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Unfortunately a lot of D&D-like texts do represent the GM as authority rather than collaborator. It's one reason systems like NDNM take the positions they do.
@BESW mmmhmm oh absolutely agree, but it's still icky
Yeah, no need to buy into the power trip just because some texts are pushing it. GMs can occupy leadership positions without invalidating the needs of their table.
2 hours later…
Is it just me, or does it seem that not putting a range limit on teleport via plants is a mistake. I'm pretty sure it's not intended to work between star systems.
cf Swamp Thing #61 "All Flesh Is Grass"
nice bible quote pun
But really, core D&D material was never written with interplanetary stories in mind, and calling it "mistake" for them to not have accounted for that feels kinda like criticizing a station wagon for not being watertight to twenty fathoms.
It's not "intended" to work between star systems because star systems themselves were not "intended."
3.5 didn't really have similar mistakes; most teleport spells were restricted range
That's not evidence of star system intent, it's a symptom of tangential design priorities around trying to use universal templates (including range entries) to make iterative subsystems cohesive.
It's fun to see how things work or don't work in extreme cases, but criticizing designers for not anticipating out-of-genre applications seems unnecessary. There's a lot to criticize about D&D's design choices, but I'm not sure "interstellar travel is unbalanced" is reasonable to put on the list.
(Besides, we all know that 5e's already got the exception handling of "the GM decides if things are reasonable" which it uses to handwave much more egregious and common design issues, so calling out this one in particular doesn't change the landscape.)
How to crash the simulation: turn a bag of holding inside out while it is inside itself. (As far as I know, getting a bag of holding inside itself can only be done by planeshift.)
Kazumi Chin asked on twitter "what RPGs have you played in the past month that aren’t about going on fantasy adventures?"
Aldermancy asked on twitter "who is your dream artist to illustrate a tabletop roleplaying game you designed?"
"Itch Promotional Thread" by Thirdkingdom on rpg.net. We've discussed doing something to help promote indie game designers on itch, and decided to create a thread to allow publishers to promote their games on itch outside of the Hype forum.
English is the original "Wat?" language.
Use the vernacular meaning when a specific meaning isn't provided can be like referring to the shape of water when a specific geometry isn't provided.
Bored as heck, please send (non YouTube/high bandwidth) distractions because we still have at least half an hour and we are now officially at the 10 hour mark on this drive
@BardicWizard Short twitter thread of digitally embiggened 1950s work by Hong Kong photographer Fan Ho.
Chicago Tribune photo album of archive photos of Wilmette's Bahá'í House of Worship.
Twitter thread of book covers depicting "Women with great hair fleeing gothic houses"
@BESW I love that
Twitter thread of the color blue in Islamic architecture.
@BardicWizard It's an ongoing series! here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here...
...and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here...
...and here is a short-haired compilation.
That ought to hold you for a while.
@BESW and of course, just as I finish the second, we pull into the driveway
I’m saving these though
@BESW I’m amazed at how much stuff like this you can find just lying around and how quickly you found it because that one is good too
@BardicWizard [grin] I cheat. I have a Discord server for friends with a dedicated BESW-posts-everyone-sees channel where I put anything that seems interesting.
So I just scrolled up in the channel and grabbed stuff that seemed right, and when you were interested in the one thing I just searched "fleeing" and there it all was.
Q: Being as careful as we ought to be takes too long and is boring, what can we do differently?

JackAs a party we tend to make poor tactical decisions. One time we didn't set a watch in what should have been obvious as a dangerous situation and we went from asleep to teleporting out barely alive in 5 rounds. Another time we entered a village that we should have been suspicious of and 3 rounds l...

@BESW magic, I tell ya, magic
Also that’s impressive because the only thing me and my friends have done with discord is figure out how to get our server names to be “local nerd” (me), “local dork” (gm), “local dumb*ss” (my bestie), and “socal smart*ss” (the other one)
For complicated Discord things, I know somebody who's very good at those things and accepts payment in pictures of a friend's dog.
