Stares unblinkingly, pretends not to stare, constantly rubs hands, impersonates someone behind their back, tries to barter with someone, tries to steal something, "STEVE", and so on
One of the people I play with wants to play a very dedicated healer. The class is of course a Cleric with Healing Font, most free slots are also filled with Heal, the rest are buffs and utility.
He wants also a cantrip that heals. I told him actually regaining HP would upset the balance of out-of...
A player of mine would like to play a vampire and thus would get a vulnerability to sunlight.
If exposed to direct sunlight, you immediately become slowed 1. The slowed value increases by 1 each time you end your turn in sunlight. If you lose all your actions in this way, you are destroyed. Due ...
@Ben A common thing I see, is to have a d100 table where some outcomes have a wider distribution than 1. Like, the racoon only tries to barter with someone on a 10, but on any result from 20 to 25 it tries to steal something.
@AncientSwordRage I first encountered it in the D&D 3e DMG, where they used it for things like determining the monsters encountered in a given terrain type.
4% chance of a beholder, 17% chance of 1d3 frost giants, 11% chance of 2d4 trolls, and so on, expressed as ranges of outcomes on a d%.
The idea there was that they'd have a bell curve of encounters from reasonable for both location and level, to dramatically unreasonable. Of course we know the flaw in that is, the party never gets to experience the bell curve; they only get maybe a half-dozen results, at most, rolled by the GM while they're in that table's purview.
Two issues with that. One, it shouldn't a roll table if it's a guide. Two, the DMG doesn't provide such tables for every situation; it provides examples and then tells the DM to go make their own.
(5e didn't invent the "we can't be troubled, do it yourself" mentality toward GM support.)
I have an ECL 5th E6 character with 4 levels of artificer (and a necessary 1-level dip, in monk if you’re curious), and I want the character to hit those 3rd-level infusions from that 5th effective artificer level.
But I don’t really care about Craft Magic Arms and Armor or the craft reserve, so ...
@Ben A fun thing that lots of 1e-era products had would be a table like this, but different rolls for different situations. Like roll 2d20 during the day, 2d20+20 during the night, 1d12+4 if the party positively interacted with the raccoon, &c. Use the composition of the roll to create a sliding window of possible results on the table....
Force Fang doesn't specify that you need to actually Strike with the weapon to use the spell. It just auto-damages in varying ranges.
Does Force Fang unload a loaded ranged reload weapon? Also, would Force Fang still be valid if you use an unloaded ranged reload weapon?
Dungeon Masters Guild has a section dedicated to resources for DMG creators. In particular there is an official template you can download for free along with artwork you can use for DMS Guild production, even sample maps. Please read the license agreement to see if DMs Guild is the right approach...
I have an idea for a campaign where a particular villain makes a deal with a an archduke of one of hell's layer and that archduke supplies/assists them with evil constructs or helps them build them/supplies the resources (was thinking of Dispater and Dis for this) are there any layers associated ...
@GroodytheHobgoblin I didnt directly address your questions from that meta post, but I hope it's clear how my perspective should apply to them. But let me know if you want a more explicit discussion about it, I can give more thoughts here.
Neither my group nor I have played Dungeon World before. We have a few years of experience with D&D 5e though. Therefore, we're used to rather clear rules regarding initiative and reactions. This question might come from a more fundamental misunderstanding of the rules.
The Question:
I'm trying to seat this question in the idea of "Tools and equipment used while playing table-top RPGs" and not just have it be a matter of opinion. Please feel free to suggest edits so I can make this a better question if needed.
Like this question asking about templates for creating new backgro...