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@AncientSwordRage I'd want the dragon question to talk about why about the quoted text isn't sufficient; it looks to me like the answer is right there in the question.
> If a flying creature is knocked prone, has its speed reduced to 0, or is otherwise deprived of the ability to move, the creature falls, unless it has the ability to hover or it is being held aloft by magic, such as by the fly spell.
Dragon: flying? yes. Prone? yes.
Check if: can hover? held aloft by magic?
If "yes" to either, does not fall. Otherwise, falls.
NHP says in the comment that the text does answer the question, but the purpose of asking is because others are confused about it? But that isn't reflected in the question.
To address confusion, the question should contain the confusion it wants answers to address. In this case, I think it's a vocabulary distinction between choosing to go prone and being forced prone. Which may be implied by the question but isn't explicit; the only reason I think it's the case is by comparing the question to the SAQ.
(Personally I'm on the record that rulings which hinge on a single word used in the vernacular don't have a lot of weight; especially in 5e where we know the style is casual, the editing is haphazard, and the onus is on the GM to apply "common sense" interpretations.)
We could have 3 master questions, one where the answer is "Speak to the other players (including the GM if you have one)", one is "D&D5e is designed to be interpreted differently at each table", ... And I can't think of another
Also, as a matter of general design principles, D&D of any edition rarely cares about the origin or cause of status effects when determining the effect ; once a status effect is applied, its effect is standardized. I'm inclined to read "knocked prone" as a dramatic editorial choice and an implication that creatures would not choose to suffer the effects of being prone while flying voluntarily.
This conforms with the "common sense interpretation" attitude 5e expects GMs to apply to their rulings, and is reinforced by the lack of a description of what happens to a flying creature who decides to go prone as opposed to being forced prone.
At every level from GM principles to the text's style standards to the missing passage about choosing to go prone while flying, suggests that the phrase "knocked prone" is not implying the existence of an alternative status effect.
(This is one of the wild things about 5e to me, btw: it's an exception-based system which handles its exceptions so sloppily that readers find it reasonable to think there are secret hidden exceptions.)
1 hour later…
Annabelle Lee wrote a twitter thread of "some zine month games I'm excited about!"
Together We Jam hosted by Plus One Exp, ApesofWrath & Kegan. A community event for us to rally together to make old school & sword dream inspired content and systems based on the Together We Go system!
"Award-winning designer Jeeyon Shim’s next project blends chess and role-playing" article by Nicole Carpenter for Dicebreaker. The ‘keepsake’ game will not be funded through Kickstarter
@BESW I saw a discussion somewhere about the benefits of voluntarily going prone while flying (if you're immune to the fall-out-of-the-sky effect)
Afternoon all
@Ben good night
@AncientSwordRage Is that a "hello" or a "goodbye"? Lol
An awkward hello
I think since people say "goodnight" when they go to sleep it's usually a goodbye haha
How's things?
@Ben that's why it was awkward
@Ben can't complain, you?
On the one hand, I'm in lockdown (my son got COVID from school - thankfully it was only mild, he's all better now we're just waiting out the isolation)
On the other hand, we finally have power over at the new house! One more week and we can move in!!!!
[roll for excitement +23]
Gosh, H*ck, and darn tootin' am I excited. We've been waiting to move in for months now
[kermit armwave.gif]
@Adeptus my reaction precisely haha
@Ben I'm not usually on when you are, what now. why no power?
@Ben 🙌🏻
@goodguy5 I'm guessing it's that new?
@goodguy5 It's a new building, so we've finally got the connection to the grid.
All we're waiting on now is our agreement (though I daresay my folks won't be too worried about letting us move in early)
Q: If I cast Green-Flame Blade but my attack misses, and I use an extra action from Haste to attack again, does GFB's effect apply if that attack hits?

