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@Ben I think raccoons are technically crepuscular – preferring twilight hours
C-c-crepuscular Chiroptera?
Couldn't help myself there haha
@Ben Google says they is both!
That Raccoons are both Crepuscular and Nocturnal, or that both Raccoons and the "Great White Bat" are Crepuscular?
> Does "Fog Cloud" work in conjunction with "Blind Fighting" the way I think it does?
I dunno, how do you think it works? 😜
I see them but they don't see me
And then with a screeching raccoon running around jumping on everyone and causing even more chaos, I get disadvantage to my Charisma save to not stun myself with uncontrollable laughter
...Charisma save? Isn't that more of a force-of-personality thing, asserting your continued existence on the Material Plane?
@Ben I'd go with a wisdom save πŸ€”
True, yeah.
Someday I want to see an argument that Strength saves should be used for anything related to muscular function. Stop yourself from yawning/laughing with a Strength save, tense your muscles and endure the Fireball, hit yourself so hard that you can't think through the pain to stop mind reading...
That would be an interesting subclass of Barbarian, I suppose.
@Phoenices I had a Half-Orc Barb overcome mind control by smacking himself in the head (he was commanded to "attack the nearest creature), so he looked at his axe and headbutted the reflection
Ooooh I am amazed by this genius
I will steal it if I ever have a chance
2 hours later…
Q: Is there, or has there been, an official list of what aura magic items give?

MivaScottIn the 5th Edition description of detect magic, it states: ...you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any. The sensing of auras has been pretty universal throughout many editions of D&D...

1 hour later…
Q: Multiclassing Silver Pyromancer: all fire spells cast at character level as caster level?

braktokThe Silver Pyromancer class from Five Nations has this ability: Pyromancer: Whenever you cast a spell with the fire descriptor, use your character level as your caster level. Let's say Bob is a level 16 multi-classed character with wizard 5/cleric 9/silver pyromancer 2. His wizard caster level ...

2 hours later…
@KorvinStarmast If I recall correctly, you played a fair amount with Ghosts of Saltmarsh. I'm curious about Appendix A: Of Ships and the Sea β€” is it suitable for plug and play, or does it require a lot more prep time when you want to use the various game mechanics? I would appreciate your input, if time permits :)
Q: How does Unleash Psyche interact with amped Produce Flame?

LinusA level 1 Oscillating Wave Psychic uses Unleash Psyche. He then casts an amped Produce Flame as a ranged attack. On a success, how much damage does the target of Produce Flame take? On a critical success, how much persistent fire damage would the target take? How much damage do other creatures o...

2 hours later…
Q: Does "Fog Cloud" work in conjunction with "Blind Fighting" the way I think it does?

BenSo, Fog Cloud says: You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of fog centered on a point within range. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for the duration or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. Now, based on the "

1 hour later…
@Akixkisu We have only done one ship to ship engagement, and I didn't delve into the details of that too much. I have a pending engagement a few sessions from now at a higher level (the dread captain Gangplank will be searching for them) but that will likely be after Christmas as we only play every other week. My once through scan was "this is playable" ...
Insofar as spell effects, pay attention carefully to the wording on the spells; we took a close look and no, Call Lightning doesn't damage objects (technically per spell description) so a druid can't just rain lightning down on the opposing ship, just people on it. The bit about 'fireball sets flammable objects on fire' may need a ruling: does the sail or rigging automatically catch fire, or do you give it a saving throw, or what?
1 hour later…
@KorvinStarmast Thank you, that will help me focus my prep time :)
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@SmokeDetector I'd like to subscribe to SmokeDetector facts
3 hours later…
@AncientSwordRage The chinese spam is always awesome. I always translate and read it.
2 hours later…
Stormproof matches. These enchanted matches can be struck and lit in even the most inclement weather. But only in inclement weather.
2 hours later…
Q: Does Spectral Hand provoke opportunity attacks?

AndrásSpectral Hand: You create a semicorporeal hand out of your essence that delivers touch spells for you. Whenever you Cast a Spell with a range of touch, you can have the hand crawl to a target within range along the ground, touch it, and then crawl back to you. [...] The hand has your AC and save...

@ThomasMarkov I actually wouldn't mind getting pinged

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