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itchfunding: There is a Light at the Edge of the World by momatoes. A game about lighting connections.
free playtest: FATHOM by Brendan McLeod. Surreal fantasy in an urban hellscape
@AncientSwordRage Gotcha. Yeah, that's one direction for it. I concur that the old spell descriptions don't quite work with newer edition spellcasting mechanics, but some might seem like they work.
I'm trying to think what edition permitted shocking grasp to touch a thing touching the target. Sounds like an AD&D kind of description. Touch the enemy or the water they're standing in.
Bundle: Cozy & Caring TTRPG Collection hosted by Sharkbomb Studios. The Cozy & Caring Collection is a selection of eight friendly tabletop RPGs that are all about the gentle things in life. Here, you can be kind and help other folks or animals in need. Or you can travel the world and discover its wonders. Or can just hang out and have a good time.
Q: Which feat is most likely to boost wizard survival?

Groody the HobgoblinAssume you used the first two ASIs to maximize the intelligence for a Wizard (Divination). Then, on level 12 you have the choice for another feat. The primary goal is to maximize the survivability (i.e. not dying) for the wizard. What feat will best achieve that? Assume that the campaign is a typ...

1 hour later…
"Creating Lumen Ryder Core #1: The "Perfect" Combat Game" by Babblegum Sam. In this blog series, I talk about designing LUMEN RYDER CORE and sharing my experiences with developing it (as well as giving you a reason to buy the game).
3 hours later…
What's worse, the 3rd edition shocking grasp spell could indeed be delivered with weapon damage... if the weapon you were using was your fist, because the unarmed strike is the only weapon you can use without touching it (which would discharge touch spells before you could put them upon the target). It took special class features (like the duskblade's arcane channeling) to deliver direct damage spells like that with a weapon.
(I know, very late.)
You had to judge whether being able to deal your unarmed strike damage (1d3 + Strength modifier, for an elf, or 1d2 + Strength modifier, for a gnome) was worth having to strike through armour, shields, and the thick hide of beasts (or phenomenal characters), which all increased Armour Class for regular weapon attacks but not touch-based spells.
1 hour later…
@PD-whee-whim-wish wild
6 hours later…
Having several small animals pulling a cart in D&D sounds like fun
@AncientSwordRage I follow Blair Braverman and Quince Mountain on twitter; it sure looks fun.
@PD-whee-whim-wish I thought it was a touch attack. Can those be delivered with a weapon? It's been so long since I've had to deal with 3.5's byzantine hierarchy of mechanics
There's a section in the 3.5 Combat chapter (starting on page 141 and crossing over to 142) that reads,
Oh, specific classes or prestige classes can do it.
> Holding the Charge: If you don’t discharge the spell in the round when you cast the spell, you can hold the discharge of the spell (hold the charge) indefinitely. You can continue to make touch attacks round after round. [...] If you touch anything or anyone while holding a charge, even unintentionally, the spell discharges. [...]
> Alternatively, you may make a normal unarmed attack (or an attack with a natural weapon) while holding a charge. In this case, you aren’t considered armed and you provoke attacks of opportunity as normal for the attack. (If your unarmed attack or natural weapon attack doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, neither does this attack.)
> If the attack hits, you deal normal damage for your unarmed attack or natural weapon and the spell discharges. If the attack misses, you are still holding the charge.
But for other cases, yes, it's something that requires special training.
I did look it up for the shocking grasp without touching was part of the AD&D spell. Touching a conductive material that is touching the target.
@PD-whee-whim-wish In that case, the caster gives up an attack to cast and hold the spell anyway. So not cast + weapon damage in the same round without some prestige class shenanigans.
Either way, neither earlier edition spell description works with the 5e spell casting system very well.
The point is that if they miss they can try again, harder, I think.
@PD-whee-whim-wish Gotcha.
@BESW I love when you share those tweets
6 hours later…
Q: Can a non-mount pull a cart?

Victor BTo illustrate the situation in a more relatable way, I have a lvl 3 halfling drakewarden ranger who wants to circumvent the whole "it only becomes a mount at lvl 7" argument by hitching it to a rickshaw, as shown: I could not find anything mentioning if a wagon (or in this case, a chariot would ...

Well, this is distressing. I'm trying to find some place to give Ron Edwards money for Sorcerer, but his publisher site looks to be down.
...oh, phew, right, he just rebranded.

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