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Q: Does the target of Otto's Irresistible Dance followed by Dissonant Whispers (failed saving throw) move as a reaction or just keep dancing in place?

M. VienneauA creature is under the effect of Otto's Irresistible Dance: A dancing creature must use all its movement to dance without leaving its space... The creature then fails its saving throw against Dissonant Whispers: On a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reacti...

3 hours later…
Anybody wanna hear a stupid trap?
@Joshua sure, why not?
You hear of this ancient and powerful tome called the spellbook of antimatter. After descending through the layers of abandoned pyramid (somewhat treacherous just because old stone building) you find it floating inside a crystal ball set on pillows and the roof above supported by a very permanent wall of force.
The book is shut.
I wonder how many players would get themselves killed trying to get at it.
It's going to be difficult indeed to read if the crystal ball is too small to permit opening it. If otherwise, a competent mage should be able to.
it actually makes me wonder if the crystal ball is large enough that the book can be opened fully without bumping into its container
For some reason I have a taste for "the players killed themselves" kind of traps.
Evil would be putting explosive runes on the spellbook. I'm not doing that.
Q: Can a true dragon die of old age?

Vlad LongDoes a true dragon have a maximum lifespan or old age maladies that can kill them? or do they live functionally forever unless slain via violence? Is there an edition difference where they can die of old age in some editions but not others?

Q: Can an elemental be resurrected in 5e?

Vlad LongIn 3e True Resurrection spell explicitly notes that it allowed the resurrection of an elemental, while lesser resurrection methods are unable to do so. In 5e these lines are missing from the True Resurrection description. What does this mean for the ability to resurrect elementals? Can you or can...

@Joshua my character would be dead before the DM finished describing it 😰😅
2 hours later…
@Joshua Wow, such cool spells! This spell summons a cone of unresistable damage that originates 5 feet behind me, this spell with 20 foot range blocks all access to magic for all creatures in a 40 foot burst for one day, this spell points the way to the even-more-legendary Head of Vecna, this spell teleports the caster to the largest concentration of valuables within 400 miles ignoring teleportation wards...
2 hours later…
Q: What happens to a creature with maximum 1 hit point that gains level 4 Exhaustion?

HikariThe fourth level of exhaustion imparts this effect on a creature: Hit point maximum halved The Basic Rules make it clear that whenever you divide a number for any purpose, you round down: There’s one more general rule you need to know at the outset. Whenever you divide a number in the game, ro...

@TheDragonOfFlame I like it a lot. I have been considering doing something similar myself, but mainly to fold the Monk into fighter as a way of stripping it of its culturally insensitive flavour.
Is Divine soldier meant to replace or compete with Paladin?
A bunch of my bounties are expiring soon — Shadowrun: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/108283/…; FATE accelerated: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/40992/…; Mouse Guard: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/188316/…
1 hour later…
Hi and welcome, while you're here don't forget to take the tour! How does critical-role-show factor into this question? Feel free to add the information in with an edit! — AncientSwordRage 12 secs ago
@AncientSwordRage Echo Knight, appearing in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, is a Matthew Mercer original, as I'm lead to believe.
@PD-whee-whim-wish right, but question is not about the show itself
The tag description is misleading, then.
@PD-whee-whim-wish unless they edit in to say "I'm not using EGtW, but the critical role house rules/homebrew"
This is where I check out, as I stay 20 feet distant from 5e material at all times.
(Or about 6.1 metres.)
@PD-whee-whim-wish smart
@PD-whee-whim-wish perhaps someone who knows better than me could edit the yeah to make it clear you don't need that tag if you only use a rule from the does of it's been published?
@BESW please tell me you just made that
I was about five seconds too late to get your "please tell me" ping alert in the screencap.
@BESW 😅😁
@AncientSwordRage I changed “appearing on the show” to “as they appear on the show”.
Small change, but I think it makes the appropriate distinction.
That's a good distinction to draw.
@ThomasMarkov good edit. Had I known we had an echo-knight tag I would have made that edit myself!
Also we have ...?
@AncientSwordRage yeah, we get some mileage out of it too. 131 questions tagged.
@ThomasMarkov ... I'm trying to figure out if anybody is following that tag
Everytime I see a tag that feels too generic my urge to write an RPG that uses it as a critical game term goes up
Not up by much, but still up...
@AncientSwordRage A one-shot RPG about spending a whole D&D session falling down a bottomless pit.
@BESW I'm pretty sure I had an encounter like that. Fighting a pit fiend while falling down a pit.

Island explodes, everybody falls.

Jul 5, 2013 at 2:43, 20 minutes total – 62 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Aug 16, 2015 at 9:45 by BESW

@AncientSwordRage intended to compete with
I think Paladin is still better at doing what it does, with spells slots and all that
2 hours later…
@TheDragonOfFlame that's fair, I'm trying to think why you'd want one and not the other....
@TheDragonOfFlame how're things going?
6 hours later…
@AncientSwordRage Much better!
@BESW I want to see how that works
@AncientSwordRage What do you want to know? I picked it up in a bundle a couple years ago.
@BESW just more in general
I'm just curious
It's a series of "getting to know you/yourself" type questions, arranged from outward-facing to inward-facing to core values: "how we present ourselves," "how we think of ourselves and others," and "our innermost selves."
There's several different structures and procedures provided: for intimate personal sharing, for deeping characterization in D&D-like systems, and a system-neutral form of collaborative character creation based on one of Maharhar's other games which uses these questions.
@BESW that sounds really useful
Does itch.io have a notification for things being in bundles?
A: Tag statistics - count and number of followers

ZuulUsing the Tags button, you have the tags ordered by popularity with their count. If you mouseover a tag name, you are able to see the number of followers for it.


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