We don’t really need complicated though so we’re doing ok
Also “local nerd” is a step up from “wikipediaNerd” which was my middle school nickname in several people’s contacts
Oh, and here’s a rainbow I made
Just cause it’s pretty
Whoops, apparently people w/o rav accounts can’t see rhat
I’ll stick it on my blog eventually then
2 hours later…
"Distilled & Focused in 5 Minutes" video review by Spencer Campbell
4 hours later…
@BardicWizard I signed up 😳
@BardicWizard you could just pop it into chat
@SmokeDetector The user's done similar again (thankfully nuked by some vigilant users) so I've raised a flag this time suggesting the mods ought to intervene with this user.
@doppelgreener Looks like metasmoke has them blacklisted, so smokey should be more sensitive to their posts.
I don't think their name's blacklisted any longer.
in Charcoal HQ, 31 secs ago, by SmokeDetector
> Would not be caught as a post, title or username.
This would also be why it didn't pick up their most recent(ly deleted) post.
does anyone want to cheer me on for a pokemon tournament?
Q: Can a Soulknife use their Psychic Blades for an Opportunity Attack?

keithcurtisThe Psychic Blade ability says: Whenever you take the Attack action, you can manifest a psychic blade from your free hand and make the Attack with that blade. and The blade vanishes immediately after it hits or misses its target... Opportunity Attack says: You can make an opportunity Attack ...

@Catofdoom2 Good luck!
@doppelgreener i don't know if i'll even win 1 match. but i'm hopeful
Well, extra good luck then!
1 hour later…
Q: Can you "avert your eyes" away from any creature to avoid looking at it?

Guillaume F.Many monsters have sight-based abilities that explicitly allow you to avoid the effect by averting your eyes: Basilisk's Petrifying Gaze: A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't see the basilisk until the star...

@Jack Let me know if you've got a second. Ive got some Ideas, but really more Questions.
About your recent question :)
@goodguy5 mobile chat hates me and I was on my phone (still am actually)
How’s that though
@BardicWizard What browser are you using?
Mobile chat on firefox (android) hates me. it does not hate Chrome
@NautArch mobile safari and the link to get back to mobile view is too hard to click
Ah, you're one of the apples.
Can’t upload images from mobile view
Gtg, class in 2
@KorvinStarmast You got this with the user Dave? I don't want a help pile forming and I can back away if you want to take the lead.
@NautArch I think there's a potential for a decent answer along the lines of "The GM can and should come up with reasons why NPCs might be cooperative with the party"
@MikeQ Hmm, I can see that - just not sure it's worth leaving open for that answer when answers attempting to give 'reasons' are much more likely.
@NautArch I want to help clean up the question via engagement, but I'm the help pile problem here, not you.
As it's phrased, it's asking for ideas - and i'm not sure how to phrase it to not ask so that such an answer can happen.
@KorvinStarmast I was going to ask in here about the AD&D thing. That didn't seem necessary, regardless of it's accuracy or lack thereof.
@MikeQ There's a semi fun thread in the general role playing fourm at GiTP recently that covers some of this person's question, but I don't think it really gets at their concern.
@Jack Please don't answer in comments (under the question about NPC plot hooks). And while the 'why' is often a nice to have, folks are allowed to just ask :)
@NautArch Sure. I can't reliably chat until later this afternoon, maybe UTC 20:00, but feel free to ask any questions.
@KorvinStarmast Why is the dungeons-and-dragons relevant?
@NautArch I am guiding them towards that tag because Dave seems to think that it's edition agnostic based on his responses
@Jack I'm trying to read through the lines of your question :) Is it that you guys just push forward no matter what and end up in bad situations?
(Still not sure this isn't a "how to do plot hooks" thing, though)
@KorvinStarmast Ah, but we don't tag for what we think or want in answers (but maybe you're not saying that?) The tag is for the contents, and they are playing 5e - just the 5e tag is relephant methinks.
@KorvinStarmast Yep, I'm pretty sure it is.