SplitterLet us assume that my wizard has the Haste spell cast on him, granting him an additional action on each turn. He casts Green-Flame Blade as his first action, attacking as part of the spell, but that attack misses. If my wizard uses his additional action from haste to make another melee weapon att...

2 hours later…
@AncientSwordRage hah, I do some crazy stuff but at least I document it (mostly)
We had a discussion at lunch the other day about stupid/weird/not safe/unusual things we’d done. I won with a couple of the “unauthorized chemistry experiments in the bathroom of my ballet place with soap, citric acid, baking soda, vinegar, daisies, clover, dirt, rosin, etc” stories.
@BESW fun fun fun!
@BESW I prefer to think of it as aiding and abetting future teenage miscreants interested in yarn and rpgs and books and such
Unrelated: Anyone have a copy of a d&d (preferably 5e and an official translation) book in Spanish? And if so can you tell me what the translations used for the name of the game and for the dungeon master are? We had an argument and I need to prove a thing before we submit the project.
@BardicWizard They are not translated. Those terms are brand identity. Quotes from the publicity material for the Spanish translations:
> El objetivo del juego de rol Dungeons & Dragons® (D&D) es contar historias en mundos de espada y brujería.
> Un jugador asume el rol del Dungeon Master (DM): el narrador principal y árbitro del juego.
The Dungeon Master's Guide is Guia del Dungeon Master
I didn't get to work through more Murderbot today :( All the time I was able to listen to things (can't find ebooks, just audiobooks) I was also coding. So I used well-known music instead, which I don't mind missing some words/parts due to concentrating on the assignment. And this situation does not appear to be looking up for tomorrow. Oh well, a few days without won't kill me.
I tend to get obsessed with things and try to consume them all at once so it's frustrating to not be able to.
Sorry, off-topic
@BESW thanks. I said we should check cause I thought there might be something official, everyone else thought we should just translate it literally, so it’s comforting to know that none of us were totally correct (we’re gonna end up using the literal translation because it’s for class and everything has to be en español, but I wanted to know anyways)
@bobble not a bad thing…
1 hour later…
@kryan I think you had posted a detailed answer to my question about Soul Hags, which unfortunately got downvoted, and now is gone. (I had no time to read it at the time). I'd be interested to see what you had to share about it, if you still have the text, would you mind posting it here instead? Thank you.
Soul Hags = Night Hags / Soul Bags
Unfortunately that user hasn't been in chat recently enough for @[name] to ping them; we can tell because the interface doesn't offer an autocomplete when we start typing the name.
and anecdotally, I don't believe he visits any of the chat-chat channels anyway
Only when comment threads get chattified.
Yeah. I have the text of it (high enough rep to see deleted posts) but I'm reluctant to republish in any kind of publicly visible way
Yeah, same; when a poster deletes their own post it seems like bad form to reproduce it without permission.
Q: How does the Genie warlock's Bottled Respite ability from the Genie's Vessel feature interact with a Portable Hole that you bring inside the vessel?

CellheimThe Genie warlock (TCoE, p. 73) has the Genie's Vessel feature, one of the benefits of which is Bottled Respite. The description of Bottled Respite states, in part: As an action, you can magically vanish and enter your vessel, which remains in the space you left. [...] You can remain inside the ...

