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Q: Does a simulacrum recover hit points during rests?

JackThe simulacrum is a partially-real "illusory duplicate of one beast or humanoid" which if damaged can be repaired in an alchemical laboratory. This question asks if the simulacrum can take a long rest. Assuming it can take a rest, can it use its hit dice to recover hit points? In our game my wiza...

I did it ..... I really did it
Daily Quordle #34
@AncientSwordRage idk how you got word bottom right, I had to look it up
@goodguy5 can't go a fortnight without bumping into one over here in Britain
@AncientSwordRage ah ha, britainisms always get me
Me too
4 hours later…
PSA: if you want to replicate my Windowsill Dye Studio experiments with O. pes-caprae, really don’t leave oxalis flowers in water in a jar for more than about 4-5 days. I left a jar for a week and just discovered either a really good stink bomb recipe or something that wouldn’t be out of place in a prohibition speakeasy, and I don’t think I want to know which.
I lost the whole jar cause I couldn’t bear to open it for more than a moment.
Lesson really learned
3 hours later…
@BardicWizard Your fermentation experiment worked spectacularly, however, you got the wrong type of fermentation bacteria and it produced OCO instead of HHC-CHHOH and other tasty chemicals as expected.
1 hour later…
Anybody know of games I could look at for examples of how to describe mechanics that involve grouping dice to pay costs?
Depending on what you mean, maybe Seventh Sea 2nd edition. Also maybe Weapons of the Gods and the like.
And Kamigakari.
3 hours later…
@BESW no, but it's giving me ideas
@AncientSwordRage ?
@BESW I had initially intended on my three action system to use separate rolls per actions, but it might make it more tactical to have a shared pool of dice
It also means I don't have to worry too much at capping total number of dice, just maybe for individual actions
@BESW uh... Yhatzee like?
I think I saw something like that in an indie game, where you'd score against the DM by having a higher score using yhatzee groupings... As in: Full House > 2 pairs > 1x 3 of a kind > 1 pair and so on.
Stuff like that, yeah. I’m just looking at how people explain this category of concept, what vocabulary and phrases get used.
I’ll probably dig up CthulhuTech, but it’s more of a How Not To Explain…. Anything….
I'm thinking about something a bit simpler, just spending dice to hit targets but you can't spend more than two dice on any given target; so low rolls only let you hit low targets and rolling more dice doesn't let you hit higher targets, just more targets.
Like... say the scene has two targets at 4, one at 6, and one at 8, and you roll four dice.
You can use that roll to hit the 8-target and the 4-target (4+4 and 2+2), or the 6-target twice (4+2 and 4+2), or the four-target three times (4 and 4 and 2+2).
That's cool!
And a target is finished when it's been hit a number of times equal to its value. So hitting the 4-target three times means it just needs one more hit to be finished.
(And I think I'm gonna have a reward where finishing a target gives you a free hit on another target of the same value or one step up, so finishing off the 4-target gives you a free hit on another 4-target or a 6-target. Paying attention to the small stuff feeds into finishing the bigger stuff.)
It does mean to hit an n-target you need n² dice pips?
It's quadratic, meaning everybody is a quadratic wizard
I think so! But putting 16 pips into a 4-target gives you 6 pips on a 6-target for free.
So your low rolls can help you buy extra pips in the long run.
Though I think I'm gonna have 1s get taken out of the pool and spent on advancing a countdown to bad stuff.
And targets are shared by the group; everybody can spend their dice on any target they want so long as the narrative gives them access to it at that time.
So it's a collaborative build-up toward success over time.
Kinda like how Danger Patrol works.
This is almost exactly the feel I've been trying to get in my system: small things building to big things
Except I got caught up on: bad things build up to good things
You could probably use my system by making 4-targets bad and 6-targets good.
I think I'd sooner make the 1-pip rolls somehow incentives hiring the bugger targets first
Because by bad things I think I just mean misses
7 hours later…
Q: Does the start of an adventure count as having had a long rest?

Dennis van OpstalIn the near future I'm going to play in a one-shot (DND 5e) and I might want to play a divination wizard. When I read Portent I saw the following line: When you finish a long rest, roll two d20s and record the numbers rolled. And now I'm wondering if the start of the one-shot counts as having had...

Today I face a conundrum all DMs must eventually face. The conflict between "I should make sure the party has enough chances to deduce what the next enemy is capable of doing so that with proper rolls they can plan for victory" vs "wouldn't it be really funny if the party got TPK'd by a spellcaster dropping a maximized Meteor Swarm on top of them a month before the campaign is expected to end anyways?" 🤔
(On a serious note: a TPK isn't actually very realistic, since they tend to load up on Death Wards before any combat against a Big Bad, one of the healers is a Rogue with Evasion, and one of the characters is a Barbarian who could take the full 240 damage and still have hit points)
But like
it would be really funny
I ran out of Murderbots to read and am now on Imager. Haven't hit the plot proper yet but seems like something I'll like based off what I have so far.
@bobble running out of book is the worst

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