Hence my comment linking to the tag for them to research
And someone voted to reopen immediately
@Dave aka rpg.stackexchange.com/users/16003/dave - the simplest answer to your question is this: the NPC has something more important and high level to do. The classic example is Gandalf sending the adventuring party of Thorin + dwarves + Bilbo off to the Lonely Mountain to deal with Smaug while he and the White Council (high levelr NPCs) deal with Sauron's reforming spirit/being.
@Nautarch We just end up doing dumb things, or things that were dumb in retrospect. Some are more obvious than others. Not setting a watch in an obviously dangerous place is a good example. I think we were all individually busy thinking or talking about other things and nobody said, "hey we should set a watch".
Often in fiction and in IRL a group of wanderers have a de facto leader, we are probably too much rugged individualists for that, but I have thrown out that idea to the party. My suggestion was to rotate squad leader responsibilities. Just a person on point who is actually making the decisions to keep us from endless analysis and screwing around.
So, one problem identified is we are missing what are obvious-to-the-GM clues. The GM has agreed to be more obvious.
@Jack Yeah, clues are notoriously difficult for GMs to provide cleanly :)
@NautArch For example, Naut gave us a bad clue on purpose.
Another problem is technical challenges where people are apparently distracted or have tech issues or something. We've discussed this and think we can compensate by increased communication.
But do you ever get "are you sure?" from the GM when you're about to do something that they think they've provided enough clues for?
"are you sure?" is the clue stick, they've promised to his us with it.
@Jack That's much harder to handle - and a very different question than the rest.
@Dave: the second simplest thing is "NPC has a moral, legal, or physical restraint such as (1) Needs to look after the local spring fair she's running, (2) must stay in Area X since his liege lord demands it, (3) can't walk anymore, but has knowledge" or (4) is cursed and can't leave local area" ... and so on.
@NautArch You mean the leadership thing?
@Jack Nice - that's the best stick. Failing forward is one thing, but giving folks a chance to not do something that they really shouldn't do should be an option. If you continue to push, then consequences.
@Jack The digital communication issues.
@KorvinStarmast Dave ain't here, they won't get the ping.
@NautArch I know that, but if he does accept my suggestion to join us here I have made those comments for his benefit.
@KorvinStarmast kk, just not sure they'll find them.
No harm done, anyone can point them out...
@dave Curse them. "Bring me the broomstick or you will surely die!" Bribe them: "Bring me the broomstick and I will send you back to Kanasa!" Coerce them "Bring me the broomstick or the cute bunny will die!"
@NautArch Yeah, communication is tough. We are a good group though and I think as we've gained awareness of it "what? I never heard you say that?" I think we can compensate.
RL calling. tt guys later.
Hey, I'm catching up on the posts
@KorvinStarmast Usually I don't even bother with more than a bullet point for the motivation of the NPCs as the players may not even care. If they do, and they want to verify the motivation... intrigue side plot!
I wonder what the actual problem is. Are the players investigating the motivation of the NPCs and the DM is having a difficult time finding a satisfying narrative?
@Jack @NautArch In the case I'm thinking of, the NPC isn't sure that "the broom" is in those ruins (he's going to be busy checking places that he thinks are more promising; hence can't go along). So, he's not 100% sure what the party will find.
Leaving magic aside for a second, the NPC seems to have opened himself to being scammed. I want to avoid straight up magical (or other) coercive techniques for player agency reasons.
The game level problem is: what are the consequences if the party defects on their deal? If there are none, then the NPC would not have been motivated to make the deal in the first place. If there are some, they should be related to why/how the NPC would have some level of trust that the party will carry out the deal
Let me phrase this better: for gameplay, I need to have ideas for "what if the party defects on the deal". My approach to this is to think about the in-world mechanisms that would enforce compliance.
@Dave I don't think that they've opened themselves up to being scammed. But the actions of PCS can and should have consequences in the world. As long as those consequences are clear, that the PCS understand the stakes.
So it seems like your question is less about the motivations of the npc, and more about what happens when the PCS do something that should affect the world around them.