@bobble that's intensely relatable... Also none of that should be considered off topic really
@bobble but yeah I know what you mean about having to put things down for a few days not feeling good/right
4 hours later…
Aw man, just saw an old answer from Sir Cinnamon, haven't seen him in a dog's age
@goodguy5 hey-o!
@NautArch I feel like I focused on the soft side of the game
I mentioned combat, but the answer was by no means combat focused
@goodguy5 Let me try and reread. It ready initially like your experience was with combat-healers and you lead with referencing combat. The details of the RP issues seem to be what OP was askuing for, so that's what I'm looking for in answers.
@NautArch hrm.... maybe I should have said "fighter-healer"
I did a re-read and I kinda see where you're coming from - but it still very much seems to looking at this from a combat-differentiation and not a RP-differentiation.
I'll clarify a bit, but I see what you're saying.
I felt like the answer was getting a little long.
OP is really concerned about the same style of character creating issues in RP. An answer focusing on that feels like what OP is needing.
I think your answer can likely be trimmed and refocused to cover RP.
how do I indent a list?
" - "?
i think
no, like, subpoint
the indent dash needs to be on line with the text of the other bullets (CommonMark change)
ah ha. two extra spaces
@NautArch how's that
I'm not as sure
Are you saying that the characters MUST have different choices in backgrounds/proficiencies for this to work?
Your 'expectations' also seem unreasonable. I don't think we need to assume any of those tropes.
@NautArch No, I'm pointing out that there are many ways for characters to be different
A focus on that may be a better tack to take.
and not expect as in "you must", expect as in "I think of first", hence why I said stereo types
I'm just not sure how it's helping the answer - but if you were to tweak it more into how each one of thsoe can be entirely different from the trope, that'd be better.
You're being really needy about holding answers on the stack to a higher quality /s
but again, I see what you mean. brb
It still feels a little too much on the idea generation bit and I'd just prefer to focus on experience based answers to this particular problem.
I see lots of obvious solutions,l but I've never tried them or can talk about using them.
I mean, I have two cases...
I like the last bit the most.
And I always tell my players that I don't care what class they play, I'll figure it out
I think that is really a stronger focus about how the same type of characters are simply 'played differently' by different players.
But a review of how things went in RP and why it isn't(?) a concern would be a stronger answer.
alright alright alright noted I hate when someone is right in criticizing me
It's much easier for me to say that you're dumb and wrong.
I am dumb and wrong, though. Unrelated issue :P
And mea culpa - they are also asking about surviving combat.
@NautArch listen here you
anyway, last edit
take my upvote
characters>character sheets. love it!
@NautArch that was in the original draft :P
hardest 10 points I've ever had to work for
yeah, baby. Work it!
actually, not true, that stupid level 17 fighter question I think netted me 20
Q: Would a character with Fighting Style: Unarmed Fighting add Hunter's Mark to the damage they cause at the start of their turn?

Jianwei-Jeanson GanlimAccording to the RAW of Hunter's Mark: Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack, and you have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make to find it. In the description for the Unarmed Fighting Fightin...

@goodguy5 good chance i'll bounty it once i can.
actually, less than 20, because it's +2/-2
You're at -2?!
Trying to find if we have a question about players copying characters.
I thought we'd addressed that
@NautArch I think some people serial downvote build questions
Best I've found so far
Q: How can I discourage a player from making the same character if their current one dies?

NathanSThis was inspired by this question: Should I allow players to recreate the exact same character if they die? Whilst it was closed as too subjective (because it asks whether one should want to do this), I think there was an interesting subject matter here, so I'm going to start my question with t...

@goodguy5 yeah, that's the one i've found and it's not relevant. I think they should ask it.
Darn X-y problems.
i'd be miffed if someone copied my new character.
@NautArch hell, I'd be miffed if someone copied my old character
I'd be totally okay with it if they wanted to be 'with' me as like a brother or something.
@NautArch My best friend and I played brothers in a couple of games Hans and Franz something or other (Barbarian and Druid iirc)
Q: A player is unhappy that people are playing the same class. Did I do something wrong?

GhiojoHow do I deal with people choosing the same class? Can people do it? I have one player who doesn’t think so and is really unhappy about it and is telling me I have to figure out why they should care to stay with the party, and I don’t know how to handle them. What do I do? I am at the point wher...

