q: How do I rationalize to my players that the Mirror Image is completely useless against the Beholder rays? (also non-attack spells)

LisaSome context: We're running Dragon Heist and the party is brainstorming on a smart combo game plan to fight the Xanathar himself. In this question I've clarified why in our encounter and generally it may not always be reasonable for a Beholder to point the Antimagic Cone at the target instead of ...

@SuperNine09 we're in a homemade campaign
1 hour later…
I'm going to build one soon too. Is there any tips about making one that I should know?
Start small. Which is to say, start with a planned/sketched out arc that's of achievable length
Intending for 1st though 4th is possibly wise, though that skews if you want to start at higher levels (than 1st)
Start interesting. Which is to say, there are tons of things you could be doing: drawing a world map, defining settlements, setting up political intrigue, statting monsters, designing encounters, building religions, etc. Burnout is real, so pick the thing that will keep you interested for now.
Also, it's really hard to size out a campaign or even a session for experienced DMs, much less novices.
My party is lv. 4 right now, almost 5. I'm thinking of having them go to other planes. Is that a good choice?
Depends entirely on what they find on those other planes
I've found it useful to structure things in terms of goals and challenges (which need to be solved in order to achieve the goals)
What are the goals the party is to/wants to achieve?
Or more specifically, are you thinking "we need to go to X plane to do Y" or "we need to get back from X" (or something else)?
I've done 2 recently; the first one I did was based on a theme: I picked Donkey Kong Country 2. Start on a boat that gets shipwrecked. row to shore and deal with aquatic life (Piranhas and stingrays). Lizardmen own the island. A minecart "QTE" then a Crocodile BBEG.
Awesome @Ben
The second one was a homebrew; but again I based it on something, this time a lot more loosely. Bloodborne theme - so beasts and Eldritch. Wandering beastmen, eventually leading into more eldritch horrors and weird events.
Also, I'm technically going to a mirror dimension, Shadowfell. We are using both the "we need to go to X plane to do Y" and the "we need to get back from X".
I find that seems to work pretty well for one-offs: pick a theme; skill check event, small fight, plot point, plot twist, QTE, BBEG
We're going to Shadowfell to kill the Vampire that lives there, and we also need to get out of there before my party dies and becomes Vampire Spawns.
@SuperNine09 add "because Z"
Why do you need to kill the vampire, that's on a completely separate plane? What investment do the PCs have in this story?
That's the part that really pulls the players in :D
Well, the PC is secretly a Vampire trying to pull the players to Shadowfell so he can become the Vampires King.
Over the years of playing the players have had a strong connection with the PC, so I wanted to add a twist to the game.
I hope they don't hate me for it though :/
Have you spoken to the Player about it?
popping in for an off-topic question: does anyone else remember the expanded usercard on hover making comments move down? it seems to be because the user details are moving
(messed with the CSS to see through the popup)
@bobble TIL
@bobble That's definitely new/recent
Great, thanks for the sanity check
Glad to help :P

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