And for that, it really is idea generation. The levers that you have that we don't are going to be the details of the world. The details of the npc. And what the players did.
And to me, the consequences flow from an (in-world) understanding of how these kinds of deals work
Just like in the real world, those deals are specific to the individuals involved.
I'm still pretty confident this is not a stackable question. But it is a very interesting one for this chat!
@BardicWizard oh yea, mobile is a pain. but that looks great!
I'd already figured that the NPC would have his finger on the pulse of the antiquities trade in the region, so if the party decided to pawn something off, he might learn of it and be able to react accordingly. But that doesn't strike me as a strong enough position up front.
@Dave okay, so put yourself in the shoes of the npc. You've already said that they don't believe the place that they're sending the PCS to contains what they're looking for. So in this case a result of null is actually expected from the NPC
So it would be good to have a deal structure in mind for this kind of "do my exploring for me" kind of deal.
Your question that you're posing now is whether or not the NPC will discover that they did find it and then where. Or what did they do with it.
And if they did not return the item to him as expected, now you have a new plot event.
Cuz if they're looking for it, they'll go look for it.
putting myself in the shoes of an NPC.

\*deep breath\*
Press B to jump!
@NautArch I'm (and thus the NPC) is more worried about the party either a) holding back on the stuff he wants (low GP, non-magical archaological stuff) or b) just looting the ruins and running off. How to design a (low-magic, non-coercive) "you explore for me" deal that mitigates these risks? (this is idea generation).
@Dave The NPC has friends and acquaintances in the game world. "A little bird told me" kind of thing: if the quest giver's 'eyes and ears' discover that the PCs have welched on the deal, consequences can range from hit squads, spread malicious rumors about PCs, overt reputation damage, slander, or even NPC apathy. you've got a broad menu to choose from.
@Dave I'm not so sure you need to. If the PCS looted something that the NPC doesn't care about, then why should they care?
Don't they only care about the thing they want?
I still think given how tropey it is, an explaination of why/how NPC->PC "crawl this dungeon for me" , esp. when we might be talking about huge troves of gold and magic, make sense in the kind of standard D&D world
@Dave They want the NPCs to do it because there is also "deadly monster/trap/magic/curse" at the treasure's rumored location. PCs are expendable assets, in the NPCs eyes, and the NPC values their own skin.
@Dave Some great discussion about this issue is here - it covers at least some of your concerns.
The NPC is sending the PCs to the ruins that contain a minor McGuffin. He's interested in that, but not sure if is there or not. Players might just hand it over as promised, or might try to hawk it (then NPC reacts and so on). I'm more interested into ways (non-coercive) ways for the NPC to set up the deal that makes him (me) feel better about not getting ripped off.
@KorvinStarmast Dave has already let us know that the NPC is more than capable of doing it, just that where they are sending the NPCs is somewhere they don't believe has what they're searching for. And their time is better spent searching the likely locations.
@Dave NPC has a familiar. Familiar keeps an eye on the PCs?
@NautArch OK, I have nothing further to offer, hope some of what has been discussed has been helpful @Dave 😄
@Dave and this isn't a generic event. This is an event with a specific person with specific needs that you are trying to alleviate with the pcs. How that person is going to react to whatever thing the NBCS do is going to be dependent on that person and that thing. And it's okay to come up with something that fits what happened, instead of trying to pre-plan for what might happen.
@KorvinStarmast that's an option. Also, for this case, I might just say "NPC is less riisk averse (or trusting or something) than I am calmly sitting in my living room.

However, I still think that this is the start of a question that does fit this site
Big maybe, we'd have to see what the final question is, but it'd be tough to make this helpful universally.
And it's always better to focus on your problem then try to make a question fit. Even if it means not getting an answer here.
But for me, i don't yet have a solid picture of your problem that isn't idea generation.
Want to get in a debate about "idea generation"?
I'm not sure what criteria/definition you are using for that term. However, I keep (mis?)hearing "list question" when you write that. I do not believe that the fact that this question might be answered in different campaign settings (let alone different games) doesn't by itself, make this question off topic.