A: How to track character resources (spells, ammo, items)

edgerunnerOne neat trick I use to protect parts of a character sheet where a lot of writing/erasing is due is to use a small strip of Scotch 811 Removable tape to cover it. It is possible to write on it with a pencil, and erase it many times over with less effort than the paper itself. You can also remov...

this is fairly related. Not sure if it'll be a dupe, but adding to the comments.
not related just cool
that's a great way to save your paper!
Some of my players are still very much pen and paper - and use the same sheet for the life of a campaign.
For IRL games, I'm a paper man
just haven't had any in *check's watch* 2 years
@GroodytheHobgoblin FYI, chat and comments aren't for answers. If Kryan wants to undelete their answer (or if the community wants to), that can happen.
@goodguy5 I did one in-person session with a new group that is now on hold until we're allcomfortable to be in person again.
But one of my virtual games has two players that use paper sheets. One of them I trust to keep things correct - the other one I know isn't.
is the "isn't" doing it in bad faith or bad skill?

and regardless, is that an issue?
@goodguy5 bad faith...and not an issue.
I roll with it. If that's how he has fun, i'm not really gonna stop it.
what what a jerk lol
but as long as it's not a problem
He's also a DM :P
but yeah, it's not really a problem for me.
Other than I get to complain about it to another player at times and we chuckle.
also, just stumbled across one of @nitsua60 's answers and man he always makes good stuff, to the extent that usually (as I'm about to do now) I'll go through and catch up on some answers of theirs I missed.
I have two spell slots left...8 levelled spells later...i have two spell slots left!
Was even worse when he was a sorcerer. Neverending points and spell slots.
obviously, they're using the lifeforce - spell point - spell slots hack
@NautArch Personally, I don't especially care if a player does that to an extent. I wouldn't trust them as a DM, though.
As a DM, fudging some rolls is par for the course - I lied when I rolled a nat 20 against a level 1 character in the very first session because killing a player in the first session was not how I wanted it to go. But I wouldn't be able to trust that this person is fudging rolls for the good of the group as the DM (where "good of the group" can either be story purposes, enjoyment, etc., not just "not killing a player").
@Mithical yea, the other week I had a feeling that a certain roll was the difference between victory and failure. like a 13 on the die. "does a 14 hit?" (I knew it didn't)
Harder to do with virtual games, but I change monsters on the fly quite a bit to make combat interesting and fun.
WHich is kinda funny, because I'm pretty sure that was a complaint I had against my previous DM - but now I get it.
Difference is, I"ll let my players know what I'm doing.
Not at the time, but in general they know my style.
posted on February 17, 2022 by Bardic Wizard

 Alternatively, call this blog entry The Frugal Dyer. I’m doing natural dye things this week, inspired by the huge amount of oxalis pes-caprae in my yard. I thought I’d share how to dye with plants without using more than some hot water, possibly a strainer, and a few glass jars to process them.  This is O. Pes-caprae. It’s really common in my part of North America, and it’s an in

@Mithical I don't trust them as a DM because they donl't have a solid understanding of the basic rules that they can then riff safely off of.
But as a player, they're fun. I can deal with extra resources.
@goodguy5 Aaaaaaanndddddd..... out of votes
@Feeds no one ever talks about raebgubs...
@NautArch Low rolls are all part of the fun.
@Mithical Yep, that's when the real fun starts!
The RP elements that you can take from low rolls are the best :)
@goodguy5 Or seldeen
I actually ran some Raebgubs, that was fun
@Feeds @BardicWizard is that a dye or a bleach?
@AncientSwordRage i have some serious stuff i need to talk about
can you help me?
@AncientSwordRage i'll be in the trigger chat or whatever its called if you want to talk
@AncientSwordRage Dye. The yellow from the flowers outweighs the oxalic acid’s bleaching ability by using it as a mordant to fix the color instead
@goodguy5 highest average answer score for a good reason.
@goodguy5 are you here today?
@Catofdoom2 Please don't constantly ping other users.
@Catofdoom2 now isn't a great time but I can pop by briefly
@BardicWizard Spock voice fascinating
Any mods about who might be able t merge some errant comments on this answer into the pre-existing chat? rpg.stackexchange.com/a/196151/36850
@illustro We can't move message's more than once I'm afraid
I can do something of a hotfix though
@illustro solid answer to that revivify/spectre question!
@NautArch Ta!
@Someone_Evil Thank you!
Though it might be easier for the two of you to preserve anything from those (if it's worth it) if the convo's ongoing
If I can try to steer us onto a different topic, I have a non-stackable challenge(?) that's been on my mind for a while: Is there a way to spears cool?
spears cool?
Which is sort of to say; I find them cool, but (within 5e) is there a way to also make them mechanically cool/distinct/worthwhile
WHat are you looking for in a spear?
They're already ranged, melee, versatile, and a polearm...what more are you looking for?!
For a way for them to not be a mediocre option for those things? To not feel like I'm losing out too directly when choosing the spear
Ah, so the jack of of all trades, master of none problem?
And I think you're onto something with polearm, getting the polearm master benefits when wielding a shield is sorta the only thing?
Is the solution in the item or potentially in the class?
THe problem I find with ranged items is that once gone...they're gone. ANd standing there with no weapon is underwhelming. And pulling out LOTS of them doesn't feel right.
@Someone_Evil hehe. Just thinking that the item may be fine, but letting someone use it better would be a good solution.
The sword gets an undeserved reputation as the jack-of-all-trades weapon because of its personal use by independent violence contractors in civilian settings. Really its only advantage compared to the spear is its lethality in knife scenarios, but nobody brings a knife to a battlefield as a primary armament (citation needed) so the spear is the everyman's choice for war.
And the impact of throwing the thing isn't very impactful at best
@Someone_Evil Right! I've had paladins in my campaign who throw javelings/spears so they hda something to do against a flyer, but my own choice was to mostly stand there and wait and support.
The ranged options for non-string based martials is underwhelming and unfun.
Although one of my players has really done well with a +1 throwing hammer for those singular cases.
I did draft a feat as part of this minor obsession (obvious disclaimer about it being untested):
> - Spears have a 1d8 damage die instead on their normal 1d6.
- When you hit a creature with a thrown spear it deals an additional damage die. The spear also remains in the creature. While it is, the creature's speed is halved and it can't regain hit-points. A creature within 5 ft. of the target can use an action to remove the spear, ending this effect.
Which I like as a way to make the thrown thing more impactful
Q: Is it OK to synthesise answers into a new answer?

Groody the HobgoblinWhat I have repeatedly experienced in my short time on this Q&A site is that I pose a question, and receive serveral answers, each of them contributing some perspective of value, but none fully answering the question to my satisfaction. From all the comments, discussion and answers, I eventually ...