Consider this non-closed question rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/193048/…
@Dave My take is that the question is just asking for ideas without providing criteria for readers to meaningfully judge solutions. Right now, you are the only one that that can judge if answers provide good solutions to your problem, and other readers are left to vote on what they personally think is cool. This makes it difficult for voting to sort out the good and bad answers, since everyone goes off their own idea of what is good, rather than what you have told us your problem is.
Isn't that the structure of all SE questions?
@Dave VTC that.
@Dave I think the stackable question may be "Is there existing lore describing how NPCs make deals with PCs in order to protect their interest?"
@Dave If the party doesn't hold up their end of the bargain, that's something they become known for. Making reputation have consequences is useful... especially as a party gains renown for their deeds.
@Dave Having the world react to the actions of the PCs (and NPCs!) is a very important piece for me. This gives the Players a feeling of being in the world and not just in your world.
Sure, they might get away with it once or twice, but have them hear about it. I usually have one or two bullet points per location about the party reputation/renown these days. If they get to the point where there start to be some serious stakes on the line, L5-7, have the quest givers express their reservations. They can always ask for collateral or payment on delivery.
It still isn't clear to me what problem you are trying to solve, aside from "I need ideas for why an NPC might trust the party", which fits squarely into "opinion based".
@NautArch totally agree re. having world react.
If I may put words into the mouth of @Dave - they're trying to figure out what would happen if the PCs didn't do as the NPC asked.
I also think that there may be answerable questions like this, but they'll be for published adventures that include motivations - and that specificity isn't generally applicable outside of that interaction.
But the answer to your question, @Dave, is entirely dependent on the personality of the NPC and their goals.
You could give us all that - but by the time you do, my guess is you'll have figured out their motivation :)
@Dave It can start subtle as they get a pint in the tavern and the bartender wryly asks if they intend to return the cups. Can be more overt as they want to buy something and the merchant tells them he'd offer them a deal if they could retrieve something for them safely, but since the merchant is going to have to pay good coin to have that done by a reputable group, the party will have to pay to cover the premium.
If ya'll are still engaged, let me try to summarize:

- Setting up "hire people to crawl dungeon" deal; don't want the NPC to go on the crawl
- If the NPC isn't present, how does he, in-world, try to protect his interests against a party that might try to cheat him?
Do you have any limits/guidelines on what the NPC is like?
In my mind, this is not about motivation, beyond the NPC trying to protect his interests, in this case, getting any archaeological materials that the players removed from the ruins.
1. They don't. Always an option to blind trust them. Or could send them on a "minor" dungeon crawl as a test before sending them after something actually valuable.
@Dave Does he have a reason to think they will cheat him? Have the PCs cheated others?
2. They don't have a choice. It's time dependent and the PCs are the only people around tough enough or dumb enough to go down there.
@Dave Hol up - I thought there was a specific artifact they wanted and everything else wasn't of interest?
Do they have any allies "elsewhere" they could threaten with?
@Someone_Evil no strong personnality characteristics, just a rogue-ish type of adventurer a few, but not a lot, more powerful than the the 1st level party. Think Indiana Jones.
3. They want some sort of collateral. Have them offer up things that are valuable. They can try to deceive the NPC that what they're offering is more valuable to them or not.
If the players want to start playing "dur hur let's just cheat everyone", then let them know that isn't acceptable. You can do it as the GM, or as the world reacting to those shenanigans - preferably both.
Do they have a good intuition about people being trustworthy?
@NautArch it's more exploratory. "I've got this weak lead, not worth my time, but you guys check it out. And make sure to bring back anything with writing on it!"
4. Make it a public show. Everyone knows they got sent on this quest and they'll be ridiculed or ostracized for not actually completing the deed.
Do they have anything non-monetary the party needs which forces the party to cooperate?
I'm also having a hard time finding this motivation from the NPC when they simply don't think it's even likely to be there.
@Dave Perfect - so let them do it. If they cheat the NPC, then you can figure out whta to do - because its going to depend on what the players do.