I like d8/d10 better as well
THe second bullet may be overpowered. I'd start throwing spears a LOT if that's how they worked.
The effects on hit would obviously be highly negotiable, and throwing on an only one creature at a time clause (for limiting gamestate complexity if nothing else)
@Someone_Evil I'm not sure about doubling up on damage and effects, either.
Does range stay the same?
does anyone know when ancient gets back?
@NautArch Yes? You have the whole text I wrote (bar name and req.)
@Catofdoom2 We have no more information than you do
@Someone_Evil Hmm, I'm just concerned it's swinging too far the other way. I'm a big fan of effects and usually balance with less damage.
@Someone_Evil i have a challenge for you
I wonder if you could steal any effects from a class I built off of the battlemaster...
I have yet to remove all the older battlemaster stuff, but take a look at some of these: dndbeyond.com/subclasses/992815-combat-engineer
@NautArch Yeah, I can see how exploitable the damage of the current version is
@Someone_Evil you get all the marbles if you win
I think I have enough glass spheres for the moment, but I can't really engage on the challenge until you've told us what it is
@TheOracle Need some close votes here.
@NautArch Is there a list of schematics missing?
@Someone_Evil my impossible challenge is...
run a campign with no in fighting at all ever
@Someone_Evil Hmm, they're seeded under the Combat Artist section.
@Catofdoom2 That's... not impossible
@bobble are you sure?
big bada boom, flamethrower, bubbly toes, nets to you, pinned, scorpion, spiders.
@Catofdoom2 What is and isn't "in fighting"?
Pretty sure there's no infighting at my table...@ThomasMarkov?
Step 1) get a group of players who want to play in such a campaign
Step 2) Run campaign
@NautArch Yeah, we're pretty good.
@bobble a full 60+ session game with no bickering attempts at PvP aruging Irl feelings getting hurt people going againist the plan to be spiteful etc
I'm not sure I'd use that term unless it was stuff that detrimental to the group/play health, but that's a whole other beast to there being intra-party conflict and other related forms of characters playing off eachother
@ThomasMarkov And no bickering at my other table, either.
Mostly because i have a zero tolerance for that stuff.
@Catofdoom2 Again, all they you need is a group who agrees they want to avoid that, sets down Session 0 ground rules, etc.
I occasionally have some bickering at my table, but that's because I'm running a game for my siblings and that's to be expected with siblings (especially the younger ones). ;)
@bobble they can't know about the challenge
Why can't you openly communicate with the players about expectations, needs, wants?
@NautArch i.sstatic.net/5hDjR.png DDB might be hiding them from me
"Talk to them" is an answer to many many social questions
@bobble as the DM you can either be a buttface or everyone's play thing there very little middle
taps sign
Mar 19 '15 at 12:52, by David Reeve
rpg.se should just have a big banner at the top that says "have you tried talking to the problem player?"
@Catofdoom2 ... no?
@Catofdoom2 Mmm... hard disagree there.
@Someone_Evil @Someone_EvilI just tried sharing it to community. Although I thought you were in a campaign of mine...
@Mithical @bobble you guys playing the same game i am?
Evidently not.
D&D 5e
@Catofdoom2 You mind cleaning up the language in there? If too late, i can delete it.
@NautArch There they are! And I am
@NautArch better?
@Catofdoom2 grazie
@Someone_Evil weird it didn't show up for you!
I thought campaigns had full access regardless of community share.
But anywho,l so far it' a fun build.
Better question why I got to see some of it, but not all. All or nothing I would've understood
@Mithical no matter how hard i try my players wanna walk all over me and when i don't let them they get angry which makes me feel like the bad guy. so in my experience impossible
@Catofdoom2 I'm back but not free to talk for probably ~4 hours?
Sounds like you have bad players and/or need a Session 0
If both the players and the GM aren't having fun, you're doing it wrong.
@AncientSwordRage so no talking still?
@Mithical If anyone isn't having fun, something's wrong.
Yeah, that's what I meant - if one or the other isn't having fun
@Someone_Evil DDB gonna DDB
@ThomasMarkov @Mithical @bobble and i can't be a player because the other players always try to bully me out
Dm's seem to like me but never players
@NautArch I'd argue the Pinned effect is fairly similar to what I started on (probably stronger), though putting the feat's bonus on a resource is also a viable limitation
Sounds like you need to find better players
@Someone_Evil Yeah, those effects are limited by short rest resources.
Some Long
If anything, the player isn't using them enough. And definitely isn't narrating them enough :)
@NautArch You talking about Baddwirt?
@ThomasMarkov yep!
Wait, what does the Nets To You schematic do? Can't you always throw a net as part of an Attack action?
@NautArch I thought he ran completely out before last long rest?
@ThomasMarkov Not sure, but many schematics refresh on short rest.
@Catofdoom2 not to the extent I was earlier (which is like what is deserved, and not half paying attention)
@bobble Or a better understanding between players and dm. I got a lot of millage about adding "what movies come to mind when you think about the <theme of the upcoming campaign>?" to my session 0.
Found out some people think of spy theme as "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" while others were thinking "Bourne Identity"
@Akixkisu Fair point
sup @Catofdoom2
@goodguy5 hi.
@goodguy5 dragons for context
anyone know how @rubiksmoose is doing?
@Someone_Evil More that they have an unlimited supply of nets. And increased range.
@NautArch hold up. We've had unlimited nets this whole time?
@ThomasMarkov Baddwirt has it as an option for his long rest schematic.
@NautArch Ahh. And is that schematic not 1/SR then?
@Someone_Evil Yes, it's a short rest option that remains usable throughout. Minor increase, minor cost.
@Someone_Evil Dunno, but you can make darts cool by allowing a character with a donned shield to hold up to 3 with their shield for free. Give a little bit of ranged viability to front liners inspired by Roman plumbata.
oh i guess for any of you who care
@GcL That's a neat idea. I think a lot of tables handwave pulling new darts/etc. out, but maybe not?
EIther wayk the ability to hold more than one piece of ranged weapon is nice.
i'll likely not stream today if i do it won't be for super long but i'll try to entertain i guess
@NautArch I always make players think about the few things they can have at hand. Gets rid of the walking armory feel that happens if anything in their inventory is accessible in the midst of battle for free.
@Catofdoom2 keep yourself distracted 👍🏻
@GcL That's not a bad compromise
Interestingly, my players have very little issue dropping their equipment in favor of more appropriate equipment in the moment. E.g. shoot with a crossbow, then drop it and pull a melee weapon.
@GcL Same here. But I'm somewhat strict about that stuff, too.
And in a prior game of mine when I was a player, I may have used a dropped weapon as a target for catapult.
Kind of gives the narration a bit of a John Wick feel really. Also, they've got a habit of picking up whatever is at hand from slain enemies and repurposing it as a missile weapon if they're not immediately close enough to get in the next target's face.
@NautArch That's clever.
@AncientSwordRage so you think i should stream?
@Catofdoom2 Possibly brook, but never river. That gets you a big delta at the end and it's a bit of a swamp really.
@GcL can i get translation out of fisherman?
@GcL New Orleans has a rich cultural history.
@Catofdoom2 go with the flow but not too fast.
@ThomasMarkov The reminds me ... now I have a hankering for beignets.
@GcL I need more Cafe Du Monde in my life.
One of these years when travel is saner we can all make it back for coffee on the river or lake.
@GcL thank you
@AncientSwordRage when you get a chance can you meet me in dragons please
@GcL Gaming in the Big Easy would be a ton of fun. RPG.SE meetup!
@NautArch A big city tour of one-shots.
@GcL Themed to each city?
@NautArch That would be interesting.
@NautArch I'll run a one shot with a chicken boss fight
@ThomasMarkov The legend of the rise and fall of Ba'Gawk.
Good cluck writing that without ruffling any feathers.
@Mithical that is a dope avatar, btw.
Q: A RP heavy campaign with all characters playing the same niche. Can it work?

TurtleI recently joined a homebrew campaign with only 3 players including myself. From the sounds of our session 0, the game will be very rp and intrigue heavy. Maybe not surprisingly, all of the characters have ended up with roughly similar niche, background and stats, even personalities. Though we ar...

@ThomasMarkov I noticed you watching our game 👀
@goodguy5 Thank you! (source of the image)
@bobble Get a group of players? That right there is the real fantasy.
@MikeQ it's doable
@AncientSwordRage hellooo
If somebody doesn't respond to a ping in one room, there's no benefit to immediately pinging them in another room also; the notifications are the same.
Especially when it's somebody who's said they're stepping away to deal with a natural disaster.
Q: Is there a way to prevent a Forge Cleric from using Divine Intervention?

ZomaI'm going to start a D&D 5e campaign, and one of my players wanted the father of her character to be a legendary (or at least really exceptional) dwarven blacksmith having a link with Moradin. She wants the disappearance of her PCs' father to be a trigger for going out of the mountain and going o...

@Feeds "Windowsill Dye Studio" is a great name.

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