And good luck trying to guess what you're players are going to do in order to plan for it.
@Someone_Evil that is the ticket --- he can have an "in" with a high-powered NPC that the party could be interested in working with
Let me ask a different question: What do you need the NPC for?
5. Mechanically, you could have the treasure horde of the dungeon denizens rewards instead be a reward provided by the NPC at the completion of the task. And flip the trust on the PCs with the NPC saying they'll "make it worth the effort"
Maybe you just answered that :)
The most important thing about all of @GcL's suggestions to @Dave is that they are all correct. Any one of, or any mix of, those are reasonable in-world things - and why it's opinion-based ot try and judge one over another.
@Someone_Evil he's the "initial info dump" to kick things off, from there, who knows, since he'll be galavanting around as the party does their thing
@Dave That's a good one. NPC isn't particularly notable, but is connected to someone who is of more interest. If the part is interested in getting in with the more noteworthy NPCs good graces... might be tough to force the party to actually want to get in with that more notable.
@GcL @Dave oooh - he's their ticket up. They can squander the ticket and lose the opportunity (and maybe make some enemies), or they can help him and help themselves.
@NautArch I think that's the most interesting way to me, but it might be tricky to illustrate that without being on rails.
@GcL I don't think 'rails' are always bad. At some point, someone has to say something of consequence.
And they can choose to not get on that train - and consequences.
On the other hand, do the players even want to play as the "good guys"? Maybe they'll find it fun to be rogues and fence stuff they should return. The complications there might involve a lot of forgery and disguises. Their only friends are the ones they pay well enough.
@GcL of course, whether that's of value to anyone in the party is up to them, but I already had the idea that there'd be the town that grew around the stronghold built by the super high level adventurer that could serve as their base initially
Which is fine for adventurers who generally have a lot of money, but it's also kind of a resource drain to be paying gold for a night out getting the word on the street when a more reputable rogue might have to only spend silver or maybe do a kindness for some poor folk.
@Dave That's a fine idea. I'd toss that out the players and see if they like it before trying to build a world around it.
I plan on getting player (and thus character) buy in to just go with the first adventure hook to introduce the homebrew, and then sandbox it from there
@Dave ::the good thumbs up::
How's it going?
Going well!! Rounding out the long weekend pretty nicely.
@doppelgreener rounding out sounds good
Hey ASR. Thanks for the bounty on "How does a Ritual Caster (feat) replace their ritual book?"!
@Jack you're welcome!
Unrelated: Here's a thought, can prestidigitation braid/plait hair?
If not, which cantrip can?
@Someone_Evil if it's even a cantrip effect
Well, between mundane (and slow) braiding of hair and 1st level disguise self there's room for instant braiding of hair to be a cantrip effect
None of the effects are about moving or tidying like they used to in older editions though
@Someone_Evil hmmm I don't think any edition used to (I checked online)
I assume the musing is mostly theoretical and that we're taking the "Ask your GM" response as read?
@Someone_Evil yeah basically
As written prest. doesn't have a provision for braiding hair
Ooooh mage hand and/or unseen servant work?
It's also missing a general clause for other similar effects, such as that found on bestow curse. AFAIK a lot of tables have an implicit one anyway though
@AncientSwordRage Wouldn't be faster than normal braiding, but I don't think there's anything strongly against them doing so
@Someone_Evil seems fair
@AncientSwordRage Now I'm thinking about those spells as disability tools for people who have a hard time with repetitive motion, motor control, joint pain, etc.
@BESW ooooh now that's great
I ran a game of RFS today (first in-person thing for me!!). Told the players at the start that they could make up lore if they wanted (backstory, surroundings, etc.) and both of them took that and ran, to the point that by the end there were two opposing secret conspiracies of half-people and a bunch of random shops the characters ran into to steal from, completely unprompted by me :D It was a blast.
Very cool!
That's one of the things I love about RFS, it makes that creative space easy to access and forgiving to use.
@bobble sounds like you found a great group of players
What other spells would work as disability aids?

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